Chapter 21

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Seokjin almost flew over the counter to hug his brother. "What are you-..." "I knew it was you! I'm so happy to see you, I missed you so much!" Seokjin sobs hugging Jimin tightly, as if to never let go.

"Eh, let's go outside... bye Mr. Wang see you tomorrow!" Jimin greeted his boss. "Sure Jimin, this is really touching!" He smiles.

Namjoon follows the couple outside. "Joon, he doesn't seem that happy..." Seokjin whispers in his ear and Namjoon shrugs and frowns in response. He didn't know what to say, that didn't happen much. The taller really doesn't know how Jimin will respond after this.

But all Namjoon knows is that he'll be here to soothe his boyfriend.

When they're outside, Jimin suddenly hugs Seokjin, who's still sobbing softly. He now starts crying really loud. "I-I missed you so much!" He cries. "I'm so sorry!" Jimin cups his face. "For what baby?"

Seokjin hiccups. "I couldn't save you." Jimin smiles warmly. "You couldn't, you didn't know. I didn't know." He chuckles sadly. "I missed you to, so much Seokjin."

Namjoon stood at the side smiling from ear to ear feeling they both deserved this happiness, being through a lot.

"Do you wanna come home with us?" Namjoon asks, kinda to both hybrids. Jimin narrows his eyes. "Are you his new owner?" He hugs Seokjin tighter, almost suffocating the latter.

"Not really, he's his own owner, I'm his boyfriend Namjoon." Namjoon smiles showing his dimples and offers Jimin a hand. Jimin glances at Seokjin who just nods, as almost saying, 'yes it's true.'

Jimin smiles and shakes Namjoon's hand. "I'm Jimin, his brother." Jimin's eyes glow a bright light blue color.

"Do you wanna come with us? We still have the sushi you brought waiting for us." Jimin nods in return rubbing tears from Seokjin's cheeks with his sleeve. "Let's go."

On their way home, Jimin and Seokjin hold hands and are smiley and giggly with each other. Namjoon walks upfront on his own and feels like the third wheel. He doesn't mind though.
If anything, Seokjin hasn't seen his brother for years, not knowing where he was and how he felt.

As they arrive at the apartment, Namjoon let's both hybrids in. He takes of his coat and helps Seokjin get off his. He kisses Seokjin on the top of his head. "Will you give Jimin a little tour? I'll get a plate and chopsticks for him." Jimin takes off his coat and watches the couple in awe, love radiating from the two.

"Come on!" Seokjin takes Jimin's hand and runs off to whatever room, letting his ears and tail out. He runs to their bedroom first. As they enter Jimin shuts the door behind them. "Does he know you're a hybrid? He said you were your own owner!"

Seokjin nods. "He does, he rescued me from the streets when I was still in my cat form." Jimin sits down on the shared bed. "The street? They threw you on the street? Fucking hell."

"Not before trying to sell me. But they had neglected me so bad, that I was very skinny and bony do nobody wanted to buy me. The only way to get rid of me was throw me on the street I guess." Seokjin sits next to Jimin, now Jimin relaxes more and let's his ears and tail pop out to.

Suddenly Seokjin hears something, making his ears twitch. "Oh no, Jungkook and Taehyung! They... they're having sex!"

Seokjin decides to just do the tour only of their bedroom and bathroom. Telling things as how the take baths together and at the closet Seokjin tells about the shopping him and Namjoon did together.

They walk back quickly, Seokjin hurrying Jimin to the living space. "Seokjin what do I hear?" "Hm? I don't know maybe the washing machine, yes that must be it!" He awkwardly laughs and pushes Jimin to the living room. "Joon? Did you take everything to the kitchen?" Seokjin shouts earning a shout back. "Yes, everything is ready on the table, are you guys coming to eat?"

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