Chapter 9

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Wonho parks his car and Taehyung parks his next to it a few seconds later. Namjoon lifted Jin out of the car and followed Wonho inside. So did Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed Hoseok's hand. "It's like he's giving birth." He whispers to his boyfriend. Hoseok tries hard to not laugh out loud.

Wonho showed them they way and they followed, but Namjoon was falling behind, still carrying Jin pricesstyle. Namjoon caresses Jin's thigh with his thumb. "You're gonna be alright, I don't trust him with you, but with your health I do. So he better not trry annything funny."

Jin loved the feeling of Namjoon comforting him and suddenly, he started purring very loudly. He immediatly covers his mouth and looks Namjoon shocked and embarrassed in the eyes.

"That, that was really cute."

"Joon!" Jin whines, but Namjoon doesn't stop.

"Joon! I can't stop purring like this! Please stop!"

Namjoon loved to see him whining and acting childish, he found Jin's whining voice the cutest and the sexiest thing ever.

"Joonie please!" Jin pouts and puffs his cheeks, he knows it's Namjoon's weakness. Never was he more right. The purring made it into an even more effective aegyo attack.

"You are such a bully!" Jin hits him on his chest. "Hahaha! Sorry baby, it's just so much fun to tease you!" He laughs and kisses Jin on his forehead.

"So he's his boyfriend?" Wonho asks Jungkook. "Eh, yeah you could say so, they're both to stupid to ask eachother tho."

"So... They're not offical?"

"Nah, but let me talk that outta your head before you get into deep."

"Not a chance?"

"Not a chance. This sounds so weird and stupid, but it's like they're made for each other. Sometimes it's just scary." Jungkook shivers.

"And it's pretty gross." Yoongi adds from the other side of the room, still holding hands with Hoseok. "Look at yourself! Lovebirds." Taehyung doesn't even look up from the game he's playing on his phone. Yoongi just shrugs and caresses Hoseok's hand with his thumb.

Just as he lays his head on Hoseok's shoulder, Namjoon and Jin come in. "I'm waaayy to tired for this shit." He thinks to himself, closing his eyes. While dozing off on his boyfriend's oddly comfortable shoulder, Jin gets his wound treated. Of course Yoongi wanted to know how Jin was doing, but he just couldn't open his eyes.

A sudden scream wakes Yoongi up from his slumber.

"Ah? Huh? Seokjin?" Yoongi flutters his eyes open.

Jin layed on the table while that Wonho guy, as Yoongi called him, reminding his name badly, treated his wounds. He was arching his back and made pained sounds. Yoongi found it weirdly arousing. Yoongi moved his head up to see better. Were there more wounds, or just one big one? Yoongi stands up to the answer to his own question.

Yoongi notices Hoseok, the biggest coward of them all, looking at Jin with a pained expression on his face. Hoseok scrunches his nose, imagining the pain Jin had to go through. He pulls Yoongi's ear to his lips. "He just poured alcohol over it." He whispers, which made Yoongi scrunch his nose to. He hisses. "Aish! That must hurt real bad."

He really wants to comfort Seokjin, but knows Namjoon should. Yoongi also kinda finds it his job, as his boyfriend, to comfort him.

The treatment was coming to an end Wonho was giving the group instructions about taking care of the wound. As he does so Jin pulls Namjoon's face closer by pulling him down by his collar. "J-Joon, I don't know how long I can keep up this form." He whispers.

Namjoon nods understandingly.

"Oh and may I have a word with Seokjin alone?" Wonho mostly aims his glance at Namjoon. Yoongi shoots up from his chair, startling the others. "Yeah, sure! Right? W-we'll see you in a little while then!" He scoops all of them out of the room, Hoseok sheepishly following.

He yawns. "See ya." and he closes the door after him.

"Yoongi, you idiot!" Namjoon yells, and Yoongi puts his pinky in his ear. "Yah, I'm right next to you..." Yoongi says, back to his sleepy self.

"Jin just told me he couldn't hold it anymore!" "Wow! Dude! To much info!" Yoongi whines and Taehyung covers Jungkook's ears. "Bro, not that! His human form! What if he finds out?"

"Does it really matter? Maybe he'll get a better treatment or something?" Yoongi doesn't understand the commotion his friend is causing. "W-well... What if he takes advantage of him?" Namjoon argues, actually taken aback a bit by Yoongi's good point.

While the two friend are quarreling, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung let themselves slide down against hospital walls to sit on the floor. All of them let out a big sigh. "Really you guys?" They ask in unison.

"Use him in what way? He's still a doctor!"

"So? People still take advantage of their positions!"

As their fight continues, the other three just let out a big sigh again. "Why you guys?" They whine, again in unison.

Suddenly the door opens and Jin walks out first, Wonho following. He stealthily tip-toes to the two fighting males and grabs the first arm he can get, which is Yoongi's

"P-please don't fight!" Jin almost 'hugs' Yoongi's arm, squeezing his eyes closed.

Wonho chuckles and leans against the doorpost. Watching the scene. He smirks. "Brave little kitten huh?" He thinks to himself.

The left out trio is watching in awe. J-jin, your ears... Jungkook notices, making everyone turn their attention to the small hybrid hanging on Yoongi's arm.

"I eehhh... Ah!" Jin starts blushing heavily due to all the attention. "W-we'll talk about it later! Dr. Wonho, thank you!" He bows deeply and runs of. Everyone's eyes fixated on the black haired hybrid running away.

They all thank the doctor, trusting Seokjin. Namjoon was dragged to the car by Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi, but Jungkook stayed behind, not trusting the situation at all.

"What did you do?" One simple question leaves Jungkook's lips.

"He just couldn't hold it in anymore." Wonho answers crossing his arms, smirking. Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him. Wonho stretches, startling Jungkook. "Well I've got more patients, see ya around little bunny." He winks as his eyes lit up a bright color of neon yellow.

Jungkook just stares at him as he closes the door after him. He rubs his eyes, making sure he really just did see that. He can't leave it like that and grabs a hold of the doorknob.

"Jungkook! We're leaving!" Taehyung shouts for his boyfriend. Jungkook looks up and then back at the door and frowns. "Kim Seokjin has some explaining to do then." He mumbles to himself, walking to Taehyung. "His... His eyes fucking lit up"  

((((( A Little note~)))))

Okay first book ever, let me know what you think! 😉

What's wrong with Wonho? What happened between him and Jin?

I'm so sorry for updating this late, I just finished writing 4 essays, about 30 pages each... But now I have a small holiday! So I'll be making it up with you guys!

Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading!

We'll see how this'll escalate further!

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