Chapter 20

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They just ran and ran and ran, to both, it felt like they had run a marathon. But they had only ran 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes Seokjin had played different scenarios in his head. The first being the the most pleasant one, where they'd hug and he got rid of Jaekyung. The last one being the worst, where Jimin wouldn't want to see him and would reject him.
And somewhere in the middle of those was that it wasn't Jimin at all.

Seokjin doesn't go with high hopes. He'd be glad already if he'd got rid of Jeakyung. Then he'd finally be free and maybe has a life like Seokjin, being loved. Surrounded by amazing and caring people. Friends.

Seokjin smiles at the word. He has friends. A boyfriend. A family.

To him, everything was complete. Until he locked eyes with Jimin. He never thought he needed him back this much, after having to miss him for so long. He had something to keep running for. And so he did.

Even Namjoon has a lot thoughts running through his head, which are mostly worries. If there is something he hated, it was seeing Seokjin cry. Which he according to himself he's seen to many times now.

He really doesn't know how Seokjin is gonna react to his brother if it's him. It how he's gonna react if it isn't Ji-Jimin? Was it?

He also can't predict how Jimin is gonna react. Namjoon just doesn't wanna see his Jinnie cry again.

After this intense run, they enter the infamous sushi place, both panting heavily. "Excuse me, do you have someone here working by the name of Jimin?" Namjoon asks, still very out of breath.

The man behind the counter gives them both weird stares and nods hesitantly. "Eh... Yes... Why do you ask?" Namjoon kinda saw this coming, Jimin's getting protected.

Namjoon doesn't blame the man. He would be protected by his colleagues and his boss to, you can't just throw someone's personal information out there.

"He's a good friend of mine and I'd like to leave a message for him." Namjoon starts. "You see, when we were young, we were best of friends, but we lost contact when he moved. I searched for him on social media, but I couldn't find him anywhere." The man's frown starts softening.

"And I thought I saw him on a scooter with the logo of this restaurant, and I was right!" Namjoon tried to sound exited, but not to much. He told Seokjin to keep his mouth shut and let him go the talking, something he finds very hard, because he's so close to his brother.

"Oh! His shift is over soon! You can wait here!" The man now says smiling. "Really thank you so much!" Namjoon smiles back. Seokjin has trouble keeping himself together. He's so nervous swing Jimin.

"He's now doing his last delivery, he'll be done after afterwards. I'll send him to you. Would you like something to drink while waiting?" Namjoon is amazed by the man's friendliness, he decides to come see his offer, which obviously, isn't gonna be free.

"Yes thank you, I'll take a coca cola please, and you Jin?" "Ehm... the same." Seokjin shyly answers.

"Sure thing! Two cokes coming up!"

"What a nice man hmm?" Seokjin just nods, looking around nervously. Namjoon takes a hold of Seokjin's hands, to his surprise they're trembling.

"It's gonna be fine Jinnie, he'll be happy to see you." Namjoon tries to sooth him, but hands keep trembling. "Bu-but what if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's mad?"

"Why would he be mad? You didn't do anything."

"I know but, but-but I couldn't help him! He was taken and I couldn't save him!" Seokjin almost shouts through the the restaurant, earning a few glares.

"Baby, there was nothing you could do. You were weak, as was he, you were ignored kicked and harassed. There's was nothing you could do."

"One day, he was just gone and-and I was looking for him and he want anywhere and when I nuzzled against my owner's leg, I got kicked in the stomach. Then they happily told me they sold Jimin off for a lot of money and that they couldn't wait to get rid of me." Seokjin fidgets with his hands.

"I'm so sorry to hear that baby."

"They killed my mom after she gave birth to us, we never got to grow like we should've, because we didn't get fed." Seokjin decided to tell Namjoon everything, right here right now. The hybrid found that he should know everything, Namjoon being the one he trusted most.

"They sold Jimin off to Lee Jaekyung, a rich mafia. Since then I never heard of him. But I think he knew Jimin and I where hybrids, what mafia would interested in cats?" Namjoon just listens, not saying anything, he just nods understandingly and holds his boyfriend's trembling hands.

"Ma-maybe he sold Jimin again, or-or beat him again like our old owners." Seokjin is trying very hard not too cry and Namjoon notices. He hugs him tightly. "It's gonna be okay Jin, really, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again." With that sentence the man brings them their drinks.

"He's a few minutes away and... Ehm... is your friend okay?" The man looks the terrified boy in the eyes. "Ah yes, he's just a bit nervous meeting him after so long." Namjoon is a lifesaver. Seokjin nods and thanks the man for his concerns and the drinks.

"Joon, I'm so nervous..." Namjoon plants a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm here don't worry." Those words give Seokjin a feeling he can take on the whole world.

They start sipping their cokes and start to calm down. Seokjin is getting back rubs from the taller and is growing calmer by the second.

Until he hears the man yell at someone. "Yah! Jimin, there are some people waiting for you here! He'll be with you soon, if he'd hurry up for once." The man laughs at his own notice and Seokjin chuckles. "He always had trouble with that..."

A head with blond hair peeps from behind the door. "Yes who's waiting fo-... Seokjin?"


(((( A Little note~)))))

Okay first book ever, let me know what you think! 😊

It happened! I'm pretty happy with the outcome, but how will Jimin react?

Thank you for waiting and reading! I love you guys! ✌❤

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