•What are you even doing...• 38

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Warning: Kinky shit and excessive vulgar.

"Fuuck,, Varian,, please,," A female voice whined out.


















"Okay, so, before you take everything wrong,, err,, at that point. How about we rewind a bit?" You sat on a log, sighing, clearly annoyed.



"(Y/n), what the living fuck are we doing in this... I don't even know! For all we know this place could be crawling with traps!!" Varian dashed up behind you, slightly bending over, his posture giving away he was scared.

"Relax, you're scared of traps right?" You smirked, enjoying teasing him a bit to see if you could get the crap scared out of him.

"Why would I be scared would I be scared of mys- wAI- OOOH,, you,, you meant booby traps-- Oh. Ummm. Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Varian's breathing picked up as he instantly changed the subject

"B-" Varian cut you off, not letting you speak a single word. Both of you still tracking through the tunnels.

"Just me? okay. Great. Brilliant." Be nervously laughed as you stopped and looked at him with a suspicious look

"Anywaysssss,, heheh,, what are we looking for anyway?" Varian sighed as you continued to walk, a latern in one hand stretched out and your sword in the other, still at your side ready to stab any enemies.

"A pathway. Back into my hideout. There's plenty of supplies for us, and even some bandages for,,, this." you poked his elbow which had a small but nasty cut.

A loud thundering roar raged through the tunnel, rocks falling everywhere around the two of you. You dashed to make it to a safe zone but nearly fell through a pit which you now dangled to with one arm.

Varian caught up to you and looked you in the face with panicking evident in his puppy blue eyes. Varian reached his hand out to grab your hand, but at the last second his face turned emotionless and he pulled his hand back.

A smug smirk inched his face.

This was a bad sign.

a really really

bad sign.

"If you want my help, beg for it." Varian chuckled lowly one eyebrow lifted in a joking manner.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?? I'M GONNA D-" You flipped out but Varian cut you off once again.

"Well if you wanna live, I suppose you do as I say." He lifted his boot above your hands which were barely gripped onto the ledge.

You glanced back down at the pit that seemed to go on forever. Looking back at his face, knowing he won't give up, you sighed.

"Fuuck,, Varian,, please,, help me. I'll,, I'll do anything..." Your eyes watered slightly, for one the dust of the rocks were getting in your eyes as you were trying to look the 16 year old boy in the eyes, and two, you didn't wanna die.

"Anything, hmm, we'll if I save you, you'll have to do me a favor tonight, how about that?" his voice seemed excited, and you know he was. And you meant that both as in a innocent way and,,, not.

"F-fine... Just please! Varian, this isn't a joke. Just get me up." Your grip started to loosen and you panicked. Your heart felt like it'd beat out of your chest if you were there any longer.

"Wonderful." He helped pull you up over the ledge and you collapsed. Varian licked his lips looking at your limp form on the ground, the light was very dim from you dropping your later in the pit.

"OK ok, don't get yourself hard just yet, we still have to get to my plac- wait here it is!" You looked at the pathway and back at Varian.

"c'mon!" you dashed down it, little did you know Varian stood back there, red as a tomato.

"Did this really just fucking happen." He groaned, following after.

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя