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Dear (Y/n) (L/n),

I messed up, I know I did. I messed up big time. If I could rewrite the stars and fix everything, I would, I would do anything to fix it. I've tried to get over you, tried everything. Forced myself to spend way too much time in my lab, forced myself to find interest in others, even tried making new friends. None of it worked, I just fell more and more isolated from others. I can't help but think of the time when we used to laugh together, cry and end up comforting each other together. We did everything. My life seemed to be so much better, with my dad gone and Corona shaming me, you were all I had left. Now, I have nothing.

- Varian

That letter was written weeks ago, still no reply from (Y/n), it's as if she had never existed, maybe she never did. Maybe at the heart of all this madness, his mind struggled to find something to hold onto, so it pretended to have someone to like him. But whatever he had, all the laughs, all the tears, all the times, they're gone. They mean no more then a drop in the bucket.

Varian so desperately needed to concentrate on his chemical compounds, to try to save his dad. But it would be so impossible with all this on his mind. He couldn't think straight. It's almost as if a wolf in sheep's clothing had came to his and swept him off his feet, and he didn't recognize it until it was too late.

He was going batty over this all, he couldn't stand it, he couldn't sleep, he could barely eat anything. All he could do was isolate himself from the world completely and shove his focus off everyone else until he could forget it.

In front of him sat a potion, it wasn't to hurt Corona, it wasn't to hurt Rapunzel and her friends, it wasn't even to free his dad. It was to free himself of this mental prison. A forgetting potion. Varian didn't want to work with magic, it was just his last resort. He promised himself weeks ago, if he couldn't fix himself by now, he'd make the potion and forget (Y/n).

Varian was anxiously shaking, being cautious though to make sure he didn't spill any of the mixes. But... Something caught his eye out the window, a girl, a beautiful lady, appearing to glow in the sun.


She was standing outside, talking to someone else. Who? Varian walked towards the side to see who. Some boy, about her age. NO. Something deep inside Varian boiled with hatred, he could beat that guy to death, right then and there.

Something pushed him to walk out that door and do something terrible to him, something pushed him to scream louder then he'd ever done before, but most of all, a ball inside his throat built up, stinging his eyes.

He wanted to run out, but didn't. He finally caught a glimpse at (Y/n)'s face,  it was that look. She obviously liked whoever that was, she was laughing, just like she used to when Varian would mess up and drop a vial in a mix and it'd blow up in his face.

Varian couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't. He'd either drink that potion at that moment or break the glass and cut his own throat with a piece of glass.

Varian guzzled down the potion, it was disgusting and tasted like dung. Not that he'd tasted it, but it'd of probably been worse. Once he finished it, his legs gave out and he stumbled backwards and his back hit the wall.

"Eugh... What... What happened..." Varian shook his head and looked around, he was still in his lab, he just had no idea what he was doing. He glanced at the potion in his hand.

"A forgetting potion? MAGIC! I do not work with MAGIC!! Whatever reason I needed this must have been dire to use such a mix." Varian huffed and got up, still wobbling.

"Ugh, my dad is still trapped, I need to get back to working." Varian managed to get back to his desk, his new plans lay out. A blue flower scribbled onto paper, a circle with three lines through it, a circle with an X, and a symbol of the sun and moon.

Varian grabbed a rolled up paper and opened it upon his desk, staring at it intensely. It was littered with out of place words about a flower hidden deep in the woods and used on a sick mother just like it's counterpart. A boy born with the powers of the moon.

A light glow lit up the room, barely visible to the outside with the sun. Rage filled the room, his father was possibly gone forever, but he wasn't going to stop. Nothing could stop him. Varian the Greatest Alchemist, it has a nice sound to it.

And so, he continued his work. He'd probably never know the reason why he used magic, but he didn't care.

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now