•Figment of Imagination• 22

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Have less angst and more laughs now! I'm in a great mood right now.

#Savefigment  SPREAD IT ON!!


Varian sat at his desk, working all night and day on something you forgot what was. Varian never seemed to stop, it just went on and on. You finally had an idea on what to get him to stop.

"Hey Varriaaaaannnnn~" You giggled a little, walking over to him, something floating behind you.

"Hmm?" Varian answered without thinking.

"I got a little friend for yoouuuu~"  You tapped his shoulder and he turned to you.

"IS that...a.... dragon..." Varian raised a brow, confused but also not believing what he was seeing.

"His name is Figment! He's a pure smol bean!" You signalled him to come closer.

"Like you" you mumbled quietly, smiling.

"Uh, so,,, hi..." Varian half smiled, still majorly confused.

"Hey!! Watcha doing!?" Figment flew over to Varian's little invention.

"It's a newer version of my water heater, this time I'm pretty sure it won't explode. Well, I hope." Varian explained, seeming to be in a better mood.

"Oooh! Creative!! Y/n told me you've been working really hard lately, how about we play some games!" Figment sat ontop of Varian's head, hanging over and looking at him.

"But I have to finish th-" Varian was cut off.

"AWW, come onnnn, please!" Figment pleaded.

"Fine, just for a little, what shall we play then?" Varian rolled his eyes and stood up, holding Figment as Ruddiger jumped in Figment's place ontop of his head.

"HIDE and seek!" You spoke up, wrapping an arm around Varian's neck.

"Yay yay yay!!" Figment ran around happily bouncing as Ruddiger chased him.

"You all go hide, I'll easily find all of you." Varian turned around as the others went and hid.

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now