•It was my fault• 17

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Getting harsh here


NO!!! Dad please! You have to listen!" Rapunzel begged as her father held a sword to Varian's throat.

  Y/n was at his side, while Cass and Eugene readied themselves to attack but stayed low.

"Please, you don't have to do this, they're not traitors, this is the mood potion doing this to you." Rapunzel tried to reason with her father, but he refused to listen.

"No, these kids are abominations, they need to pay for what they've done to Corona!" The king swung his sword at you two, aiming straight for Varian's neck.

Varian shut his eyes, accepting the fact that this was all over. All the mistakes he had made were finally catching up to him after all this time, it was his fault and he deserved it.

A soundless  cut sounded through the room, the air falling dead silent, gasps arose from the room creating a scene to remember.

The bloodied body fell to the floor, but, there was one thing....



















It wasn't Varian's.







Varian had been shoved to the floor as Y/n had pushed him down just in time, the sword had swung and cut a giant gash across her chest and shoulder, leaving her lifeless body to fall to the floor.

"Y/N!!!" A shriek arose from the room and several people ran speedily towards the corpse of the person  they once called a friend.

She was no longer that cheerful, happy girl that always showed them the light, she was now emotionless and dull.

"No...." Varian didn't hold back his sobs, he didn't say anything other then that. He couldn't believe it.

Varian took a small peice of shattered glass from the fight and made a small cut on his finger to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

When nothing happened, his kneeling figure completely collapsed over Y/n's limp body, sobbing like never before.

He just lost all he had left, right then and there, and it was all his fault

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum