•Nightterror night• 15 (Part 3)

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Your eyes widened at what Varian said, you huffed and looked away. Pain shot through you as Cass managed to get off the bear traps, but your leg was snapped, torn, and you'd probably never use it again from the severity of the gash around it.

"Look kid, we need to get you back, FAST." Cassandra picked you up and gently held you with your head just peaking above her shoulder.

Varian stared at you with panic, shaking his head. "no,,,, nO,,,, NO!!! it can't be true, I'll prove it!" Varian watched fearfully as Cassandra carried back to the castle with barely seeing your face.


Varian sat next to your bed as you watched him sipping coffee.

"I'm gonna prove they're wrong, I'm gonna prove you're not the werewolf you seem." He wouldn't take his eyes off you, he just stared.

You layed back on the pillows thinking about it all, if you were the werewolf, you were dead meat, all of Corona will be after your head on a wall.

Varian gently tapped his fingers on a table watching as you drifted off, not wanting to look away for even a second.

~~~ Varian's POV ~~~

I'm not gonna let them take her, I'm gonna prove they're all wrong about thinking she was a monster. I can't let anything happen to her again, never.

I sighed and sat back in the chair, unitentionally closing my eyes and falling asleep. 



















I was awoken to a drop of liquid on my face, slowly rolling down my cheek. I was hardly awake and the time and could barely think.

"IS that an apology?" I hummed, finally opening up my eyes as they widened at the sight.

A massive dire wolf stood over me, it's mouth was open, ready to take a huge peice of flesh from my face.

Out of pure shock, I quickly kicked the wolf off, it yelped and whined on the floor, it's leg was missing on the right side just like.... (y/n)....

~~~ third person?~~~

The massive beast got up and pounced once more, and Varian grabbed the closest thing to him, a large candle and blocked the hit with it quickly.

The blow caused the lit candle to fall near the bed curtains and the wolf fell back down, whining from the small burn causing intense pain.

"G-get b-back,,,," Varian shook as he backed up towards a while, the wolf still whined, laying in place on the ground.

"(Y/n),,,, this isn't you,,, I know it isn't. Please come back to me,,, I know you're still in there..." Varian moved back more as the wolf started to rise again, soon Varian's back hit the wall.

Finally the wolf was on 3 paws, it's eyes shined with agony and pain, narrowing down on him. It's teeth shown through, it's jaw hanging down lower and lower, big enough to bite off an entire arm in one go.

finally, it lunged,

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now