Supposed to be Mafia Shit

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Frerard. It's a sad one.

The vinyl made another turn in the Victrola. It's grooves were worn as though the record was constantly playing. It basically was at this rate; Frank sat listening, rocking while the song twinkled out through the speakers. The chorus made its rounds again. You are my sunshine.

And there was Gerard, his hair was being flipped about by the wind. It would go from unruly to a tangled mess by the end of their ride. Neither of them cared. Tonight was theirs.

Frank's rocking took another step as the images popped into his brain. They were always there though, seared into his memory. And the vinyl stopped for no memory. Another line in the chorus. My only sunshine.

Gerard's hair needed a touch up. Frank noticed his roots were growing back stubbornly as always. They'd get it when they got home. Or maybe tomorrow.

You make me happy.

Gerard turned to face him. His smile was wide and glowing. He faced the sky and laughed at Frank's suggestions to close the convertible's roof as the first few drops of rain started to come down.

Frank could still feel the drops of rain on his face if he thought hard enough. He always did. When skies are grey.

Just like that, the bottom fell out and the rain started to pour. Frank worried a bit about how his pristine leather seat would hold up against the rain, but Gerard was still laughing and having a wonderful time. The roof wouldn't go up right now. Maybe later.

You'll never know, Dear.

Gerard reached out and clasped Frank's hand in his own. The rain ran tracks down their arms. Gerard's grip was so tight, so safe, so care filled and loving.

Were those rain drops Frank could feel on his face or just tears? How much I lo- The track skipped. The only time it hasn't skipped was the day Gerard gave him the vinyl. It was their anniversary and Gerard had wrapped it so nicely. It had always been a mystery to Frank how Gerard had surprised him. All the money went through Frank because Gerard didn't work. Especially not with what Frank did. To keep Gerard safe. But Frank had never even known.

Frank stopped the car outside the restaurant by the shelter where a valet stood ready to catch the keys Frank threw at him. Gerard scrambled out of the car and locked his arm in Frank's. Their suits were wet and Gerard's hair was plastered to his face.

Please don't take.

Gerard planted a wet kiss on Frank's cheek. They entered the restaurant and the hostess led them cheerfully to a table in the back. She had been excited since she saw the reservation on her list of tables: she'd get a big tip tonight. Dinner went by in a perfect flash of them talking and joking, Gerard laughing, good meals, fine wine.

Frank felt sick, as though he had just eaten that big meal all over again. He felt this way over and over. Gerard would blame it on the wine. Frank always drank too much of it. My sunshine.

Frank left the waitress a generous tip. She'd been good to them, so Frank would be good to her. Frank offered up his arm and Gerard took it happily. He brushed Gerard's newly dried hair away from his eyes and walked through the door. The rain had stopped and the clouds had parted. The moon was big and beautiful, nearly full. They had been but a day late to see it in the glorious stage.


"I'm really glad you could get the time off work to do this." Frank had bargained and begged for the night off. He finally did and immediately reserved the table. It had been too long since Frank had spoiled Gerard and tonight, that's exactly what he had planned on doing. "I love you, Frankie." Gerard was practically beaming. Frank looked over, opening his mouth. "I lo-" Two gunshots interrupted him. Gerard collapsed into Frank and his dry suit was wet again. Except this time there was no rain. It was just blood. Gerard's warm blood was sleeping through the suit. There was so much. Frank could only stare in shock. It was their night. How could someone try and take it away?

Frank wailed as the song ended and his life once again crashed into a wall and shattered into a million pieces. Gerard's helpless eyes staring up at him, clouded over with pain wouldn't leave his vision. Even when he closed his eyes all he could see was Gerard. All he could feel was his heart wrenching, his stomach churning, Gerard's hand gripping his too tight then none at all.

The Big Oof, my dudes. I didn't think it would be this long, but Frank's cover of the song honestly gives me life. Have fun with whatever you do after this.

(WIP/Editing) Lè OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now