Ron x reader ~ pregnant

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'I love you.' He said after pulling back.

'I love you too.' You smiled.

But your smile faded as you thought about something.

'How are we going to tell everyone?' You asked him.

'Just tell them..'

'But what will they say? I mean.. our age and timing is horrible.'

'Don't worry about it.. my parents will definitely support us. I think yours will support you too. Why don't we first tell Hermione and Harry? They can help us.'

You nodded in agreement. You got up with Ron and he took you downstairs. Harry and Hermione walked towards you.

'You guys okay?' Harry asked.

'Yeah..  can we talk to you?' Ron asked them. 'In private.'

They looked at you in confusion but walked with you towards the kitchen.

'We have a small issue.. the actual.. thing, isn't the issue. It's tell people.' You explained a little awkwardly.

'Thing?' Hermione asked.

You looked at the floor. Ron noticed that you were more scared of tell everyone then he probably was.

'Y/N.. is pregnant.' Ron said.

'What?!' Hermione immediately exclaimed.

You didn't know if that was positive or negative. You looked up at her. But when she hugged you and congratulated about a thousand times you knew she was happy for you. Harry hugged Ron and you after that.

'We have to tell everyone.. but our age and timing isn't really good.. so we wanted to tell you two first. You have to help us a bit.' You said.

'Y/N Isn't as confident in telling them as I am.' Ron pointed out.

'We'll support you.' Hermione smiled.

'Great! I'll get our parents.' Ron smiled.

Ron walked away. You sighed to try and calm down. Your heart was racing and you were more nervous then you had ever been.

Ron walked back after a moment. Your parents were in the living room together with his. He grabbed you hand and took you with him. Ron and Hermione waited in the doorpost.

You sat down infront of them and nervously smiled at them. You could hardly looked at them at this point.

'So what's up?' Your mother asked.

'Well.. I found something out today. Ron knows, Hermione knows and Harry knows and we thought you two should know it as well.' You explained.

'Y/N is pregnant.' Ron blurted out.

You looked at the floor. You didn't want to see their faces.

'We know we're young.. and there's a war coming but we don't want to get rid of the child. We both don't want it. We just need you help.' Ron continued, not allowing anyone to speak.

Molly got up and happily laughed. She hugged her son before hugging you.

'How could I not be happy Ron?' She then asked.

You looked at your parents. They got up and you got up as well.

'I'm so sorry.. if I disappoint you in any way.' You said.

'Disappoint us? Of course not honey! Congrats! If the choice you make is to keep it, then we'll support you.' Your father smiled.

You group hugged and smiled.

'Why is everybody hugging in here?' Fred and George asked in unison.

They came in with Bill, Fleur and Ginny.

'Y/N is pregnant!' Molly squeeked happily.

'Surprise.' You smiled nervously.

'What? No way. I'm so happy for you!' Ginny smiled as she ran over to you.

You hugged her and smiled.

'No drinks at the wedding then.' Fleur laughed. 'Congratualations.' She smiled.

Fred and George walked over to Ron.

'You ready for this?' They asked him.

He glanced at you.



The war ended for 3 days. Just when you thought everything would go wrong, that you wouldn't survive.. that Ron wouldn't survive.. You were laying there with one of your two daughters.. twins. Ron was holding the other one. He smiled. He didn't think he could be happy after losing Fred.. but he was.

'They're little miracles.' Ron smiled.

'They survived a war.. They really are miracles.' You smiled.

Ron kissed you.

'Get some rest. I'll be here.' He smiled. 'Always will be.'

Harry Potter Characters X Reader | Book 1 (Requests Closed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant