12.1 A Not So Merry Christmas

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"Merry Christmas (Y/N)! You look like shite!" John said, barging through the front door, being followed by Ringo, who looked like he could collapse under the weight of the groceries any second now.

"Thanks John..." you mumbled and closed the door behind them, keeping it unlocked as the others would be running a bit late. As you walked into the kitchen you saw that Ringo was already pouring the three of you some tea, something you had planned to do yourself before the two mop topped boys practically fell into your household.
He offered you a steaming cup, which you took from him gratefully, using it to warm your hands through your knit sweater.

"Don't pay attention to him" Ringo smiled gently.
"He doesn't know how to... Y'know,
be nice".

John pretended to shiver when he heard the words, and collapsed on the couch in your cozy apartment, throwing your guitar out of the way, and jawning loudly while stretching. He took up the entire couch now. Great.

"The day when I pay attention to John Lennon has yet to come" you chuckled. You instantly regretted that thought. It made you think about him again.

You shook your head, the smile having faded already, and took your place next to John. Ringo joined shortly after that, sitting down on your right side and handing John his cup of tea. He nodded a thanks and took a sip, spitting it back into the cup immediately.
" 'S too hot" he whined.
"Don't be disgusting John" you rolled your eyes at him, and he made a face at you in return. You smiled.

"Speaking of disgusting, where's that lovely fella of yours? Thought he was joining us for Christmas too? Or was he too lazy to show up again, like last time" he continued, shooting a look at Ringo after the last sentence.

"What are we going to do with all this food then? I mean, I'm sorry Rose but I don't think he deserves y-" he abruptly cut himself off, after you had let out a small sob.

"Hey, hey now, it was only a joke love. No need to get all upset. I bet he will be here any minute now" John tried to calm you down, but you only shook your head.

"No. No he won't. He..." you started, taking in a large breath as you tried to compose yourself.
"He broke up with me. An hour ago. Over the phone. Said he could do better... I woke up this morning and found out he was just... Gone. All of his things too".

It was quiet for a moment, and then you felt two strong arms around you and pulling you closer.

"I'm so sorry love. I didn't know" John comforted you. You were startled a bit at first, but soon you let out a sigh. It was a pretty good hug.
Ringo gently stroked your arm and groaned.

"That bastard. I didn't like him from the start. Who breaks up with their girl like that, on Christmas for fucks sake!?". He took the cup of untouched tea out of your hands, sat it down on the table, and hugged you too.

"Don't worry love, we will have ourselves a great time tonight. Make you forget about that prick for a bit, yeah?" John nudged your side.

You nodded and smiled a little. After all, you wanted to forget about him. He had not even been kind to you lately, so you had seen it coming, but it still hurt. And the boys had been there every time. Especially one in particular...

If only George were here now ,you thought. He always seemed to calm you down, and actually take the time to listen to you. He made you feel... Valued. You even felt yourself warm up a little inside thinking about him, which honestly surprised you.

Suddenly the door slammed shut, which made you jump a little.

"What's goin' on here then?" you heard a familiar voice ask after a few seconds.
You looked up to see George's face hovering above yours, grinning.

"Uhhh..." you started, but John cut you off.

"That bastard left her! On Christmas!" John blurted out, making sure that Paul, who was putting down more groceries on the kitchen table, could hear it too.

George looked down at you again, frowning.

"That true (Y/N)?"
His grin had made place for a look of shock. You nodded.

"That bloody bastard!" Paul yelled from the kitchen. As soon as he could he sprinted back to the couch threw himself over Ringo, embracing you. You laughed and pushed him off you, because you couldn't breathe.

"It's alright" you smiled, making a sideways glance at George, who didn't seem to be able of any hugging unfortunately, since he was holding some kind of crumpled box. Not that he would have, you know, hugged you. George wasn't like that.

"I just need to get my mind off it, have some fun" you reapeted John, smiling at said boy.

They all nodded in unison.

"Now George, what in the name of the holy Christmas spirit is that?!" John said, changing the subject, looking at the smashed object George was still clinging on to.

George swallowed, and looked down at the crumpled box in his hands.
"Ehm, issa cake John. Can't ya tell?"

John bursted out laughing.
"Son, if that's a cake, I'm a carrot. What the hell did you do to the poor thing?" he wheezed, barely able to breathe.

"Uhhh... I sorta-" George began.

"He tripped!" Paul interrupted. "He tripped and fell face first onto the box! Couldn't get a new one from the shop since it was their last one" he glared at George, who was now starting to getting red.

"John, stop laughing and go and try to revive that poor cake" Ringo chuckled, having picked up the rest of the bags and walking into the kitchen.
"It's been punished enough already"

John laughed and followed him, grabbing the box from George. He made a growling noise and shook the box in front of George's face as if the cake was making the sound. Paul slapped George on the shoulder and walked him toward the kitchen, shouting:

"Alright boys and girls, let's make us some fantastic Christmas dinner then!"


It had indeed been a fantastic dinner. You were all so full after the three course meal that mainly consisted of an entire roasted turkey, that you had gathered around your couch to play some cards and chat, since any other movement wasn't well received by your bodies.

"I can finally manage to breathe again normally" George sighed, looking at his stomach.
"I swear that turkey was trying to escape from down there".

You were just about to ask them if they wanted their presents yet, when the phone suddenly interrupted your train of thought.
"I'll get it" you sighed, standing up and walking over to the kitchen. It was probably your mum. She had ofcourse promised to call, and knowing her she would keep that promise even if the house was to be on fire.

"Hello, mum?" you answered.

The voice that spoke up was clearly not your mothers, and make your heart fall in an instant.

It was him.

He told you was calling to let you know he was changing his number, and if you ever tried to reach him again it would be no use. He was with someone else now. Someone better.

And with that, he hung up.

You had not been prepared for that.
Your eyes filled themselves with tears, and with a broken sob you started to  run towards the stairs, not wanting to cry in front of the boys again. But it was all just too much right now. As you dashed through the living room, you saw George looking up at you. Your eyes locked for a brief second before you broke eyecontact with him and ran upstairs. This was your mess to deal with.

This is just part one, so hang in there! I think part two will be up tomorrow!

Hope you like this one Kaitlin_W1212
It's not finished yet, the next part will be better, this is more of a buildup.


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