4. The Gig

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"You could have atleast tried!" you yelled at Frank, pointing at his chest. He looked a little defeated, but that didn't bother you right now. You weren't just angry, you were furious. How were you supposed to play the gig now, with no guitar?!

You had asked Frank, earlier that night, to watch your guitar while you were out talking to the lead singer of your band, who was sulking again because his girlfriend had broken up with him the night before. Frank was one of the closest friends of the band, so you'd trusted him with this simple task. It was a rather expensive guitar, so it needed monitoring when it was left out in the open. But when you'd come back, your guitar was nowhere to be seen, and Frank was sitting on the edge of the stage, guilt in his eyes. You had asked him where your guitar had gone, and he explained hastingly that someone had ran off with it, and that they were to fast for him to keep up. So you were left with no guitar, and you guys were on in 15 minutes.

You threw your arms in the air out of frustration, and lowered them again. "Great" you scoffed, and walked off. You knew he didn't mean for it to get stolen, but that didn't take away from the fact that you now were lead guitarist without said guitar. It had been a stratocaster. Not from the famous brand Fender, but still a pretty damn good model. You had only had it for a year now, and it had grown on you a lot. Which made this whole situation even worse.

You ran outside, looking for the band, finding them chatting up with some blokes that you had seen around the cavern before. Your lead singer, Bill, greeted you with a smile and motioned you to come and join them. "Hey (Y/N)!" he said, with a smile. "Meet the Beatles! " he pointed at the boys that were sitting on the rest of the folding chairs around the table. "This is (Y/N), our lead guitarist!" he introduced you. You nodded at them, and saw some kind of surprise in their eyes. Before they could speak up, you turned to Bill again, panicking now. "Bill, my strat has been stolen! Frank wasn't watching it, and some bloke ran off with it for Christ' sake!"
Bill stood up from his chair, anger flashing in his eyes. "Frank did... what!?"

"Wait, you are the lead guitarist?" one of the Beatle boys asked you. He had a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "Bill, you never told us your lead guitarist was a girl!"
You didn't like the way he said that word. Girl. As if he was mocking you.
"I'm sorry?" you turned around, to see another boy with dark brown eyes and a slender built shove the first one. "Shut it, John" he said warningly. Then he turned to you, and gave you half a smile. "Your guitar got stolen? Don't you have a gig in 10 minutes?" he asked you seriously. You nodded.

You felt a tingling feeling in your stomach when he looked at you like that. You now noticed he had a guitarcase with him, which he was now picking up from behind the table.
"Here" he said to you, handing you the case. "You can use mine for tonight, but only if you give it back right after. We are playing after your band has finished".
You stared at the case, and back at him. The other man, who had just made the girl statement, looked at him in disbelief, and so did the other two boys. You did too, not completely understanding what he had just said. "Ehm, are you sure?" you asked him, and you meant it. "Yeah George, don't think that that is the best idea. What if she drops it? We are playing tonight too, y'know!" the man said again. You gave him a mean look, rolling with your eyes. "I know how to hold a guitar, John" you said, spitting his name. You turned back to the lad, who's name turned out to be George, and he nodded at you. "Yes, I'm sure" he smiled. "Us lead guitarist help eachother out, right?"

"Right" you answered, being relieved by the fact that you could now play the gig as planned. You lifted the case. By judging the weight of it, it wasn't a strat, for sure. "What kind of guitar is this, exactly?" you asked, inspecting the shape of the case. George laughed, and motioned you to put it down again. "It's a Gretsch Duo Jet" he answered, proudly. "You know what a Gretsch is, right?"

You looked at him in disbelief.
"You are lending me a Gretsch?" you managed to say. "Damn, now I really need to be carefull!"
"You better be!" George said, warningly, but his wink told you that he didn't mean it all that seriously.


You were standing next to the stage, waiting for the band to finish playing. You held the guitar case close to you, carefull to not bump into something with it. You had a habit of bumping into things with other, valuable things. That wasn't the plan for tonight, though.

"Thank you! We were Rory storm and the hurricanes! Have a great night!" the boy up on stage yelled, and they dissapeared backstage. That was your clue to get on , with the rest of your band following. Thank god all the other instruments were already on stage, because the drummer of the Hurricanes was not very keen on other drummers touching his kit.
You could understand that, you never liked it when other people played on your guitar, which added to the disbelief when George had offered you his guitar for the night.

You unclasped the case, and took out a shiny, black Gretsch Duo Jet, ready to be played. You suddenly heard someone call you, from the right side of the stage. You looked up, and saw George waving at you. You walked over, and bend down a bit. "How do you like it, love?" he said with a smirk. You could only smile back, his smile was so contagious. "I love it! It's a real beauty!" you yelled over the sound of people cheering.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...!" Bill started, and George gave you a quick thumbs up while you walked to your place.


The guitar had done his job wonderfully. It had an amazing sound, and you were a little dissapointed that you had to give it back to George after your show had ended and they took the stage in your place. You never actually heard the Beatles play before, so you were a little curious. When the boy called Paul started singing "Long Tall Sally" you were sold. Their voices and playing was amazing, and George was hell of a lead guitarist. They were really... something new.


You were sitting by yourself at the bar, as the rest of your band had gotten pretty drunk and were now trying to pick up girls while downing beers by the minute. It made you chuckle, because they didn't really seem to be all that succesfull. Thank god they didn't try that on you anymore, they had given up after a few months of you being in the band.

"Hello there" a slightly familiar voice spoke, and you turned around to meet George, who had taken the barstool next to you. He smiled, and waved to the barman, who came walking over. "Can I buy the competition a drink?" he offered, with a sly smile. You laughed and ordered a beer, so did he. After your drinks arrived, you started chatting for a bit.

"I have to say" he started, "that you are a pretty good lead guitarist. Where did you learn how to play like that?". You shrugged, and thought for a moment. "Well, I've kinda taught myself, really" you answered, and took a sip of your beer. He seemed impressed, and you didn't mind the attention he was giving you at all. "But you don't get to talk, George. You are way better than I am!" you complimented him.

This went back and forth for a while, untill it was 1 o' clock in the morning, and the cavern was starting to close down. George had picked up his guitar, and you were now walking out together. Paul had asked him where he was going, but he had just shrugged and laughed. You supposed he really didn't know yet, since you two kept talking for another hour outside.

You let out a long yawn, and gave George an apologetic smile. "I think I need to get going now" you said, a little dissapointed. "I had a lovely time George, thanks". He nodded, agreeing with you. Then, completely unexpected, he kissed you. You didn't know what to do at first, but after a few seconds you kissed him back, placing one hand on his chest. "Wanna go out tomorrow again?" he murmerred though the kiss. You pulled back and smiled, tapping his chest. "It's a date then" you said. He laughed, and took your hand.

"Yeah, it's a date"

-Pretty long Imagine, this one! Sorry if it's two George Imagines in a row, but I just had this idea in my head, and had to write it! Hope you liked it!


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