"Ok. I'll be in the living room."

"Ok." I reply and hurry to finish getting ready.

"Ok I'm ready. Let's go." I say as I walk into the living room. Natsu smiles at me and stands up. He goes to my door and opens it and allows me to walk out. I give him my key and he locks the door behind him and we head to his car. He gives me back my keys and takes out his own and unlocks the car.

We both get in and fasten our seat belts.

"Ready?" Natsu asks and puts his goggles on

"Always." I say with a smile and he starts the car and takes off.

I find it thrilling how Natsu drives. He speeds but he's not reckless. He's careful yet carefree. I admit I was scared at first bit now it's exhilarating.

It doesn't take us long to get there. We pull into the parking lot and park. He lifts his googles and gets out of the car and I can tell he's still the same as he was in the car.

We approach the gate and see a young lady there working at the booth. I stand behind Natsu because I want to see how he interacts with them. He taps on the glass and the lady looks up.

Natsu's POV
I feel Y/N standing behind me. I wonder why. There's no way she's nervous. Maybe she just wants to see how all this plays out?

I tap on the glass to get Angie's attention. She looks up and smiles brightly at me. She's only known my confident side and I know she finds me cute. She's never been able to hide it.

"Oh hello Natsu! Long time no see!" She greets me with that bright smile.

"Hi Angie! I'm here to use the track. Can I get in?"

"Of course Natsu! Come on in!" She smiles and opens the gate.

"Thanks. Oh and by the way I have a friend with me."

That hurt to say that she's my friend and not my girlfriend. I need to change that.

"Really? Where is he?" She asks and looks around.


"She?" Angie asks with a frown. Like I knew she'd do.

"Yes. Y/N you can come out." I say to the girl behind my back and she shyly steps out and smiles.

"Awww is she the shy type?" Angie asks with a smirk

"Not usually." I reply

"Oh. Well come on in. The track is yours Natsu."

"Thanks." I say and grab Y/N's hand and lead her to the track. I see Angie glare out of the corner of my eye but ignore it.

When we are far away from Angie I pull Y/N to the side. "Y/N I'm ready." I tell her and she looks at me confused. "I'm ready to call you my girlfriend. Calling you my friend back there didn't feel right because I care about you as so much more than a friend. So will you be my girlfriend?

I can't believe I just said all that without stuttering!

"Yes of course Natsu! I've been waiting for you to tell me your ready and I'm so glad you did!" Y/N says excitedly then does something unexpected.

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt