“Great,” Marcus mumbled as he shifted uncomfortably.

Raphael prayed he was right, he prayed that the humans would have the strength and faith to continue to survive. He placed his faith in Father’s will and the inherent will to live that all humans had so entwined into their being. He knew that by now, his brothers would have learned of his descent. He had likely been disowned and thrown into the same group as his fallen brother Satanael. He also concluded that there would be more suspicions cast against his name as the scapegoat for others actions.

They would not be prepared for Satanael’s plans. They were overconfident and conceited. Father would not interfere and the Son would not be able to act until all the prophecies were aligned. If Satanael were to break into the heavenly plane and destroy enough souls, the Son’s power would be vastly affected.

“Andrew, I require your help with something. May we speak in private?” He asked as he walked to the most distant wall in the room. The others would have certainly overheard them if it weren’t for his soul being slightly released to create a dampening atmosphere around him muffling any sound they would create.

He waiting for Andrew to come close before he pulled him closer as his oversized hand gripped around his shoulder. Raphael was surprised to feel his son’s frame. His shoulders felt so small and frail, so human. His very existence had taken him by surprise, and Raphael knew that in his son lay the key to the future of angel –human relationships in the new world. A possibility that was considered impossible since Father created them.

“I will be able to protect Ben whilst he’s in Hell, but I cannot bring him back,” Raphael admitted.

“Why the hell not?” Andrew Scoffed.

“There are some things I must do still, and for that I must maintain my façade with a Demon there.”  Andrew’s piercing gaze was filled with accusation. It was justified enough, Raphael admitted, and he didn’t have the time to explain it to him now.

“It is possible for our souls to be temporary interlinked. This will allow me to pull you to where my soul exists.”

“Sounds dangerous,” Andrew glanced over at Sarah as he spoke.

“It is, I may be the only one of my brothers to be able to pull it off. Listen, you must rescue Ben when I call for you.  You will need to use this to get out.” Raphael handed Andrew the sacrificial knife that had become so useful.

“I’ve seen this before,” Andrew cautiously replied as he turned it over in his hands.

“You must-.”

“Yeah, I know how it works,” Andrew snapped, not willing to voice what he had to do.

“It’s the only way, you will both be sent to this plane.”  Raphael added. His grip tightened on his son’s shoulder.

“I never stopped thinking about you.’ Raphael’s eyes met his son’s bright green eyes. “I’m proud of you Son. More than you know.” He watched as the words filled his son and was shocked when Andrew suddenly gripped him in a close hug, but he was quick to respond with his own embrace. As Father and son finally united Raphael released his soul and let it slowly enter Andrew’s until he felt the flames of his son’s existence suddenly latch onto his own with a ferocity that almost tore down one of the barriers to the rest of his spirit. Raphael was shocked to feel Andrew’s soul resembled an angel’s more than human. How had he learned how to maintain himself without any guidance? It was a thought he’d have to mull over later.

“Okay Son, we’re now connected, can you feel it?” Andrew nodded as he wiped away tears.

“I must leave, the longer I remain here, the more I put you all at risk.” Raphael offered as he took a last look over the group. They were a mismatched lot, but he couldn’t help notice there were so many differences represented amongst this small collection of people. Father truly was amazing.

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