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Light blinds me for a moment as I open my eyes. Ugh. I put my hand on my head to stop the spinning. Finally seeing clearly, I move to sit up. My eyes wander for a second, before I see a startled Marcus get up off his seat in a heap. His eyes shine as he's on a mission. I smile surprised at being in a hospital and him here.

He rushes over to me and before I can ask him anything his lips are on mine.

I'm slightly shocked for a minute before returning it.

His lips are warm and soft. I kiss him with as much passion as my body tingles and ignites. One of my hands is in his hair while the other pulls him from the neck willing him to get closer to me. I moan as his tongue explores my mouth. I feel him smile as he continues on. What feels like a second later, he breaks the kiss. Leaning his forehead on mine. I pout.

He laughs seeing the expression on my face. "Trust me after what you have caused we will have plenty of time for that."

He kisses me rapidly before leaning back. Now a great distance away from me.

I sigh sitting up. "Speaking about that, how long have I been here?" He checks his watch. "Umm for about a year and a half."

My eyes widen. Fuck no.

He starts laughing. I grab the damn pillow and smack it across his face. He smiles while I try to keep my face serious.

"Just kiddin, a week."

I nod finally letting a smile settle on my face.

"Wanna fill me on what's happened after my fall?"

He grabs the pillow and sits crisscross apple sauce across from me and I do the same.

"Before I start, do you want some water, cause I can get you some." As I'm going to answer he's already on his feet and back with the water. He sits down exactly as before and I sip the fresh water.

"Okay so first of all we are in Corp."

I nod.

He takes that as his cue to continue.       "Second, once you'd hit, everyone and everything stilled. All the demons disintegrated. All the kids fell to the floor in a heap. After the shock wore down, they rushed you to the hospital. After a while is when everyone realized your choice and went crazy. I honestly was left confused until Mr. Hotshot Texas arrived with an ex-military man and files in hand."

I smile at that thought.

"Next thing you know we are arresting our own boss. Leaving us to question who we should trust."

He sighs. "Anyways for better news, some people are waiting to see you, but my selfish ass doesn't give a shit."

I laugh. "Oh and here they come."

I hear mumbling on the other side of the door before a young blond nurse opens up the door. She smiles. "Feeling fine."

I smile. "Yup. As good as new."

She chuckles. "Good. Very good news. Now some are waiting to come in."

Marcus groans.

I laugh. "Yes you can let them in."

She nods before walking out.

Marcus gets up. "I know they are going to kick me out so I'm just going to be back when they are done."

I nod not fully agreeing but letting him.

He gets his jacket before coming up to me and kissing me. Then his head is in the crook of my neck as he kisses me. I laugh. "Marcus come on."

He sighs before leaving with a salute.

In a matter of second, a tall long haired brunet rushes into the room. She smothers me before I'm able to think. I let out a long breath when she finally releases me.

I frown confused. "Mom?"

She smiles sitting across from me. "Do you really think I wouldn't find out."

I shake my head. "But how?"

She grins.

My confusion is gone in seconds. "Mom, you're a watcher?"

She laughs. "I'm sorry I could never tell you. But it is top secret. Even your father doesn't know. He thinks you're on a trip and I'm here to pick you up."

I smile at my moms smartness.

She sighs. "I just wanted to make sure you were good. Now I kind of have to let in your friends."

She hugs me before walking out in her fancy blue suit.

In a matter of seconds I'm smothered by all my friends and helpers. Kate, Jules, Mathew, Trinity, Giuseppe, Mrs. Martinez, Madame Scott, Texas, Jenny and most important Jess and Taylor who have recovered nicely. Happiness is all around me as I enjoy the best day of my life.

This is my family, this is my home. It is my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. So thank you destiny, for choosing me to be your Amin Ojela'tot. Without it I don't know where I would be in the world.

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