❣3_"What Did You See?"❣

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🐥Hey Peeps!🐥


I sat on the couch with my eyes glued to the window. A beautiful swing hung from a tree, rocking slowly back and forth as the wind slowly pushed it. While a bird quirked its tiny head to the side, as if it was lost in wonder.

After I had ran into Marcus he had taken my truck and took us to his house. We hadn't said a word to each other the whole way and I knew he was waiting on me to explain. It was nice to see his house though, as I had never been in it, but the concern in his eyes held me back.

"Here." He handed me a cup of tea and sat on the chair across from me. He stared at me intently as I held my head firmly towards the window.

It wasn't that I didn't want to say it, it was just that I didn't know how. We had never really had a conversation before. We barely knew each other. But we knew that at times like these we were in it together.

"It doesn't go away." I stared at him in the eyes, to know that he understood what I was talking about. That he felt the same pain that I did.

I continued looking back out the window. I didn't see it till now. The more it started coming back, the more I hated myself and feared what is known.

"Chanel, what did you see?" He said slowly, As if he didn't want to pressure me but wanted to know.

I hugged my knees. "The forest, underground."

Silence came over us as he is processed what I had just stated.

"We have to talk to the gang." He took out his phone, contacting everyone. We had exchanged numbers knowing we would eventually need to use it.


"We have to go out there and see it for ourselves." Mathew said, after I had explained to them all what I saw.

"But we don't even know where in the forest it is, its huge." Kate's annoying heels clicked on the floor as she returned from her exploration of the house.

"Or if it's even visible." Jeremy voiced as a matter of fact.

Jess leapt on the couch. "Well I still think we should go out there and check it out."

I stood up. "Agreed."


We all took bags and met on the outskirts of the forest where all visitors could enter and there was an actual trail.

The forest was a beauty itself. I loved nature but the uneasiness that settled within me was not ignored.

"Are you okay?" Marcus asked, somehow seeing how scared I was. I had apparently stopped without noticing and everyone was staring at me.

"Yes." I affirmed, composing myself and continuing on through the forest.

The trail ended at some point and we sat down to rest.

It was a peaceful kind of quiet as birds danced through the trees and animals greeted their families, with love in the air.

Kate suddenly got up. "I don't think this trail led us anywhere. I know it's dangerous, but we have to go into the forest, enough with the guessing."

She stood for a moment contemplating it in her mind, then took off into the forest.

"Kate!!!" Jess and Taylor shouted getting up to go after her. They looked back at me with question in their eyes before running after her. With a sigh I started running after her as everyone else followed. Kate was fast, but I was faster. I caught up to her and grabbed her arm just as Marcus and Mathew and then the rest reached where we were.

"What were you thinking Kate!" Jules asked, as she looks around to see where we were.

"Well excuse me. Sorry for trying to help us figure this shit out and not get killed!" She exclaimed, taking hold of the hand I had grabbed her by and started walking.

Mathew was about to debate as I simply shook my head and started walking too.

"Next time just warn us." I simply responded.


If y'all didn't know, I love you peeps!🐥 Every 1 of you is special to me. Don't think that your not. Have an awesome day and before you love anyone else make sure you love yourself.

Dreams ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora