❣32_This is War❣

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Saturday- preparing

Literally when I decided on the title for this chapter I started singing this song and now I can't stop haha. ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆

"Okay, get me vision on one." We walk in the room as Carlyle does a check of the cameras. People sit all around this room staring at their screens and fixing anything that is messed up. One huge screen is in the front of the whole room. It shows the grasslands from where we came from.

Carlyle turns around hearing us as we walk in. "Ah there is my star and who are theses young fellows."

Without looking back, I answer. "These are my friends. They are here to help."

I stare at him intently as for no argument to be allowed. "I want them out of harms way."

He's quiet for a second before nodding his head in approval. "Very well, we can have these two stay here and help with tracking everyone."

I look to where he points. Jeremy and Jules. They nod making there way over to some desks available in the room. Mr. Carlyle looks like he's in thought before sending Mathew and Kate to the weaponry and defense room.

"I need you two in outfit." I look down at what I'm wearing before looking back up at him. "Okay." He points to someone across the room. When she walks up to us is when I realize who it is. "Hello Miss Chase, Mr. Martinez. I've heard a lot about you." I smile shaking her hand.

"This is Miss Linn and she will be taking you to get all the things you need." Jenny smiles, but through her eyes I see hatred for the man she calls her boss.

We walk out of the room, taking the elevator and up to the 4th floor which is literally the top level. This elevator is different from the one at corp. Still white, but looking old. The small building we were in was close to the grasslands where the war was going to be fought, but far enough away that we wouldn't be seen or attacked. It was interestingly invisible in the middle of nowhere and I'm not kidding. It literally was invisible to the eye.

As we reach the floor in silence I notice Jenny is dressed like all the other Guardians and Guards who are ready to go out into the field.

"Are you fighting in this war?"

She looks back to where all the others are rounded up getting ready to go out.

Her eyes shimmer. "It is an honor to go out and fight."

I nod.

She grabs a White and black outfit like the ones the fighters are wearing and hands it to me. "We need you to blend in when you go out there. Don't worry though, yours are like jeans and a shirt so you can look nice. Oh and here are your boots."

She hands me the boots which are black and at knee length. She then goes to grab a normal uniform, unlike mine and hands it to Marcus. "According to Carlyle, looking nice is more important."

I sigh. Running in Jeans is going to be hard.

"You can go change in there." She points to two small dressing rooms in the corner.

"When you come out I can put your weapons in."

We nod making our way in.

The clothes fits me perfectly and also does look nice. The shirt is like a tight sweater and makes the whole outfit look like a jump suit, but maybe that's the point. I walk out and Marcus looks and my outfit. "Definitely looks good on you." I smile. I sit on a box that probably carries defense weapons.

Jenny comes over to me as she finishes with Marcus. I see that now he carries quite a few long knifes, a shield, a vest and other shit I don't know there names to.

Jenny carries a box over to me. "I don't want to overwhelm you with things so as instructed."

She opens up the box and my eyes twinkle. "Knives are all you're set with."

A shit load of knives are in the box, from smallest to biggest.

I take one out. It's about the size of half of my arm. "This one I'm definitely keeping in hand."

She laughs, putting a bunch all around my outfit. I look to remember where she puts them. Some are hidden, while others like in this bag I have in my side, are ready for me to swing them.

"Its not much, but we are hoping you won't have to use them."

I bite my lip. Out of the corner of my eye I see Marcus a little busy trying fix his armor.

I grab Jenny's arm lightly as she gets up. "Are we all set?"

She looks back at me intently. "Of course."

She smiles walking away.

"Oh and you guys can go back to the screen room. I have a war to get to."

I slump in my seat. Swinging my legs, I watch as the guards and guardians get on the aircrafts. The window above opens and some fly out. Others are left untouched. "It's not even that far."

Marcus laughs reminding me that I'm not alone.

I blush slightly.

"They would walk but that many of them wouldn't be a surprise for hell. Plus they need to save up their energy up for the fight."

I put my hands on my knives which hang from my pant pockets. "Maybe you should work in the Screen room. Put your good brain to use."

I look up at him. Our eyes glint as we stare at each other smiling. I look back down to clean the probably never used knives.

"If you didn't, you know have to babysit me, would you want to go out in the field?" I don't dare look up as I'm embarrassed by my stupid question.

I hear footsteps coming near me. A warm hand pulls my face up.

I stare into Marcus's milky eyes as he kneels before me. "First of all, I'm not babysitting you, I'm your friend and ally. Second, If you weren't in my life I don't know what I would do with myself." He stares into my eyes passionately. He looks down at my lips, still holding my chin. He leans in and I wait for that close connection I've wanted forever.

The ding of the elevator interrupts us. We both get up ready for the guy who comes out looking at either one of us wondering what we were doing a second ago.

I smile at him.

He clears his throat, noticing the awkwardness in the air. "Mr. Carlyle is expecting you in the Screen room."

He pauses, looking around at the room. "We are about to begin."


Already we are nearing the end of the book. I know I'm kinda rushing to finish this because I have started school again and I don't want to have this hanging on my shoulder. So for now I will do a Q & A. If you have a question you'd like to know about me or my book just ask!

Much love Peeps!

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