❣27_In Big Trouble❣

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Thursday 2AM/ Next Morning

"Where the hell have you been!" I enter the Center at around two in the morning. I look to Marcus as he comes up to me. "Definitely not there." I look at him closely to see he's still in his clothes I saw him wearing earlier and his face shows worry and exhaustion. He sighs. "I just-" I cut him off, hugging him. My face at his chest. "I'm sorry." He relaxes into me. "It's okay. I'm just glad your back. I thought, I thought I had lost you." I breath in his warm comforting smell. "I went to see my friend jenny at Corp. I didn't want to bother you. I totally forgot to take my phone. I had my knives though." I let go of him taking them out. He chuckles. "You are really good with those." I smile. Grabbing one, I gently but quickly throw it at the wall behind Marcus. It does a 360 in the air, landing perfectly where I wanted it. He laughs. "Trinity is going to kill you for that." I smirk. "She'll get over it." We laugh silently. Marcus's face suddenly becomes serious. "I have to call the guys." This gets my full attention. "I needed help searching for you." Oh, Oops. "Okay, fine. But promise me that once you done, you will go to bed." He looks at me with protest in his eyes. "I can't sleep not knowing if your okay." I grab his arms. "Your mother will kill us for this, but you can sleep with me. But only for tonight." He sighs agreeing.

I head to bed in exhaustion, as a few minutes later I feel Marcus slip on the bed with me. His warm body easing my worried soul. Finally free, I slip into sleep.


My inner body calms as I focus on the moving target. I make sure I'm gripping the smooth cold knives. Turning away from the target. I breath, one, two, three. In a second I turn, zone in, and shoot. My concentration is broken when I hear an applause. "Amazing." I smile as Giuseppe, Trinity, and Marcus sit across the room smiling at me. They had decided that it was time to test my skills and according to the three knives embedded perfectly in the target, I had done well. "It's good, but not good enough if you run out of knives." I look over as Texas walks in leaning against the door. I smile. "Dear friend I of course have had combat, sword, and bow and arrow training. I just simply prefer the knives, they amaze me." He shakes his head laughing at my dreamy face. "Can I talk to you.....alone?" With that everyone walks out except for Marcus who pauses at the door. I signal with my head that it's okay for him to leave. He sighs making his way out.

I walk over to the bench by the wall. Relaxing as I grab my knives. "What is the real reason you went to Corp yesterday?" I take out my baby blue cloth from my pocket. "I know the others won't ask but I am." I gently clean the beautiful sharp knives. He sits down. Obviously I have to tell him now rather then later. I look around making sure no one is in ear shot. Unzipping my bag I slip out the file. "I know a way you can help me out." I stare at him intently, handing him the file.

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