❣15_"Your Wish Is My Command"❣

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As we left Jules house, Mathew ran out, yelling and waving like a shark was after him and he wanted to escape, but was happy about it.

“Sometimes I think he’s a girl but then I’m like nah.”

Laughing, we backed out and headed on out to the road.

I turned up the music, totally jamming out. “So Miss Chase, what will we be doing today.”

I rubbed my chin putting on my thinking cap. “Ice Cream!”

I had a sudden crave for ice cream with a shit load of toppings.

“Your wish is my command.”

Once I had got my ice cream I was happy. It was vanilla and chocolate with peanuts, chocolate kisses, cookies, sprinkles, my absolute favorite peanut butter Reese’s cups and a delicious chocolate cone. Looking over at Marcus’s he had a Pistachio Ice cream with nothing on top and no other flavor, the only thing good about his choice is that he had the good cone and a good flavor.

“You're so lame.”

He licked his ice cream, not giving two fucks about what I had just said.

I looked out on to the beautiful streets. We had decided to walk to a place I liked to think at. Although we were a tiny old town, we still acted modern and trendy. Mostly it was the people who lived here for centuries that gave it that sense.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

Putting my foot on the bump in the tree, I stopped turning my head to see Marcus in disbelief. “What?”

“You are crazy.”

Blowing my hair out of my face I continued my way up the tree. “Thanks.” I hugged the tree tightly lifting my arms to reach the steady branches. This was like a routine for me when I wanted to think. I hadn’t come here since before Marcus got here. I got to the special branch. Hearing a noise down below as Marcus made his way up.

“Wow this is just….wow.” I looked out onto the distance. We were pretty high up on the tree. It was one of the biggest ones. The branch we were on had an opening for us to see in the distance. Its leaves stretching out together to create an arch on either side of us. Suddenly in the peaceful moment, my weirdness decided to come out.

"Do you have powers? I mean you're a guardian and even watchers transform. Omg!, do you transform too? A lion. No a cat. No wait I know." Rubbing my chin, I got lost in thought.

"Okay never mind I don’t know." I grabbed the branch above my head swinging myself.

He chuckled. "Not really. But I think protecting you is me being a hero."

I snorted. "Ya right."

"How did you first react to being a guardian anyways?"

Silence was welcomed, as if he was remembering a horrible memory. Gosh, I hoped not.

“Um well as you know my mom didn’t want a life as a guardian for me, because of my biological dad, so it was never really in my interest. I wanted what she wanted.” According to what Marcus had told me before, his real dad was one of the best who had died protecting Heaven. I’m assuming they wanted his son for that reason.

“When you came along my mom found out and tried hiding me. Obviously when you turned 14 is when I came into the picture. I had willingly gone to get trained and moved from Montana to Minnesota and that’s how I came into the picture.”

“I’m Sorry.” I felt the cold breeze as the wind blew my long hair on either side of me. I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm.

“Here.” Marcus took off his black hoodie and made me put my hands through it. It smelled of him, warming my whole body up. Much better. Sorry Marcus, but I’m totally keeping this.

“For what?” He brought me back to the conversation I had forgot about for a second.

“For being born. For being chosen. For ruining the life you had said out for and for taking you away from the only people and school you knew.”

“First of all, you should never wish not being born. Secondly, look on the bright side....” He grabbed my chin softly, making me turn towards him. “I got to meet you. They could have chosen anyone in the world and they chose you. I don’t know what my life would be if you weren’t in it.”

“Okay.” I whispered softly, as I was completely shocked by his sudden answer which made my heart melt.

“Okay.” He smiled, on the verge of laughter as if my response was funny or something. Okay maybe it was, but what was I supposed to say, he left me speechless.

I stuck out my tongue in playful annoyance as I went back to looking ahead. Tucking my hands in the pockets, as I felt cold. The forest trees blew with every gust of wind. From here you could almost see the end of the forest. The stars and full moon filling up the darkness.

After a while his protective side cane out. “We should get going. It’s going to get pitch black soon.”

Sighing, I got up, leading the way down. “Okay.”


 🐥There is something about🐥 this chapter that makes me feel as though I am at Peace.

🤔Do you like Nature?

My Response:
I love nature so much that I can sleep faster outside then I can inside.

🤔I'm curious, what's your favorite type of Ice cream?🤔

My Response:
I love every type of Ice cream there is. My most picks are Vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, REESE'S and Ice cream cake. 

Alright that's it for now, much love Peeps!❣

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