Yoongi the Princess

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"Mom! Dad!"

My small feet padded along the clean, cold wood; my high-pitched voice filled the dark corridors of our mansion. Playing with the hem of my white silk dress, I poked my head into what felt like the fiftieth room.

"Mom?" I paused and waited in the dark hall, listening for a response. "Dad?" I did the same thing, again.


Were we playing hide and seek?

It's my favorite game.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I shouted as loudly as I could.

My footsteps echoed throughout the large house. A part of me wished it was a bit livelier, but it was home and I loved it with all my heart.

I flinched a little when loud thunder roared outside. Lightning briefly lit up the house, before it settled back into darkness again.

After checking all the rooms on the first floor, I climbed up to the second. The rooms on the second floor were a lot bigger and creepier. Whenever my friends came over, I joked about those rooms being haunted, and we dared each other to sleep in them. One time I even made Evin pee himself. It was great.

I giggled a little at the memory but clapped my hands over my mouth to keep myself quiet. Didn't want mom and dad to know I was close to finding them. I opened the door to the room closest to the bathroom and peered in.

Shivers spiraled down my spine as I glanced around the dark room. The bed pillars stood proudly guarding the white, untouched bed in the center of the room. I was about to turn around and leave, when something caught my eye underneath the bed. It was the tip of my mom's long black hair.

I stifled my giggle, as I quietly trotted towards it and quickly lifted the piece of white cloth that hung over the bottom of the bed.

"Found you!" I squealed as I bent down to the bottom of the bed.

My excitement morphed into terror as my eyes took in the sight of my mom right in front of me.

My mom's long hair messily draped her face, but parts of her skin still peaked out from behind her hair. Her large blue eyes stared back at me, fear clearly plastered in them. But they didn't move. They were perpetually stuck in that position, that expression.

Horror sank in as I saw tons of blood drip over her delicate features. I let out a small yelp and clasped my hands over my mouth, jumping backwards.

"Mom?" I barely managed to squeak out.

My eyes froze on her face, as if pleading her to suddenly move. I wanted so badly for this to be some sort of sick joke.

"Please," I softly whimpered. "Mom?"

A heavy silence rested in the room. But everything seemed too loud to me. Too clear. Too much.

Suddenly, something else caught my eyes. Something lied in an equally awkward position beside her.



My eyes fluttered open as the soft patter of rain flooded my ears. I grimaced as a headache ruthlessly pounded against my brain.

Dazed, I searched the dimly lit cave, until my eyes settled on an annoyingly familiar silhouette.

I groaned. "I knew one day I would see you in hell, but I didn't think it'd be this soon."

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