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Once they arrived at the beach, they laid out a blanket on the sand and waited for the others to arrive with the boat. They grabbed our life jackets from Keith's trunk and sat down. It was 74 degrees outside and they made sure to find a shady spot.

"So Lance, you ever gone tubing before?" Acxa asked slyly, noticing the nervous smile form on his face.

"No..." he laughed and Keith raised his eyebrows.

"You've never been tubing before? Like, never ever? What about water skiing or wake boarding?" He asked, shock written all over his face.

"Nope. I've done none of that." He shook his head and Keith and Acxa gaped at each other.

"Good luck then." She muttered as Keith laughed.

"This should turn out to be interesting..." Keith smirked.

Once the boat was in the water, everyone helped to unload the skis and wake board from the car and into the boat. They left the tube on the beach and decided to try the skiing and wake boarding first. They all climbed into the boat as Keith's dad pushed it out a little before his mom started the engine.

"Everyone's life jackets on?" She asked as everyone double checked they'd put theirs on right. They drove out a little into the lake before stopping.

"This seems like a good place to start. Who's going first?" Mrs. Shirogane asked as May held up the wake board and skis. Michael grabbed the skis and sat along the edge of the boat as he pulled them over his feet before dropping into the water. Keith tossed him the handle and he leaned back into the water.

"Okay Lance," Keith started, "see how he's leaning back in the water with his knees to his chest? That's how you'll sit when you try. That position works for both the skis and wake board. Then, when you give the thumbs up, like he is, my mom will start driving really fast and the rope will go tense as it pulls you up. Don't try to stand up, just let the boat pull you up, just like Michael is. Once you're up, stand up straight and bend your knees slightly and do your best to keep your balance." Keith explained as Lance watched his cousin get up on the skis with ease.

"That doesn't look too hard." Lance mumbled and both Keith and Acxa burst out laughing.

"Yeah right!" Acxa wheezed and Lance looked at them both, confused. "God Keith, you didn't tell me your boyfriend was so damn funny." She laughed and Keith just shook his head.

"Lance, you probably won't be able to get up. It's a lot harder than it looks." Keith laughed and Lance's eyes widened. Oh god, what had he gotten himself into?

Keith went up next, on the wake board. It was one of his favourite water activities.

"Don't die." Lance joked as Keith tightened the straps around his feet.

"Will do." He smiled as he dropped into the water. Lance passed him the handle and he leaned back, allowing the bottom of the board to face flat towards the boat. Once his mom pulled away a little, he gave a quick thumbs up before grabbing the handle again. The boat picked up speed and Keith felt himself being pulled up by the rope. Once he was standing, he quickly swivelled his hips so that his right foot was aimed at the boat. He felt as the wind rushed through his hair and he smiled as he felt himself fly off the wake, trying his best to stay balanced as the board bounced through a few waves before he got pulled back into the wake. When he started getting pulled to the other side of the wake, he tried a small jump off the side and wound up falling face first into the water. Upon his head resurfacing, he could hear Lance yelling.

"Keith, oh my god are you okay?!" He yelled from the boat and Keith just laughed. In his opinion, that was awesome!

"Yeah! Oh my god, that was great!" He laughed more and soon everyone else was giggling a little. Except for Lance.

"What's so funny? He could've been hurt!" He yelled and Keith just shook his head.

"You. If I was hurt, you'd know it. I'm fine, why don't you try?" He asked, giving Lance a quick kiss as he hopped back into the boat. Lance nervously strapped himself into the board and dropped into the water. Keith handed him the rope.

"Remember what I explained to you." Keith have a small smile before sitting back again. Lance took a deep breath and gave a quick thumbs up before grabbing the rope again. The boat immediately sped up and he felt himself being lifted from the water. Suddenly, the board leaned to the left and he flew forward as he lost his grip on the handle. The water was cold on his face as he landed. He quickly resurfaced, grateful for the life jacket he wore. He found himself on his stomach, the board behind him.

"Lance!" Keith called, obviously trying not to laugh. "You good there?" He asked and Lance just rolled his eyes.

"Just peachy." He countered. "How do I flip myself over?" He asked. Once Lance was on his back again, he tried again. He gave the thumbs up and felt as he was pulled up yet again. This time he managed to stand for about 30 seconds before losing his balance again.

"Woo hoo!" He heard Keith and Acxa yelling from the boat. At least he did better that time. Keith helped Lance back into the boat and soon it was Acxa's turn. She put one water ski on before hopping in.

"You sure you want to do just one ski?" Michael asked and she narrowed her eyes.

"Absolutely positive." She answered, determination strong in her voice. Let's just say that she dominated the lake after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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