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Keith and Lance's hands were clasped as they walked to their class. It was December now and it was their last class before the winter break. The morning after the Halloween party, Lance wasted no time to tell Hunk and Pidge about what had happened, while Keith sat on the bed, unable to keep himself from blushing. Unfortunately, Keith and Shiro also haven't spoken since the party and though Keith had tried calling a few times or going to his room to apologize, he was always answered by Adam, saying that Shiro didn't want to talk. Keith still felt horrible but decided that if Shiro was gonna be a baby about it and not let him apologize, then he wouldn't. The lecture began as Keith and Lance took their seats. They paid close attention to the instructor, though they found that their hands were still linked. Keith smiled to himself. He was excited that it was almost Christmas and he was going to go visit Lance's family for the break. He hoped they'd like him as much as Lance did. Eventually the lecture ended and people started filing out of the room. Lance and Keith collected their things and stood up.

"So, you excited to join me at my parent's house?" Lance sounded excited. Keith couldn't help but smile at that.

"I mean, I'm a little nervous but yeah, I'm excited." He laughed a bit and Lance smiled. He was really excited to finally be able to bring someone home to his family. As they walked down the hallway toward their dorm room to collect their stuff, they happen to walk past Shiro and Adam. Keith could have taken this moment to try and apologize, but instead, all he does is glare at Shiro as he walks past. Shiro does the same. Lance looks at Keith as they walk away.

"Maybe you should try to talk to him. He's right there." Lance says and Keith just glares at him.

"We've spoken about this. If he wants to hear it, he'll stop acting like a baby and listen. Until then, I'm done trying." Keith said and Lance's expression changed to one of concern but he didn't argue.

"Okay." Was all he said. Lance had spoken with Adam a few times on their own. He voiced his concern for the two boy's relationship and all Adam could do was sigh and agree. There wasn't much the two could do about it until the brothers were ready to get over it.

Keith unlocked the door to the room and grabbed out suit case. He started packing his clothes, his money and phone and a few text books. Unlike, elementary and high school, universities tended to give their student homework over the break.

"I'll go pack the car." Was all he said as he grabbed both his and Lance's suitcases and walked out the door.

"Okay." Lance called, grabbing a few road snacks. Once the car was packed, Keith hopped into the drivers seat while Lance climbed into the passenger side. Keith pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road. It was a long ride to the McClain household. It was also full of lots of distractions to Keith's driving with Lance constantly either poking or touching him or trying to kiss him. They even had to pull over once so Keith could kiss him back. Finally, Keith caught a glance at the time and pushed Lance off of him so that they could continue down the highway. Once they were about 20 minutes from Lance's house he started talking about certain things Keith might want to know. For starters, Lance hadn't actually come out to his parents yet and was planning on just showing up with Keith.

"Wait, you haven't told them yet?" Keith exclaimed, surprise clear on his face. "Are they even expecting you to be bringing someone?" Lance looked over to his boyfriend, confidence written all over his face.

"Of course I told them I was bringing someone. I just never specified if I'd be bringing a girl or a boy." He said and Keith just shook his head in disbelief.

"This should prove to be interesting..." Keith mumbled and Lance smiled. For the rest of the ride he spoke about his parents and siblings. And an escape plan if it turned out his parents weren't as accepting as he thought. Keith just laughed and went along with it. Based on what he'd heard about Lance's parents, they were probably the world's most accepting people.

Once they pulled into the driveway, Keith parked the car and sat there. Despite all the great things Lance had said about his parents, Keith couldn't help but feel really nervous. Lance was already out of the car and grabbing bags from the trunk. Keith took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle. As soon as he stepped out of the car, the wave of heat hit him and he had to tie his hair up to keep it off the back of his neck.

"This is why I hate Arizona," he mumbled, "even though it's the middle of December, it's hot as fuck." He grabbed his suit case from Lance.

"Not as hot as you." Lance winked and gave Keith a quick peck on the cheek before walking toward the house. Keith smiled and followed him.

"God, you're such a cheese." He laughed once he caught up and Lance just smirked.

"You like it though." He countered as he knocked on the door to the house. Moments later the door was open and Lance was wrapped in a hug by his mom.

"Mamá, I can't breathe..." Lance wheezed out.

"Lance, if you can talk, you can breathe." She countered happily and then let him go. She then averted her attention to Keith.

"And this is...?" She asked, trying to get her son to introduce the other boy on her doorstep.

"Mamá, this is Keith. My boyfriend." He stated the last part firmly and awaited his mother's response. Suddenly, to Keith's surprise, Lance's mom threw her arms around Keith.

"I'm glad you make my boy happy." She whispered in his ear and he couldn't help but smile and hug her back. They soon headed inside and Keith met the rest of Lance's family. The two boys brought their bags up to Lance's old room and placed them next to the closet. Lance sat down on his bed.

"So, what do you think so far?" He asked excitedly. Keith smiled and sat down next to his boyfriend.

"I think they're all great. You're very lucky to have such a wonderful family." He pressed his lips to Lance's and he could feel the taller boy smile into the kiss. Lance runs his hand through Keith's hair and they shift so that Keith sitting in Lance's lap as they make out. Keith pulls away for a moment to take a breath. He looks at Lance with a slight look of concern.

"What?" Lance asks. Keith rubs the back of Lance's neck.

"You feel kinda tense." He says and sits up a little straighter.

"I mean, I did just come out to my whole family..." Lance laughed and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're very brave" Keith says with a smirk before kissing Lance again, a little more forcefully this time. Lance's hands comb through Keith's hair a few times. His hands then move from Keith's hair and under his shirt. He feels over the smooth skin of his boyfriend's chest and abs. He can feel Keith shudder under his touch and he kisses a little harder still. That's as far as they get before pulling apart, breathless and faces flushed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. You can go downstairs and get a snack or something. My siblings will probably try to make you hang out with them." Lance laughed and Keith nodded.

"Okay, see you in a bit." He says before climbing off of Lance and fixing his hair. He grabbed his phone and walked out of the room down the hallway. Keith made his way down the stairs and found the Rec room where Lance's siblings were. They were just starting a game of monopoly and invited Keith to join. He sat down with them and they started counting out his money.

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