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Keith felt awkward walking with the other two boys. They'd known each other so long they could just easily talk. Keith was never sure when to pipe in and when they asked him personal questions he wasn't really sure how to answer them.

"So Keith," Lance started, "got a girlfriend back home?" He wiggled his eyebrows as he nudged Keith a little. Keith was awkwardly silent for a moment before answering.

"Um, no actually. I'm not really interested in girls." He said shyly and the other boys were quiet for a moment. Keith was worried he'd over shared before he found himself wrapped in a weird and suffocating hug from Hunk.

"What..." he barely managed to wheeze our before being put down.

"Hey man, it's cool. I like that you were comfortable enough to tell us." Hunk said while Lance nodded. Keith smiled slightly before he kept walking again. Eventually the boys found themselves at a mini golf course. They only had a few weeks before classes started so, why not. They each paid for a club and grabbed a score sheet. Hunk and Keith ended up waiting an extra five minutes for Lance to stop flirting with the girl at the desk. Keith felt his heart drop ever so slightly at the sight of the girl laughing and blushing at Keith. Hunk must've noticed the slight drop in Keith's excitement to play and he spoke up.

"Don't worry, he does this to every girl he sees. He never actually lands a date though." Hunk laughs. Keith looks up at him.

"Why would I be worried? I just want it over so I can kick his ass at mini golf." Keith says confidently. Hunk gives him a suspicious look before shrugging.

"Okay." He says before yelling at Lance to hurry up.

"Okay, okay sorry." He puts his hands up in defence before walking over to the first hole. Lance dropped his blue ball on the green patch of fabric meant to look like grass and lined it up with the hole.

"Oh by the way," he said and looked back at Keith, "I heard what you said about wanting to kick my ass. I'll just warn you that it's highly unlikely." He smirked before hitting the ball, in which bounced off one of the obstacles and went flying into the bushes. Lance stood there, gaping at his failed attempt at hitting the ball and Hunk and Keith had to try so hard to not laugh at Lance. The rest of the game consisted of Keith and Lance going at it head to head, Lance miserably failing most of the time. By the time the game was over Lance was dead last with 104 points. Hunk ended with 95 points and Keith managed to score 79. Let's just say that Lance wasn't too happy.

"I'll get you back for this..." He's grumbled as Keith boasted about handing Lance his ass. They walked around the little amusement area they were in and found it had a few small rides, some snacks and ice cream. As they walked around, the found a go kart track and Lance and Keith were in line paying to go before Hunk even had a chance to process the situation. A 10 lap race. The boys revved their engines as the countdown started. 3... Lance looked towards Keith. 2... the glared at each other with determination. 1... the smell of rubber was overpowering as the boys hit the gas while keeping their feet on the brakes. Go! Both Keith and Lance peeled out of the holding shelter as their karts zoomed around the track. Hunk just casually drove around the track, not concerned about whether or not he could beat anyone. 5 rounds left and once again, Keith was in the lead. Lance was starting to get angry at losing again and suddenly rammed into Keith. Noticing this, Keith speeds up a little more, in an attempt to shake Lance. Unfortunately for him, the taller boy persisted and rammed Keith a second time.

"Is he trying to knock me out?" Keith mumbled to himself. Lance goes to ram Keith a third time but this time Keith moves over, causing Lance to hit a corner and spin out. Keith laughs to himself.

"Ha. Sucker..." he says to himself. Keith didn't see Lance again after that until the end of the race. As they got out of the karts, Lance shoots Keith a dirty look.

"What?" Keith asks, "you can't handle being a loser?" He mocks. Lance just rolls his eyes.

"Whatever..." he mumbles. They get some snacks after that and then walk back to the university.

"Aw, come on Lance, don't whine." Hunk says. "Surely you'll win the next thing you two fight about. Like, who gets to meet who's parents for Christmas?" Hunk teases and both Keith's and Lance's eyes widen. Immediately they're both yelling things at Hunk. All he can do is laugh at the two boys flushed faces and arguments towards one another. When they eventually make it back to the dorms, Hunk is surprised to find that his new roommate has arrived. They go in to meet the newcomer to find a short boy with strawberry blonde coloured hair and round glasses.

"Hi. I'm Hunk." He says, going in to meet the other boy.

"I'm Katie, but you guys can call me Pidge. I'm trans so I'd prefer it if you guys used male terms." He said quietly.

"Cool." Keith says. "I'm Keith, by the way." He introduces himself. Pidge smiles up at him and then turns to Lance.

"And you are?" Pidge starts. Lance's eyes widen once he realizes he's been spoken to.

"Oh right, sorry. I'm Lance." He says with a smile and Pidge nods. As Keith watches the three interact, he feels his phone begin to vibrate. He pulls it out of his pocket and sees that Shiro is calling him.

"Hold up a second guys, I gotta take this call." He says before exiting the room. He presses the green button on the screen and puts the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asks into the speaker.

"I'm hosting a party in my room tonight and guess who's invited?" He sounds excited. Keith furrows his brow.

"Uh, who?" He asks, not quite realizing that his brother had been referring to him. He can hear Shiro laugh on the other end.

"Uh, you! Duh." He says and Keith makes an 'o' with his mouth before answering.

"It's a fourth year party, why are you inviting me?" He asks suspiciously. Shiro barely misses a beat before answering.

"Because you're my little bro and you need to taste the party life. Meet some new people, really get yourself out there. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone who doesn't give off a... oh what did you say last night, a hetero vibe?" He can hear Shiro chuckle a bit at that and Keith can't help but smile slightly.

"Okay fine. What time should I arrive?" He asks.

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