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Keith found himself sitting at a table in the library working on homework with Hunk and Pidge. They'd heard the argument from across the hall the night before and knew what happened. They all laughed as Hunk made another bad pun about their homework assignment. Keith felt happy with them. He didn't need Lance, he could be happy without him. Just then, as if on cue, Lance walked up to the table they were sitting at. The laughter died out as the three of them looked up at him. Hunk and Pidge shared a look before pushing their chairs back.

"We'll give you guys a minute." Pidge said quietly as they left the two alone. Keith looked up at Lance. He was holding a single red rose and a box of chocolates.

"What? You think a rose and a box of candy will fix this?" Keith snapped as he started to get up. Lance's arm suddenly shot out and Keith looked back at him, a little surprised at the sudden movement.

"Sit down and listen to me for one damn second." He snapped back and the librarian shushed them. Too stunned to argue, Keith slowly sat back down in the chair. Lance placed the rose and the chocolates down on the table and sighed.

"Keith. I get it if you never forgive me, I really do. But please just let me explain to you what happened last night. I want you to really understand what you saw before you make your final decision." Lance said calmly and Keith sat back, showing Lance that he had his full attention. Lance took a deep breath before explaining to Keith in detail what happened between him and Nyma. He told him about how he'd told her to leave and how she forced herself on him. As he explained to Keith what happened, he saw that his eyes were watering but he never once let one fall. Lance paused and thought about what to say next.

"Look," he sighed, "Maybe it is partly my fault for not thinking about why she might want me to explain the homework in person. Maybe it's my fault for telling her our room number and for letting her in. But it's not my fault that she kissed me. I did everything I could to stop her. You can be mad at me for everything else, I'll take the blame for everything else. But if you're going to be mad at someone for the kiss, you should be mad at her, not me. Keith, I love you and I promised I'd never do anything like that to you. I am so sorry about all of this. And I swear to god, I did every fucking thing in my damn power to stop her and to keep my promise to you. Keith please, just forgive me. Please." He whispered the last 'please' and he felt his cheeks start to grow wet as he started to silently cry. Keith couldn't help but feel a little bad about not listening closely to Lance's side of the story the night before. He frowned as he tried to decide what to do. Part of him wanted to flip Lance over the table and fuck him senseless despite people still being in the library and another part of him wanted to flip him over the table and kick his ass. He sighed forcefully. Maybe Shiro had been right the night before when he'd defended Lance. He watched as the boy sitting across from him silently cried and he remembered the night they first kissed and how he'd been crying because of his argument with his brother. Shiro and I could work past our fight... maybe Lance and I can as well...

Lance was about to get up and leave when he felt two hands on his cheeks. He looked up just in time to see Keith lean in to kiss him. Lance's lips tasted like salt from the tears and Keith smiled into the kiss. He pulled back and he could see Lance's eyes tearing up even more. Keith stood up and went to hug Lance. God he was glad he was back in Lance's arms. He felt the other boy sob quietly into his shoulder and he just rubbed his back.

"Keith, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He whispered and Keith just held him tighter.

"It's okay... I forgive you, Lance." He said leaning back from the hug to look at him. He wiped a tear from Lance's cheek and smiled softly.

"I forgive you. You'll have to earn my trust back but, I forgive you." He smiled as he leaned his forehead against Lance's.

"Thank you..." Lance whispered and they sat like that for a bit until Pidge and Hunk walked over.

"Glad to see you two worked things out." Pidge said as Hunk began to open the chocolate box. Lance saw this and smacked his friend's hand.

"Those are for Keith!" He yelled and Keith laughed a little.

"It's fine Hunk, you can have one. You too Pidge." He smiled as they opened the box. He could be happy without Lance, but he didn't want to be, he thought as he nuzzled into Lance's chest more. Suddenly Shiro came bursting through the doors of the library.

"Keith Leo Kogane, you had better talk with-" he paused as he looked at the four people at the table.

"Lance..." he trailed off. Lance burst out laughing.

"Oh wow, your middle name is Leo?! Oh my god, I love this." Lance laughed and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Watch it Lance, I can still change my mind." He said and Lance immediately stopped laughing. Keith smirked and leaned his head against Lance's.

"Thanks Shiro, but I can handle my own relationships." He said and Shiro awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I knew what Lance was going to do but I also know how irrational you can be sometimes and I needed to make sure you didn't mess this up for either of you guys." He said and Keith just rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Thanks I guess." He mumbled and Shiro smiled triumphantly.

"Well, I'm tired so, I'm off to bed now." He said and with a wave, he left the library just as fast as when he'd entered. Keith just shook his head and then placed it back on top of Lance's.

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