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A loud banging was heard on the bedroom door, causing both boys to wake up suddenly.

"Guys get up, it's Christmas morning!" They heard Veronica cry through the door and Lance just smiled to himself. She'd always loved Christmas. Lance felt Keith slowly turn towards him and they were soon face to face.

"Merry Christmas babe." Lance smiled and Keith kissed him.

"Merry Christmas Lance." He smiled back and got his pyjamas on, so that no one would be suspicious of their activities the night before. Lance did the same and they walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. They joined the rest of Lance's family in front of the tree and sat on the ground, waiting for the rampage to start. Anna gave Lance a funny look and then it suddenly turned into one of understanding. Lance looked confusedly at her, wanting an explanation. She held back a giggle.

"You've got a, little something on your collar bone there bud." She pointed out and Lance's face immediately flushed a deep red. Anna then turned to Keith.

"Nice one." She winked and Keith suddenly felt his face heating up as well. Everyone was handed a stocking full of small goodies, Keith included.

"Oh, you guys didn't have to-" he'd started but he was cut off by Lance's dad before he could continue.

"You're here for Christmas, are you not?" He said before smiling and continuing down the line. Keith felt a warmth in his chest at that, glad Lance's parents had included him. As Keith and Lance looked through their stockings, they found a condom each and looked at each other and then Lance's parents who were snickering.

"A last minute addition last night." Lance's mom said. "You guys aren't as quiet as you think." Everyone in the room burst out laughing and even Keith couldn't help but giggle a little, especially after seeing the horrified expression on Lance's face. He'd probably never want to step foot in this house again after that. Soon after the laughter died down, presents were passed around the room and everyone seemed to love the gifts that Lance and Keith had picked for them. Soon enough, Lance and Keith were holding the gifts they got for each other. They both started unwrapping their gifts and were both overjoyed at what they found within. Lance immediately squished the whale to his face and practically refused to put it down. Keith smiled at the new CD's he'd received. They all happened to be some of the few he didn't already own. Then they both looked down and spotted the key chains they'd gotten each other.

"Hey, this looks like what I got you." They both said simultaneously. They held up the little lions and smiled. The only difference between the 2 chains was the colour of the lion heads.

"What a weird coincidence..." Keith mumbled as he stared at the little lion head. They thanked each other with a kiss and soon everyone was up and getting breakfast. Keith immediately attached the lion to his car keys and put the new CD's in his car. Lance ran up stairs and placed the whale perfectly on his bed and then attached his lion to his own car keys. The day went by fairly quickly after that, everyone marvelling over their new gifts. Some of Lance's aunts and uncles came over for Christmas dinner and Keith had to be introduced again. They all smiled at him and told Lance he'd made a good choice. Eventually the dinner was ready and everyone was seated around the dining room table, slightly larger than the one in the kitchen. Similar questions to the first night were asked. How'd you meet? How long have you been together? Etc. All Lance's aunts and uncles stayed for desert and they all listened to Christmas songs as they all caught up with each other. It was finally about 9pm when they all started to leave the house, everyone hugging goodbye. They all shook Keith's hand, saying it was great to get to know him and then went on into the night to get back to their homes.

"Drive safely!" Lance's mom called out to the last of them that left. She shut the front door and locked it. Lance made him and Keith a mug of hot chocolate each and they sat down cuddled on the couch with each other. As they sat there in a comfortable silence, Keith got a sudden phone call. He found that he didn't recognize the phone number and hesitantly hit the green button to start the call. He placed the phone up to his ear before talking.

"Hello?" He said.

"Yes, hello is this Keith Kogane?" A woman asked.

"Yeah... why?" He said hesitantly. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"This is the Peace Arch hospital. We have a Takashi Shirogane here. Do you know him?" She asked and suddenly the whole world seemed to slow down.

"Yeah I do, is he okay?" Keith asked, sorry clear in his voice. It took a moment for the girl to answer again.

"He was in a car accident tonight. It was pretty bad, he's in surgery right now. The first person on his emergency contact list was also in the crash so we called you." She explained and Keith nearly dropped his phone. He could see Lance lean towards him, his face clearly concerned.

"Okay, I'll make my way over as soon as I can." He said before hanging up. The moment he did, he dropped his phone to the couch.

"Keith, what is it? What's wrong?" Lance asked, clearly worried about his boyfriend. Keith was barely able to say it.

"It's Shiro. He's been in a bad car accident... they don't know his condition yet but apparently it was bad." Keith nearly whispered before hopping up on shaky legs and heading towards the front door.

"I need to go see him. If he died before I got to apologize for what I said, I don't know what I'd do..." he said in a rush, his voice laced with and emotion Lance had never heard from Keith yet.

"I'll drive you." Lance said, grabbing the keys from Keith. This was not good...

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