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Quick A/N: this is officially the longest book I've ever written, just thought y'all should know that lol

Classes started up pretty quickly again after the break and soon enough everyone was pretty busy again. Lance and Keith started to see a bit less of each other each day and most of the time when they did see each other, they were too tired to do anything. One day Keith decided to go study in the library for a bit where it was peaceful and quiet. He stuck his earbuds in and worked on his homework for a few hours before he felt himself nodding off. He knew it was bad to try and push himself more if he was falling asleep so he packed up his things and headed back toward his dorm. He had his earbuds in still, so he didn't hear the yelling coming from his room. He unlocked the door, opened it up and froze. Nyma was pressing her lips to Lance's and Lance quickly shoved her off upon seeing Keith in the doorway. Nyma looked between the two and covered her mouth, in an attempt at playing the victim. Keith ripped out his earbuds and stepped aside.

"Get the fuck out." He said to her in a voice so low and threatening, Lance wanted to just shrink into a corner and die. Nyma quickly walked out of the room and as soon as Keith made sure she was down the hallway and out of the building, his head snapped back towards Lance. Keith felt his blood boiling and he took a deep breath before speaking.

"What the fuck did I just see?" He questioned and Lance stayed silent, unsure how to answer Keith. He tossed his books aside angrily and stepped towards Lance.

"What the fuck did I just see?!" He yelled this time and he could see Lance was scared. Keith had never gotten this mad before and he struggled to find his voice. Lance could feel the tears stinging at his eyes and he took a shaky breath before answering.

"N-Nyma... she said she had a question about the homework and I told her to send a picture of the question so I could help her but she insisted that it was too hard to do over text and asked for the room number. She came down and I helped her with the question and asked if she needed anything else. She tried to kiss me and I yelled at her. She pushed harder and that's when you walked in. I swear to god Keith, I didn't-" Lance didn't get to finish what he was saying before Keith pushed him against the wall.

"Bullshit!" Keith yelled. "She's been practically all over you this whole year, there was no way you didn't see this coming!" Lance could see the anger and hurt in Keith's eyes and even though he was shorter than Lance, he sure had a way of making him feel pretty small.

"God dammit!" He yelled as he punched the wall next to Lance's head. Lance jumped and looked at Keith as he began to cry.

"Keith, I swear to god, I told her not to! I didn't want this, I love you!" He cried but Keith wouldn't have any of it.

"I hate you." Keith muttered before backing off. He grabbed his phone and walked towards the door. Before he left the room, he turned towards Lance. He had an expression that would haunt Lance for a long time.

"I hope you're happy Lance. You just ruined everything!" He snapped and with that, he stormed out of the room and slammed it shut behind him. Lance, still leaning against the wall sunk to the floor and began sobbing uncontrollably. He could kill Nyma for this.

As Keith stomped down the hallway, he felt the tears start to pour down his face. Did he do something to deserve this? He had to pause once to catch his breath as he cried into his sleeve. Thank god no one was out in the hallway right now. He made his way to Shiro's room and knocked on the door. Shiro opened the door with a smile, until he saw Keith was crying. Before he could say anything, Keith had practically latched his arms around Shiro's neck in a hug as he cried into his shoulder.

"Keith, oh my god. What's wrong?" He asked as he led his brother into the room. They sat down on the couch and Keith drew his knees up to his chest. He looked at Shiro with anger in his eyes.

"Lance. I caught him kissing some bitch." He spat and Shiro was taken a back. He didn't really think Lance capable of cheating. Shiro didn't really know what to say, so he pulled his brother into another hug and gently rubbed his back. Once Keith had calmed down a little, he pulled away and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry for bursting in on you like that..." he muttered quietly and Shiro just shook his head.

"Don't apologize Keith. Now, what exactly did you see?" He asked, hoping that maybe Keith had seen something wrong.

"I opened the door, looked up and some girl had her stupid face pressed against his. He immediately pushed her off but it's probably just cause I'd walked in on them." Keith muttered angrily and Shiro sighed. It seemed like what Keith had seen was pretty clear. Shiro wanted to know more though.

"Did you give him a chance to tell his side of the story? Sometimes it's just a mix up or the girl could have forced herself upon him and you just happened to catch them at the wrong moment?" Shiro asked and Keith scoffed.

"Yeah I let him talk. But I called bull on his stupid story. This girl has been trying to get him for months. Surely he knew she'd try something of given the chance." Keith grumbled and Shiro thought for a moment. Yeah, Lance was flirtatious, but throughout the entire time him and Keith had been together, Shiro didn't notice once Lance flirting with anyone but his brother. He didn't see it in Lance's personality to cheat.

"Are you sure he was lying? He could've been telling the truth you know..." Shiro suggested and Keith glared at him.

"Oh so what, you're taking his side now?! Great." He got up and walked to the door. "In that case, I'll just go down there, apologize for being a little bitch and then fuck him. No big deal." Keith said and Shiro stopped him from leaving the room.

"Keith, calm down. You can stay here for the night." He said and Keith took a deep breath.

"Yeah, okay... you're right." He mumbled and walked toward the bedroom. Shiro stood in the doorway.

"You can use Adam's old bed." He said and Keith nodded quietly. He laid down in the dark and as he tried to sleep, he couldn't help but wonder if Lance had been telling the truth.

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