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"Absolutely not!" Keith hissed as Lance showed him another costume. It was a black cat costume with ridiculously large, fuzzy ears.

"I'm gay, not a furry!" He said with scowl on his face and Lance burst out laughing.

"Wow, okay. Best thing I've heard today." He laughed and other people in the store gave them odd looks before continuing on with their purchases. Keith just rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"Okay, okay... what do you wanna be?" Lance laughed, seriously trying to help his friend now. Keith looked around the store... not much was all that appealing to him. There was only a limit to guy costumes and he was most definitely not dressing in a girl's costume. Those ones always showed way too much skin for Keith's liking.

"Um, I don't know... something scary, I guess." He shrugged and Lance's face lit up.

"Well, now we're getting somewhere." He smiled and went to find the scary costumes. Among the racks, they found a few Donald Trump masks. Keith shuddered.

"The scariest thing a gay will ever see." He joked and they both laughed for a moment. Eventually they found Keith a grim reaper costume and he paid for it.

"Alright Lance. I'm gonna leave it up to you to find a Halloween party for us to go to because I'm definitely not trick or treating with this." He said and Lance took up the challenge.

"I bet I can find us a party faster than you could." He smiled and Keith took up the challenge. They shook on it and headed back to the campus. The ride back consisted of Lance playing his music and Keith yelling at him to "turn off that crap!"

Once they were back at the campus Keith got out and felt his ears.

"Hey Lance, wanna come here and make sure my ears aren't bleeding? Cause it kinda feels like they are." He said sarcastically and Lance just glared at him.

"Excuse me, do not diss Beyoncé in front of me or I will make you suffer." He said with sass and walked back toward their room to get himself some dinner. Keith quickly caught up and they walked back to the room together. The rest of the night consisted of them eating and studying, neither of them wanting to fail their courses. At one point, Shiro came down to ask for Keith's towel since his was in the wash. While Keith was grabbing the towel, he heard Lance talking to the older man.

"So," he heard through the bathroom wall, "you having a Halloween party Shiro?" He asked and Keith's eyes widened. He was gonna ask Shiro while letting Lance struggle to find a party. Keith ran out of the bathroom and glared at Shiro, practically daring him to say yes. Sadly for Keith, Shiro wasn't afraid of that glare.

"Actually, yeah I am. You and your friends wanna come?" He offered, knowing Keith was bugged that Lance had asked. Before Keith could say no, Lance asking times and everything. Keith quickly shoved his towel into Shiro's hands and pushed him out the door.

"I hope your shower burns you!" He called as Shiro walked back down the hallway. As soon as the door was closed, he turned around to face a very triumphant looking Lance.

"Dammit..." Keith mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, what was that? I got to your brother first? Admit it Keith, I'm pretty awesome." Lance mocked and Keith found himself practically fuming.

"Whatever." He growled before going back to his homework. For another 45 minutes, all Lance could do was say how awesome he was any time either of them needed to know something from the other. Finally Keith snapped and he pushed Lance off his bed.

"Sorry, my bed isn't big enough to hold someone with that big of a head." He said with a smirk as Lance grumbled in pain. They finished their homework quickly after that and went to bed. At about midnight, Keith found he still couldn't sleep. In fact, he was wide awake. He turned on his phone and went to the Instagram explore page. He didn't follow many people so there weren't any new posts from them. Besides, the explore page is always more interesting than whatever his friends posted. About a half hour later, Lance's bedside table lamp switched on. Keith heard Lance shift around in his bed before speaking.

"Can't sleep, huh?" He said and even though Keith had known it was coming, it still startled him slightly when Lance spoke up.

"Uh yeah, just not tired I guess..." he mumbled, still staring at his phone. Lance was quiet for a few minutes and Keith looked up at him for a second before he started talking again.

"Do you... uh wanna play a game or something?" Lance asks and Keith looks up again.

"Lance. It's 12:15am. What kind of game could we possibly play?" He says, exhaustion clear in his voice. Lance thinks for a moment.

"We could play would you rather or 20 questions?" He suggests. Keith thinks for a moment. He always found these games to be quite trivial but, he needed something to make him tired and it didn't hurt to learn a bit about Lance...

"Fine. We can play 20 questions." He says and Lance smiles slightly.

"Okay, um... when's your birthday?" Lance starts with an easy question.

"October 23rd." He answers. His birthday was in 7 days and he hadn't told any of his new friends.

"October 23rd?! That's in like, a week! Why didn't you say something?" Lance cries quietly. Keith just shrugs.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just not used to having people actually close enough to me that I'd want to tell them." He says and Lance just nods. "Anyway, I need to think of a question for you... um, do you have any siblings?" Keith asked and almost immediately regretted it.

"I've got 2 brothers and 2 sisters." He smiled proudly and Keith shuddered at the thought of having more than one. The game went on another few minutes before the questions started to get more serious. It was Lance's turn to go and he hesitated a moment before asking.

"Um... when were you adopted? If it's okay that I ask..." he quickly added the last part and Keith went silent for a moment. Only his family knew about what had happened when he was younger.

"Um, when I was 10. My mom and dad were killed in a really bad car accident. My adopted dad was the paramedic who arrived at the scene and when he found out that both my parents had died, he immediately took me in. I'll always be grateful for that but... I never really felt like I fit in in that house. Shiro was always getting perfect grades and was the good kid. I often fought with my adoptive parents, I didn't do as well as Shiro and because of the loss of my parents, I had some anger issues. I still do a bit, but not as much anymore..." Keith answered and found Lance staring at him with an expression he couldn't quite read.

"Lance?" He asked hesitantly and the boy seemed to snap out of it.

"Sorry, it's just... that's terrible. I'm really sorry Keith." Lance frowned and Keith brushed it off.

"It's fine Lance, it actually kind of feels nice to talk to someone other than Shiro for once. But you have to promise you'll never tell anybody. Ever." He said and Lance nodded quickly.

"Got it." He answered and Keith smiled and went back to asking questions. They ended up falling asleep before they could even turn off Lance's lamp.

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