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They didn't arrive at the house until about 8:00. Keith's parents greeted both boys with hugs before they entered the house.

"You boys must have been driving for a long time. Have you eaten yet?" His mom asked and Keith just smiled at her.

"Yeah, we've eaten. I'm actually kind of tired so I think Lance and I will head up to my room. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning." He said before leading Lance up to his room. Upon entering the room, Lance immediately started laughing. All the sheets and pillows on the bed were black, the curtains were black, his carpet was black and the walls were a light grey. Keith just glared at Lance.

"I went through a phase, okay?" He grumbled before placing his suitcase next to the dresser. He quickly pulled out a pair of pyjamas as Lance began to do the same. Once they were changed and had brushed their teeth they flopped into the bed. It was a lot softer than Lance had expected it to be. As they laid together on the bed, Lance decided to start his next step of revenge. He casually wrapped his hand around Keith's waist as he usually does before slowly poking at his side. Soon enough he was full on tickling Keith, who began writhing under his boyfriend's grasp. Lance had a shit eating grin as Keith howled of laughter, wheezing for air.

"St- AH! Stop!" He called through fits of laughter but Lance kept going. Eventually Keith got loose and fell off the bed.

"Keith!" Lance called, concerned he'd hurt his boyfriend. Keith just slowly sat upright and glowered at Lance.

"I'm actually better now that I'm away from you. Maybe I'll just sleep on the floor." He said, his own smirk forming.

"What?! You're not sleeping on your own floor. Just get up here." He ordered and Keith just shook his head before laying back down. Lance grumbled as he stood up. His revenge plans weren't quite going as expected. He marched over to the side of the bed Keith was laying by and swiftly bent down to scoop him up. He tossed Keith back into the bed before hopping back in himself. Soon enough Keith and Lance were snuggled with each other again, Keith's face in Lance's chest.

The fresh smell of chocolate chip pancakes is what woke the two boys the next morning. They slowly sat up in the bed as they groaned. What time was it? Lance looked down at his phone as he rubbed his eyes. 8:30. They got about 12 hours of sleep, so why were they still tired?

"Come on." Keith mumbled as they stumbled toward the door. Apparently the longer you sleep, the more tired you get. Once they finally made it downstairs without incident- though Lance nearly fell once- they walked into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes growing stronger by the second.

"Oh boys, perfect timing." Mrs. Shirogane said with a smile. "I trust you're hungry." She handed them a plate each with a stack of pancakes on each one. They both sat down and the moment the hot food hit their tongues they melted into their seats. This was so much better than the oatmeal, cereal and toast they'd been living off of for breakfast the past few months.

"Oh god Mrs. Shirogane, these are amazing." Lance said, his mouth full. Keith slapped him in the arm.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." He scolded, forgetting that he also had pancakes in his mouth. Lance just glared at him.

"Hypocrite." He muttered after he swallowed. Keith just rolled his eyes as his mom laughed lightly.

"You two are so cute together." She gushed as she seemed to be taken back. "Your father and I were a lot similar to you two." She reminisced as she looked in Keith's direction. She was about to continue by telling what seemed to be a funny story when Mr. Shirogane walked in.

"Don't bore the boys to death with your stories dear, I'm sure they've got better things to do." He said and she slapped him with her spatula.

"You think our love is boring?" She interrogated and he began to look around nervously. Lance leaned in close to Keith.

"Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight." He whispered and Keith had to stop himself from laughing too loudly. Though he wouldn't be surprised if she did make him sleep on the couch that night. She could be very stubborn and hard to please at times. Maybe that's why they didn't usually get along on a regular basis... soon enough Keith's parents were in a mini- mostly silly- argument. The boys decided to quickly finish their breakfast before they could be pulled into the argument themselves. They quickly placed their plates in the sink and were about to leave when they were stopped by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"What? Making your breakfast wasn't enough, now I have to do your dishes too? Get back here." She scolded and Keith begrudgingly led Lance back to the kitchen.

"You tell em honey." Her husband said as he tried to wrap his arms around her waist. She just slapped him away.

"You too." She pointed her spatula towards him and he scowled. How'd he get dragged into doing dishes too? Both Lance and Keith had to keep their snickers to a minimum or they knew they'd get dragged into doing other chores after that. Eventually the three of them had finished the dishes and the boys went back upstairs to get dressed for the day. Lance was excited to get to hang out with Keith's family for the next week and he got dressed as quickly as he could. Keith however, wasn't as energetic. Don't get him wrong, he was glad he'd been able to make amends with them and feel comfortable enough to bring Lance to their house but, based on the events of the morning already, Keith could tell this would be an... interesting week to say the least.

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