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"Damn Lance, your new roommate is kinda hot." Hunk said after Keith left.

"Hunk!" Lance screeched, his face now flushed a dark red.

"What, I'm just saying... maybe you guys will get together..." Hunk wiggled his eyebrows and Lance just shoved him.

"What? With him? No way, he doesn't even like me, I can tell." Lance counters. Though as he sat there, he couldn't help but remember the way Keith's bangs fell over his face and the sort of cute pout he wore when he was woken up. He felt his face heat up and he quickly shook the thoughts away. There was no way he was falling for a guy with a mullet.

Keith had only been 3 minutes late to where him, Shiro and Adam had planned to meet.

"Sorry I'm late." He wheezed out. The other two just laughed a little. Shiro was wearing a casual grey shirt with black cargo pants and Adam wore regular dark wash jeans and a blue shirt. Adam had light skin, light brown hair and glasses. Shiro had dark hair like Keith's but shorter, with white at the front tips due to bleach damage (he'd died his hair a lot in Highschool cause he thought it was cool). He also had a scar across his nose from a time that he'd saved Keith from being beaten senseless by a stupid kid named James. They all hopped into Adam's Ford pickup truck and drove down to a casual diner called Vrepit-Sal's. They had great burgers and even better milkshakes. They walked into the diner, the ring of a little bell notifying everyone that they'd arrived. They sat down in a small booth and were handed menus.

"So," Shiro started, "met your new roommate yet?" He asked. Keith looked up and found both Shiro and Adam staring at him questioningly.

"Oh, uh yeah. He's okay I guess. Really loud though. He woke me up from my nap..." he grumbled and they both smirked slightly.

"Sounds like it's a good thing he did, or we would've had to come hunting for you." Adam laughed and Keith shot him a look that could kill, which of course made him laugh harder.

"Who knows buddy, maybe you'll end up with him like me and Adam over here." Shiro smirked. Keith remembered how his brother and Adam ended up being roommates in their first year and only 2 months later they were dating. Keith shook his head.

"Doubtful. This guy gives off a strong hetero vibe..." Keith said and looked back at the menu. He already knew what he wanted to eat, he'd been there before when visiting his brother the last few years. He looked down mostly to hide the blush that had started to creep up to his cheeks. The waitress came around and took their orders. After that, the conversation topic changed and Keith felt more relaxed. He didn't have to think about the ocean blue eyes that he'd come into contact earlier that afternoon.

After their meal, the trio found themselves in an arcade. They played around for a few hours before deciding to head back to the dorms. Keith found himself stumbling into his room out of exhaustion and closed the door as quietly as he could. He checked the time. 10:12pm. He looked toward the beds and saw something that caught his breath. Sleeping in his bed, Lance wore only a pair of boxers. Despite his original take on the boy's appearance, Lance actually had more muscle than Keith had expected. He felt his face go completely red and he quickly put on some pyjama pants before climbing into bed. He faced the opposite wall from his roommate and shut his eyes. Keith wasn't sure what time he fell asleep, but whether he was sleeping or not, Lance seemed to be in the back of his mind.

Lance slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight coming through the window burning his eyes, forcing him to close them once again. Oh how he loathed mornings. He rolled over to see Keith laying peacefully in his bed, his chest rising and falling at an even pace. He smirked as a thought came to mind.

Moments later, he had a little wake up prank set up. Hopefully Keith would find it funny... the idea was that when Keith woke up the room was dark. Lance had tied Keith's arms and legs to the bedposts and put duct tape over Keith's mouth. So basically, Keith would wake up thinking he was kidnapped. Sure, maybe for a first prank it was a little much but Lance had been waiting to try this one out for a while and why not on the person he'd have to spend his whole school year with? Not long after, Keith began to stir. He tried to move his arm and when he found he couldn't, he tugged harder. Lance watched as realization sank into Keith. Soon the boy was moving each limb, checking to see if they were all tied. He tried to say something, though his voice was muffled. Lance stifled a laugh as he moved toward the smaller boy and ripped the duct tape off. In a voice as low as he could, he said

"What did you say?" A moment of silence.

"Lance?!" Keith practically screamed. Lance froze.

"Uh... N-no, I don't know a Lance. I'm, uh-" he was cut off before he could think of a name.

"Lance fucking untie me now." He growled. Lance gulped and quickly untied the boy's arms and moved on to the legs as he sat up. Keith practically ripped off his blindfold to reveal glaring eyes. Very pretty, almost purpley-blue eyes. Lance couldn't help but shudder under the glare. Lance knew he was safe, but still felt very much in danger under the threatening look of his roommate.

"Good morning?" He said as more a question rather than a statement. Keith rolled his eyes and grumbled a faint morning before walking into the bathroom. Suddenly Lance found himself hoping that Keith didn't hate him for that prank. Lance decided to apologize. He walked up to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Hey, uh Keith? Sorry about that, I guess I thought it'd be funnier than it was. I'm not the brightest guy I know so please don't be super mad..." before Lance could continue, the bathroom door swung open and Lance found himself face to face- or rather, chin to forehead- with the grumpy Keith. He had a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth and his arms were crossed against his chest. Despite Lance being the taller one, he felt significantly more threatened by Keith's silence than anything so far.

"Please don't hate me..." Lance mumbled and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Just don't let it happen again, or I might kill you." Keith shot back before walking back into the bathroom. Lance took that as an 'apology accepted' response from Keith and walked to his stuff triumphantly. He got dressed for the day and grabbed an apple from his bag before heading out the door.

"Hey Keith, me and Hunk are going to check out the town today. Want to join us?" Lance offered and Keith stuck his head out the bathroom door, as he pulled on a shirt.

"Oh, uh sure... I'll be outside in a sec." He said. Lance nodded and smiled slightly to himself. He was excited to have already made a new friend.

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