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It was a scorching hot day in late August in Arizona. A red Chevy Camaro sped along the desert road, music blasting from the stereo. Keith sat in the drivers seat, speeding 10 km/h over the limit. Boxes of stuff littered the back seats of his car. As he sped past a green sign on the road he read that he was about another 20km outside of the next town. He smiled to himself as his favourite song Don't Stop Believing by Journey came on. His black hair blew in the wind as he happily belted out the lyrics. He was very off key but he didn't really care.

The song quieted a bit as his phone notified him of a text message. He slowed the car down just a little so he could check the message. The screen read that he had a message from his older brother, Shiro. His smile grew bigger as he went to respond.


Shiro: Hey bud, you almost here yet?

Keith responded quickly before turning his attention back to the road ahead.


Keith: Almost. I'm about 20km outside of town and then another 15 minute drive after that. Can't wait to see you

You see, Keith was enrolled into the Garrison Astronomers University or GAU as everyone preferred to say. Shiro had been going there for 3 years now and was entering his 4th year of education there. Keith had hoped he'd be able to get a dorm room with his brother, but unfortunately first years couldn't be with 4th years. So instead, Keith just applied for a solo room. At least he wouldn't have an annoying roommate. He was getting settled into his room early, so he wouldn't have to worry about being late for the classes to start.

About 40 minutes later, Keith pulled up to the front of the school. As he gets out of his car, he spots Shiro sitting on the front steps. At the sight of his younger brother, Shiro jumps up and runs towards Keith.

"Shiro!" He calls and runs to his brother's arms. Shiro laughs and ruffles Keith's hair for a moment.

"Hey bud." He smiles. Keith grumbles a bit as he tries to fix his hair. Shiro looks past Keith and at his car.

"Nice treads. Let me guess, Mom and Dad bought you the fastest car so that you'd be gone sooner?" Shiro teases and Keith just rolls his eyes.

"Haha very funny. Wanna show me where to sign in so I can unpack?" Keith says, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. The taller man just rolls his eyes and leads his brother toward the check in table.

"Name?" The girl sitting there asks. She sounds really bored.

"Keith Kogane." He answers. He notices Shiro flinch slightly at the use of the name. The girl hands Keith a room key and points him in the room's direction. The two of them walk in silence for a moment before Shiro speaks up.

"So... you really went through with changing your last name, huh?" He says. Keith growls slightly before looking up at his brother.

"You thought I wouldn't? You were the only one in the family who actually seemed to care about me and as soon as you left for this place I was alone. They figured they didn't see why I couldn't take my real parent's names back so I did. I'm glad I'm here now." He countered. Keith was adopted into Shiro's family when he was 10. His parents died in a terrible accident. When Keith had first come into Shiro's family, he wouldn't talk to either of the adults. He had immediately taken a liking to Shiro though. Ever since then they'd been really close. Unfortunately, neither adult could get that good of a connection with Keith and they often fought. So he decided that once he was old enough, he'd take his real name back. All Shiro could do was nod. He didn't blame Keith for wanting his real name back but part of him felt just a little hurt by the fact that he didn't want to be related in any way to the rest of his family.

The rest of the walk to the room was quiet, Keith taking in all his new surroundings. They finally arrived at his new room and Keith unlocked the door to find something a little unexpected. There were boxes already in the room.

"Maybe she gave me the wrong room..." Keith mumbled. Shiro looked down at him.

"No, this should be it." He said. Keith narrowed his eyes. This didn't make any sense, how was it possible this was his room if there were already boxes and two beds?!

"But I applied for a solo room." Keith said. Shiro looked back inside the room then back at his brother.

"Maybe you submitted it late or it got rejected. They can't give a solo room to everyone who applies. There aren't enough rooms on the premises." Keith huffed out but didn't argue anymore.

"Fine" he growled. Shiro gave him a lighthearted smile and patted his shoulder.

"Need any help with your stuff?" He offered. Keith sighed.

"No it's fine. Go hang out with Adam, I'll see you guys at dinner later." He smiles back up at Shiro and he ruffles his hair again.

"Whatever you say." He says before walking off. Keith turns back towards the room and his shoulders immediately slump. This should be interesting.

An hour later, Keith had successfully piled all his stuff into a small corner of the room. So far, his new roommate was nowhere to be seen. Keith laid down on the mattress of his new bed and closed his eyes for a minute.

The sound of rummaging around- loudly at that- is what woke Keith up about an hour later. He slowly sat up, to find a very tall and thin boy with a nice tan skin tone rummaging through his stuff. He wore a light grey shirt, brown pants and an army green jacket.

"Aren't you got in that coat?" Keith asks and watches as the boy jumps about 5 feet in the air. Keith has to stifle back laughter as the other boy in the room turns around.

"God, don't scare me like that." He breathes out. He then sticks out his hand. "The name's Lance. And you?" He asks although Keith doesn't really hear him. He's too busy staring into the bright blue eyes of the taller boy. Suddenly a hand is waving in front of his face.

"Helloooo. Earth to what's your name?" He says and Keith snaps out of it.

"Keith." He says and gets off his bed. He looks at the time on his phone and grumbles. 5:45pm. He's meeting Shiro and Adam for dinner in 15 minutes.

"Look, Lance, was it? It was nice meeting you and all, but I'm taking a shower now. Have a good evening." He says and gives the taller boy a curt nod before walking into the bathroom and taking his shower.

As he let the hot water consume him, he could hear yelling coming from the other room. He was soon out of the shower and changing. Damn, his roommate was kinda hot- a loud screech could be heard from just outside the bathroom door- and apparently very loud. Keith sighed and dried out his hair before stepping back to look at himself. He was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, had a black t-shirt on and his signature red and white half jacket. Sure it was hot out but he loved that jacket and didn't dare leave it anywhere. As he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his phone, he saw another new person in his room.

"Oh, uh... I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Keith questioned, looking at the two boys now situated on the second bed.

"Oh, Keith! This is my best friend Hunk!" Lance all but yelled in excitement. Keith looked over to the boy now known as Hunk. He had dark brown hair and a yellow bandana wrapped around his forehead. He had skin just a bit darker than Lance's and was a bit heavier. He wore a yellow shirt and a green vest with cargo pants.

"Hi." Hunk said with a friendly smile and Keith smiled back a bit.

"Hi." He answered. "I'll probably be back between 8 and 9 so, sorry if I wake you up trying to get back in." Keith said before leaving the room. As he closed the door behind him, he checked his phone. He had 5 minutes before he was supposed to meet Shiro and Adam. He sighed heavily.

"Looks like I'm running over there..." he grumbled and started to run. As he ran, he could hear another loud shriek, coming yet again from his room. Great.

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