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Bad idea Lance. Bad fucking idea. Lance had randomly shoved Keith into a guy who looked about their age and Keith was actually able to keep a conversation going. Lance was excited. So, why did he feel slightly jealous? He knew he didn't like Keith, they were just friends. Plus, don't you need more than 1 full day to develop a crush? He probably just wished he had a girl to talk to was all. Lance decided to just sit back and grab a beer. Or two. Or maybe even three. He was working on his fourth beer when Keith walked up to him. Keith's smile quickly faded to a face of concern.

"Lance, how many beers is that?" Keith asked. Lance looked up at him and thought for a moment. Before he go the chance to answer though, he was puking all over Keith.

"Oh god, Lance!" Keith yelled in disgust before helping the taller boy to the bathroom. "Puke in the toilet, not on me." He said jokingly, but all he got as a response was the sound of Lance hurling in the toilet. Lance felt Keith shudder slightly in disgust and felt bad for making him watch this. When he finally got a breath in he looked up at Keith.

"You can go back to the party, I'm fine..." he slurred but Keith just shook his head.

"No, I'm taking you back to the room. This party is kinda overrated anyways. Just, don't tell Shiro I said so." He laughed and Lance smiled a bit before puking again. Oh god his lungs were burning and his mouth tasted so gross. He regretted drinking so much beer, especially since it was his first time actually drinking. Once he stopped puking, Keith helped him up. As he walked he saw the walls twisting around him. He didn't realize it was possible for walls to even do that. On their way to let Shiro know they were leaving, they found both Hunk and Pidge, who at the sight of their friend, immediately stopped what they were doing to check what was wrong.

"He's just drunk. I'll help him back to the room, you guys can stay. You can find your way back to the dorms from here, right?" Keith said and they nodded their heads and went back to what they were doing. Eventually Lance felt him and Keith stop. He looked up and saw 4 Shiro's. Wait, 4? That didn't make sense... he heard Keith say goodnight and then his brother responding with a

"Good night and make sure you don't take advantage of him in his vulnerable state!" He then heard Shiro laugh and realized it was just a joke. He could hear Keith mumble something about not liking Lance so his brother didn't need to worry and Lance couldn't help but feel a little bit sad. He just brushed it off as being drunk though.

Suddenly, Lance could feel his head hitting his soft pillow. Wasn't he just in the party? He looked up to see Keith gently pulling his shoes off and then tucking him under his sheets.

"Get some sleep." He heard Keith say as he shut off the lights in the room. Despite the lights being off, Lance could still see the walls twisting around him. Oh god, if this is what it feels like to be drunk, then what's it like to have a hangover?!

"Get some sleep." He said as he shut off the bedroom lights. Keith quietly padded over to the bathroom where he could see the mess Lance had made of his red top.

"Great..." he grumbled to himself as he pulled it over his head and tossed it in the sink. He quickly washed all the puke of the top and hung it to dry before slipping into his pyjama pants and then out the bathroom door and back into the room. He quietly crawled into his bed and closed his eyes. Hopefully Lance's headache wouldn't be too bad in the morning...

"Keith?" He weakly heard from next to him.

"What?" he whispered. He heard shifting in Lance's bed as he turned to face Keith.

"Do you think the others are right? About us liking each other?" He asked and Keith stayed quiet for a moment. He knew that Lance was drunk and he was pretty sure he was also straight as a stick.

"Well," he started, "how bad would it be if they were right?" Keith asked nervously. Silence. Lance must have fallen asleep. Keith closed his eyes again and tried not to think about Lance or how would've rather been pushed into him at the party than into that random guy Lance had chosen...

Keith awoke to the sounds of groaning coming from beside him.

"What happened last night? Did I get into a cool fight cause it sure as hell feels like it..." Lance grumbled and Keith couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You're pretty dumb you know? Is this the first time you've ever drunk?" Keith questioned and met Lance's sheepish gaze before sighing forcefully. "I'll go make you a hangover cure..." Keith mumbled before walking in to their kitchenette. 5 minutes later he had it all prepped and in a mug. He placed it next to Lance on his bedside table.

"Don't question what it is, just drink it." Keith said and Lance eyed him suspiciously before looking in the mug. He took a small sip and nearly spit it out.

"Ugh, what is this?!" He cried, which he immediately regretted because of the headache.

"Like I said, don't ask, just drink. Trust me, you don't wanna know what I put in there." Keith smirked as Lance made weird faces at the substance. Keith went into the little kitchen and made himself some toast before walking back to his bed. Lance had finally swallowed the whole drink and was still shuddering from the flavour.

"You couldn't have, oh I don't know, just made me coffee instead of this shit " Lance grumbled. Keith just rolled his eyes at his friend's complaining and countered with a

"Well, from my personal experience, this works better than coffee, so get over it." Lance looks at him, obviously not surprised that Keith had already drunk before.

"Whatever. Thanks I guess." He mumbled and Keith smirked. He didn't want to hurt Lance's pride too much so he just took that and didn't try to get a better response out of him.

After that, the group didn't really attend anymore parties. Classes finally started up and everyone's schedules got a little busier. Hunk landed a job as a chef at Vrepit-Sal's and Pidge found a job at the local tech store. Keith managed to snag a job at the little amusement park they'd gone to that one time and got to run the go karts every Saturday. Lance still had to find a job. No one wanted to hire him. After about a month of trying, he finally got a call saying he'd gotten a job as a mall janitor. Although he despised cleaning, he took it because he desperately needed the money (and they were the only ones willing to hire him). The group of friends had a few classes each with each other which was nice. Everything seemed to be going pretty well... but as we all know, all good things must come to an end...

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