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"Oh my god, Lance! You are so immature!" Keith yelled as he laughed. They were in the middle of the parking lot, about to leave for Keith's parent's house when Lance decided snap a picture of Keith in the middle of trying to place the suitcases in the back of the car. His hair was a little messed up and his face was all red as he'd been trying to lift Lance's excessively heavy bag into the trunk.

"Just delete it!" He whined as Lance held the phone high above his head.

"Not unless you kiss me." Lance smirked and Keith furrowed his brows.

"You're not currently worthy of a kiss." He said, folding his arms and turning away from the other boy.

"Oh really?" Lance asked, a mischievous tone in his voice. "I guess I'll just have to post this on Instagram then. Just like your Christmas picture..." Lance trailed off and Keith felt himself shudder at the memory of seeing the photo of him with the bow in his hair with the caption "I couldn't have asked for a hotter present". Keith snapped his head towards Lance, gaping at him.

"You wouldn't..." he said and Lance just smiled.

"Oh, I will. After all, I'm not embarrassing myself by posting the photo..." he trailed off. Keith pouted before getting an idea. He smirked internally, not wanting to give Lance a reason to be suspicious.

"Fine..." he grumbled and walked over to Lance. As he bent down to kiss the shorter boy, Keith quickly dodged, pushed his arm against Lance's shoulder and grabbed the phone as the taller boy fell, smiling in triumph.

"Eat dirt!" He yelled as he deleted the photo from the phone. Lance just groaned in response. Keith looked down at him and rolled his eyes.

"Oh c'mon you big baby, get up. You're fine." He said as Lance slowly got up and dusted himself off.

"I'll get you back for this..." Lance growled in a tone that had Keith's skin crawling.

"Whatever you say, Lance." He said casually, wanting to seem like he was still in control of the situation. Just as they were finally getting into the car, the boys heard a voice call out to them. A very familiar voice that made both boy's blood boil.

"Lance! Keith, thank god I caught you guys before you left!" Nyma called and both Keith and Lance were out of the car in .2 seconds.

"Why, So you can force Lance into kissing you right before my eyes again?" Keith snapped, salt practically dripping from the boy. Lance just glared at her. She looked down and sighed.

"Look, that's actually what I came here to talk about. I realized I never actually apologized to either of you after the incident and to be honest, I feel terrible. I was just so jealous that you got to be with Lance when I couldn't and I made a mistake I can never take back. I'm sorry, to both of you. I'm glad you guys worked it out, really I am." She said giving a slight smile. Keith just narrowed his eyes.

"You're glad we worked it out?!" Keith spat, "it nearly tore us apart and I bet you wanted that! Just- Lance, let's just go, I don't want to hear this right now. Have a nice break Nyma." The sarcasm was dripping off of each word in Keith's last sentence as he hopped back in the car. As Lance walked back to the car, he felt something hit his back. He looked down to find a crumpled piece of paper. He picked it up and looked around, catching sight of Nyma walking away. He frowned as he flattened it out. It was a note. It was harder to read with the crumpled paper but he was able to make it out.

Let me know when you're ready for more than just a kiss ;)

Lance felt his blood boiling. He couldn't believe that after everything that had happened, she would still try something like this. He just tossed the paper to the ground before hopping into the passenger seat of the car.

"What took you so long?" Keith asked jokingly before seeing the expression on Lance's face. "What? What happened?" He asked, now a little concerned.

"It's nothing, just start driving." Lance said looking out the window. Keith could tell that Lance was angry about something. Probably just cause of Nyma, he thought and he didn't press any further, deciding that Lance would talk when he was ready.

About half an hour into the drive, Keith decided he didn't want to listen to the radio anymore.

"Lance," he asked, "can you put one of my CD's in?" Keith asked and he saw Lance look over at him out of the corner of his eyes.

"Which one?" He asked and Keith thought. There were so many to choose from.

"Uh, I don't know... surprise me." He said and Lance looked almost a little shocked. Keith always knew exactly what he wanted to listen to. Lance smirked as he realized he could use this to his advantage. He quickly grabbed a CD case and inspected it before placing it in the CD slot. The player took the disk in and it whirred for a moment as it processed what it had been given. Lance quickly turned the volume nob up high before the CD began playing it's contents. Beyoncé. Keith's eardrums nearly blew up at the sudden volume of the music as the female voice came blasting through the speakers. He gripped the steering wheel tighter and he quickly glared at Lance who was smirking like crazy.

"Lance!" He had to yell to be heard over the music. "Turn it the fuck down!" He said and Lance moved the nob down one volume. You're kidding me, Keith thought before trying to turn it down himself. That was a mistake. As Keith moved his hand towards the volume nob, he felt Lance slap his wrist. He pulled his hand back and glared at the other boy who just waved his finger as if to say 'don't you dare try that.' Keith groaned, how long would he have to suffer? He quickly looked to Lance who was currently jamming out to the music too hard to notice anything else. Keith jumped at the opportunity to turn the music off before his ears started to bleed and he quickly pressed the eject button, earning himself a hard glare from Lance.

"Beyoncé sucks." He stated as he reached for a different CD. Lance gasped and turned his head away from Keith.

"You're just jealous that my taste in music is superior." Lance muttered and Keith had to stop himself from laughing.

"As if!" He cried out and Lance just glared at him.

"I just thought you should know, that was the beginning of me getting you back. It'll only get worse from here." Lance smirked and Keith kept his eyes on the road, not wanting to make eye contact with Lance. What had he gotten himself into?

Opposites Attract (Klance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora