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"Hey uh, mom?" Keith asked. It felt a little weird saying that, considering he never used to really call his parents by those terms unless they had company over. Mrs. Shirogane looked up at Keith who looked nervous. Lance stood behind him, a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah?" She asked sweetly. Keith took a deep breath.

"Um, which cemetery was it that my birth parents were buried in again?" He asked quickly. He didn't want her to be offended that he wanted to go there while they were supposed to be visiting with them. Upon hearing the sentence, her expression softened.

"Oh, honey you don't have to be scared to ask. They're in the Balmera Gardens." She smiled and Lance could feel Keith relax at her response.

"Thanks." He nodded his head before leading Lance out to the car. He wanted to visit their graves with Lance and decided not to waste any time in doing so. He felt bad for putting his adoptive parents in this position and so he thought, the sooner they went, the better. Keith typed the name of the cemetery into the map on his phone before pulling out of the driveway. He'd never actually driven there himself. It was about a 15 minute drive from the house to the cemetery. Once they were off Keith's street, they turned left. Lance wasn't sure if he should say anything or not, so he kept quiet. Eventually they pulled into the parking lot and Keith took a deep breath as he pulled the keys out of the ignition. Lance placed a hand on on Keith's arm.

"We don't have to if you're not comfortable." Lance said. He knew Keith didn't always think before acting and he wasn't sure if the boy was suddenly able to actually bring Lance to see his dead parents. It was a pretty big step in their trust in one another. Keith just nodded his head before getting out. As they walked among the rows of crosses and headstones, Lance frowned. Death had always made him uneasy but he just pushed the feelings aside. This would be harder for Keith than it would be for him.

After walking around for about 5 minutes, Keith finally stopped in front of 2 headstones that were side by side. They read Trevor Kogane and Krolia Kogane, with their birth and death years engraved a few inches below. There weren't any flowers and it seemed as if no one had been to visit the two for a while. Keith could feel a lump form in his throat but he forced it back. This was something he needed to do. He awkwardly cleared his throat. It was easier to talk to headstones when there weren't other people with you.

"Uh hey, mom, dad. Thought I'd drop by for a visit with my boyfriend Lance. I figured you'd probably want to meet him." Keith half laughed, half choked on some tears. This was harder than he'd thought it would be. He took a breath as he tried to compose himself and he felt Lance's hand on his shoulder. He smiled.

"He's a really nice guy. Tall, beautiful, funny... you guys would love him. Maybe even as much as I do. I know it's been a while since I visited and I've got lots to tell you guys since I was last here. Like, Shiro got in a car accident, kinda like you guys... he lost an arm but otherwise he's fine... Lance was really helpful then. Also, I got into GAU like you guys said I always would. Hopefully you're proud..." after that last sentence, he couldn't help it anymore as he let the tears slowly fall down his cheeks. He just wanted to make his parents happy with everything he felt he'd accomplished the past 6 months. He hastily wiped a tear from his face.

"I just wish you guys could meet Lance in person. He's so great and I don't know what I've ever done to deserve him, but as long as I have him... I'll keep him." He looked up at Lance who'd started to let a few tears slip. It was more emotional than what he'd prepared himself for. They smiled at each other for a moment before Keith turned back to face his parents graves.

"I love you guys... and I promise to come back with Lance soon." He said and Lance's hand slipped from Keith's shoulder down to his hand. Lance slowly guided Keith away from the headstones, deciding it was time for them to head back to the car. Once back to the vehicle, Lance offered to drive them back. It was quiet for the first few minutes back to the house.

"They'd be proud, you know." Lance said softly, not entirely able to read Keith's current mood. He looked over to Keith who smiled at him.

"Yeah, I know... thanks for doing this with me." Keith answered and Lance reached his hand over to Keith's for a moment. Soon enough, the taller boy was smirking.

"You know, I don't think I knew that you thought so highly of me." He raised an eyebrow and Keith just rolled his eyes.

"Don't let it get to your fat head." He said as they turned a corner.

"Wow. That really hurts. I think you should have some respect for me, otherwise you'd still be single." Lance said and Keith just looked at him.

"Puh-lease. If I hadn't said anything, you'd still be single and a virgin." Keith countered and Lance gasped.

"You don't know that!" He yelled, his face now a deep shade of red. Keith just snorted.

"Yeah right." He said as they pulled into his driveway. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry so I'm gonna go inside for dinner now." Keith said, leaving Lance in the car by himself. At least Keith seemed to be in a slightly better mood now. He quickly got out of the car, his hunger starting to show as he walked through the door.

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