Trust Issues (Chapter 40 Part I)

Start from the beginning

He was silent for a moment as he huffed and puffed with anger. "Damn man. You right." He sighed, shaking his head as he roughly ran his hand down his face.

"We're just gonna let karma take care of them. God will handle them because what they did was wrong as hell and they'll pay for it." I told him, trying to convince him and myself not to retaliate. Everything in me wanted to run up on Brandy and whoop her ass again. The only thing keeping me from doing it, was this little baby inside of me. I had to do better for him. I had to be a better person for him.

"Who are you and what have you done with my baby?" Jerome asked.

"First of all, I'm not your baby. Second, I can't just think about me now. I have to have my son's best interest and make decisions that are good for him." I explained.

"Aw, you growing up. I never thought I'd see the day you'd be turning down a fight." He chuckled, making me roll my eyes.

"Bye Jerome because now you're trying to play me like I'm some type of hood rat or something." I said eyeing him.

"Wellllll." He dragged out. I rolled my eyes at him and flipped him off before ending the call. He had me messed up. I washed my hands at the kitchen sink before finishing the meal that I had cooking.

While we were at the grocery store, Trayveon came up with this extravagant menu that he wanted me to cook. Some of the stuff that he wanted was random and didn't flow together as a meal but he wanted it so I was gonna get my ass in the kitchen and cook it for him. Of course his greedy ass wanted macaroni and cheese again.

I was honestly so tired of cooking macaroni and cheese. He asks me to make it for almost every meal that I cook for him. But if that was what he wanted, he was gonna get it. He wanted beef tips and rice, garlic mashed potatoes, greens, yams, baked macaroni and cheese, and cornbread.

This nigga wanted a whole Sunday feast on a weekday. But he deserved it so I had no problem making it for him. After the food was done, I made their plates. "What's wrong with you? You not hungry?" Tray asked, coming into the bedroom where I was in his bed.

"I don't feel good." I admitted.

"What's wrong? Ya stomach hurting? You still upset from earlier? It might be stress or your anxiety." He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked at me with concern.

"No, my throat hurts and my nose is tingling so I might be getting sick." I responded. My throat had that scratchy feeling it always has before I get sick.

"You need to go to the hospital?" He asked.

"No, I'm just gonna take a nap." I told him.

"You need anything?" He asked me, I shook my head in response before pulling the covers completely over my body. "Okay. Feel better Juicy. Me and Li in the living room watching tv if you need something." He told me before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

The moment I closed my eyes, I got the urge to use the bathroom. I rolled my eyes before getting out of the bed and going to handle my business. Just as I was climbing into the bed, Tray came back in the room. "You sure you don't wanna go to the doctor?" He looked so concerned I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I'm sure." I assured him. After making myself comfortable, I was able to fall asleep. A few hours later, I woke up damn near coughing my lungs out. Which resulted in me having to use the bathroom again. Not only did I have a sore throat, but I had a stuffy nose and I couldn't stop sneezing.

"The hell wrong with you?" Trayveon asked, coming into the bathroom looking concerned. I was still sitting on the toilet because I didn't want to risk peeing on myself just in case I suddenly had to cough or sneeze.

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