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You groaned as you heard your alarm clock go off.

You reached out and turned it off before slowly sitting up.

You had a terrible dream that you didn't want to remember.

It was about Taehyung and his ex girlfriend. You had walked in on them making out on the couch of his apartment.

Normally a dream like this wouldn't necessarily bother you, but you haven't really talked to Taehyung in about a month except for a good morning text he would send every morning. So you couldn't help but feel a little worried.

You bit your lip as you remembered the dream you had.

You and Taehyung had been dating for about five months. The first few months were amazing. You felt like you were on cloud nine when you were with him.

As the months went on though your relationship started to fall apart. The only thing you would get from him would be a good morning text. You always replied to the text but he never replied back.

It started to feel like he was doing it because he felt obligated to send you the message not because he wanted to, and with his ex back in his life it just made things hard for you.

You were second guessing your guys relationship.

Having this doubt inside you was eating you alive. You didn't want to feel like this but you couldn't help but feel like your relationship with Taehyung was falling apart before your eyes.

You wiped your eyes as tears formed in your eyes. You loved him so much, but you weren't sure if he even cared about you anymore.

Sighing you get out of bed to get ready for the day. As you got up out of bed you heard your phone go off.

As you looked down at your phone you saw the same message that Taehyung had sent every other morning. You rolled your eyes and ignored the message.

You were tired of putting in so much effort and not getting anything in return.

You walked to your closet and picked out an outfit for the day.

Was this how your relationship was going to end? With both of you just slowly stopping contact with each other, not really having an official end but both of you knowing things are done between you?

You didn't want that. You loved Taehyung, but you were tired.

You looked in the mirror with determined look on your face. You were going to visit Taehyung. You wanted answers.

You had a couple days off of work so you decided to pack a small bag for the little road trip you were going to make.

It was about a five hour drive to where Taehyung was staying. That also had been a factor in your deteriorating relationship with Taehyung. Both of you lived quite a bit away from each other. Both of you were willing to make it work at the beginning though.

As time went on the two of you became what you are now. Broken.

You finished packing your bag and set out.

It took you about four an a half hours to arrive at Taehyung's apartment.

As you sat in your car trying to give yourself a mental pep talk you saw Taehyung come out of his apartment.

Your heart skipped a beat. He still looked flawless. He changed his hair colour was the first thing you noticed. It was blonde almost white.

You smiled and started to open your car door. As you got out you started to call out his name. "Tae-" you cut yourself off.

The smile slowly slipping from your face.

His ex girlfriend followed him out of his apartment. You let your car door slip out of your hands, letting your car door close.

You didn't want to believe what you were seeing. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, and you just needed to talk to Taehyung to figure things out.

As those thoughts crossed your mind you saw the smiles they were sending each other.

To anyone who didn't know that you and Taehyung were dating they would assume that him and his ex were from the way they were acting.

You started to hyperventilate. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. Taehyung loved you or so you thought.

But as you were watching him and her interact across the street you weren't so sure he did love you anymore.

Tears started to form in your eyes as you tried to calm yourself down. Clutching your chest you fell to your knees trying to breathe normally.

'C'mon Y/N you're stronger than this. Just take deep breaths.' You mentally told yourself.

A quiet sob escaped your mouth. You quickly covered your mouth as you cried. You weakly reached for your car door.

As you slowly got up from the ground you looked up. You wished you hadn't.

Your teary eyes met with Taehyung's wide ones.

You quickly looked away and got into your car locking the door.

You took a couple deep breaths before you started your car.

A knock on your car window caused you to jump.

Turning your head to look out the window you saw Taehyung looking back at you gently knocking on your window.

"Y/N please just open to door. I need to talk to you. Please." He pleaded.

You quickly wiped your eyes. You didn't want him to see you anymore hurt over this than he already had.

You quietly got out of your car. Closing the door you looked up at him.

"Please Tae just tell me it's over already. Better yet, why don't I just do it?" You looked back up.

You gave Taehyung a sad smile as a couple more tears fell down your already wet cheeks.

"It's over Tae."

"Y/N wait."

You shook your head. "It's honestly been a long time coming hasn't it? Someone had to end it between us. Truth is, we've been done for awhile though haven't we?"

You wiped your tears with the sleeve of your sweater.

"Take care Tae." You whispered as you got back in your car.

As you got back in your car you looked at Taehyung once more. He looked shocked.

You gave a small laugh of disbelief.

You drove out of the parking lot and back on the road, to start your long trip back home.

As you were driving home you couldn't help but question Taehyung's love for you.

"Did he even really love me?" You asked yourself sadly.

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