No More Pt.2~Jay Park Angst

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It's been a couple months since the incident that happened at the club, which ended your relationship with Jay. To say that you were doing better would be a lie. All you could think about over the course of those two months was Jay.

Jay called you every day for a month, before he suddenly just stopped. You haven't gotten a call from him since. Honestly you were kind of disappointed that he stopped calling, but you knew that if he kept calling you, you wouldn't ever get over him. So in a way you were thankful that he stopped.

You rubbed your eyes as you got out of bed. You quietly headed into your bathroom. You grabbed a clean towel and turned the water on to have a shower. You had to go to work today. Your boss was generous enough to let you have those two months off, but you couldn't sulk around any longer. You had your life to live, even if Jay wasn't in it anymore. You sighed happily as the hot water hit your body. The water seemed to make the tension in your muscles lessen. You relaxed under the water.

After your shower you quickly dried off and got dressed. As you were heading out the door, you saw Sunghwa outside waiting for you. You cautiously walked down the steps towards him. "Sungwha, long time no see." You said as you walked up to him. "What do I owe the pleasure to?" You asked as you crossed your arms.

You haven't really kept in contact with the members of AOMG since the incident happened. Sunghwa scratched the back of his neck. "I need your help. Jay...Jay has been going down this dark spiral and he met this girl..." Sunghwa trailed off. Your body stiffened at Sunghwa's words. Jay has a new girl? Already? "Didn't take him long to move on, guess that shows how much he cared about me. Now Gray please I have to go." You told him as you stepped towards your car.

Sunghwa grabbed your wrist. "Y/N you don't understand. This new girl isn't healthy for him. She takes all his money, she convinces him to do things that he shouldn't be doing. Y/N she convinced him to stop making music. Please you have to knock some sense back into him. She's going to destroy him." Sunghwa pleaded. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Jay quitting music? He loves his job more than anything. He wouldn't just quit because some girl told him too. "He wouldn't just stop Gray. He loves his job. He would never listen to her." You told him as you turned to look at him.

Sunghwa sighed. "Normally I would agree with you, but ever since you guys ended Jay hasn't been the same. His mindset isn't as strong as it was. It's like he lost all reason to continue once you left. Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't done something this drastic sooner with his current mindset." You bit your lip. From the way Sunghwa was explaining the way Jay was acting it sounded serious. "I-Okay Fine, but it'll have to be after I'm done work. Just keep him busy until I get there." You sighed as you turned and walked to your car. In the distance you could here Sunghwa yelling thank you.

You smiled and shook your head. You climbed into your car and headed to work. As the day dragged on, all you could think about was Jay. You were really worried about him. This is the first time you've heard him act like that. Finally it was the end of your shift. You quickly grabbed your coat and ran to your car.

You wanted to get to Jay as fast as you could. You got into your car and drove off. It was a good thing that you worked close to the AOMG building. The drive took you about ten minutes. You pulled into the parking lot, and turned your car off climbing out. You clutched at your sleeves. You were nervous, extremely nervous.

You sighed. "Now or never." You mumbled as you headed into the building. As you entered the lobby you seen Kiseok pacing back and forth. You walked up to him, and tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jump. "Y/N! You're here. Honestly we didn't think you would show up, but I'm so glad you came. C'mon Sunghwa is upstairs keeping Jay occupied." You smiled as you shook your head. "Okay lead the way." You told him as you followed him up the stairs.

Kiseok lead you to Jay's office. "Of course he'd be in here." You mumbled. Kiseok and you heard yelling coming from the other side of the door. You looked at Kiseok and frowned. "Those two never usually yell at each other." You whispered to him. Kiseok shrugged. "They've been butting heads since Jay's new girl came into the picture."

"Ah right, Jay has a girlfriend." You mumbled. Kiseok frowned. "Y/N I-I didn't mean to remind you about that." You held up your hand. "Kiseok, it's okay. He moved on, even though from what Sunghwa told me she's not a very good influence on him." You told him. Kiseok nodded. "Yeah, she's convinced him to do things he would never do. She took advantage of the state Jay has been in and used it to benefit her." He said as he looked at you. "Ready to go in?" He asked you. You sighed and stared at the door. "As ready as I'll ever be Kiseok." You mumbled. Kiseok smiled. "I'm glad your hereb y/n. He needs you." You looked over at Kiseok. "If that were true, he wouldn't be with another girl. No matter what kind of mindset he's in." He told him as you grabbed the handle of the door.

You shook your head. "It's now or never." You mumbled before you opened Jay's office door.

Kpop/Khh One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora