Just Friends~Jackson Angst/Fluff

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You sat on the couch staring at the television blankly. Tonight was supposed to be a fun cheerful night for you, but it quickly turned into a disaster.

It was your best friend Jackson's birthday today, and you planned to throw him a surprise birthday party. Everything was going well until Jackson's girlfriend Yuri showed up.

She started taking everything over, and started to get rid of everything you had set up.

You started arguing with her telling her that you had this planned out for months. She just rolled her eyes and scoffed at you.

"He's my boyfriend. I know what's best for him." She told you as she started telling everyone to take everything down.

You grabbed her arm to turn her around to face you. "And I've been his best friend longer than you've been his girlfriend so I should know what is best for him."

She glared at you and tugged her arm free of your grasp. "Puh-lease, do you know how many times he's told me that he doesn't like the parties you've thrown him for the last couple years? He hasn't said anything because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but he hates them." She told you as she smirked.

" And don't even get me started on how he doesn't want to spend all of his time with you. He only hangs out with you because both of your parents are friends. He's told me so many stories that you wouldn't want to hear sweetie. Get it through your head. He may be your best friend, but you're definitely not his." She stated as she walked away from you leaving you speechless.

Tears started to well up in your eyes. Mark ran up to you.

"Y/N? Hey don't believe anything she says okay? It's all lies. Jackson would never say things like that about you." He tried to comfort you.

You gave him a soft smile. " You know it oddly makes sense. What she told me makes a bit of sense. He's been distant lately. I wanted to say it's because of Yuri, but now I'm not so sure it has been. Maybe she's right." You told him as you wiped under your eyes.

You took some steps back. "I-I should go. Wish Jackson a happy birthday for me okay?" You told Mark softly.

You made a turn to leave but Mark gently grabbed your hand. "Y/N, don't do this. Don't let her win. Jackson would want you here. We all know that. Don't leave." He pleaded to you.

You turned to look at him. "H-honestly I'm not in the greatest of moods to be partying now. I don't want that to affect Jackson's party. Thank you though Mark for trying to cheer me up." You smiled as you pulled away from him gently.

Mark frowned but didn't stop you. He sighed and went back to helping set up as you left the apartment.

You grabbed your keys and coat before slipping on your shoes and heading out.

As you were driving back to your apartment building, everything Yuri told you kept replaying in your head.

No matter how many times you tried to convince yourself that what she told you wasn't true, doubt filled your mind.

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