Thrown Away~Mino Angst

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Mino and you have been very close friends since you guys were in middle school. It was the begging of eighth grade, and you were a new student at the school. It was a big school, so not many people took notice that you were new. Most people ignored you, except Mino.

Mino saw that you were asking people for help, and when he saw that everyone was ignoring you he took it upon himself to show you around. Ever since that day you two have been inseparable. The two of you did everything together. Many people thought you two were dating throughout the years you've known each other.

You'd be lying if you said that over the years you haven't developed some feelings for Mino. He took care of you, not many people cared about you the way Mino did. That was one of the things you really loved about him. When he cared about someone, he wasn't afraid to show the person how much he actually cared about them.

You both were in your twenties now, both of you pursuing different careers. Mino wanted to be an idol, and you supported him as much as you could. Even when no one else would, you stayed by his side. You on the other hand wanted to be a fashion designer. You always had knack for making used clothes or worn out clothes look better.

When Mino or one of your other friends would wear something that didn't quite look right, you would always try and find ways to make their outfit look better. Mino and your friends would always praise you on how talented you were when it came to clothes and fashion, so you decided that you wanted to make a career out of it. You wanted to do something you loved.

You looked out the window of the coffee shop you were sitting in and smiled. The sun was shining so bright today. It made everything outside seem more beautiful and alive. You took a drink of your latte and looked down at your phone. Mino was suppose to meet you today, but as per usual he was late. You never really minded that he was always late. He was never really good at kept track of time. Also he would usually be working on his music. You were happy that he didn't give up on his dream, just like you weren't giving up on yours. The two of you were each other's support system. Both of you would always encourage each other to keep going. To keep fighting for your dream. That was part of the reason you depended on Mino so much, he was your support system. He was always there when you needed him. You smiled at the thought. Just like you would always be there for him.

Your thoughts were interrupted when someone sat down in the chair in front of you. "Y/N I'm so sorry I was late, but some people from YG pulled me aside and asked me to audition for them. So now I have an audition next week on Tuesday!" Mino exclaimed. Your smile brightened. "Mino! That's amazing, I'm so happy for you!" You told him as you leaned over the table and hugged him. Mino quickly hugged you back. "It feels like a dream. I can't believe I have an audition next week." He mumbled into your hair. Your grip on him tightened. "You better believe it Mino." You told him as you pulled away.

You sat back down in the chair. "I guess both of us have good news today." You told him. Mino looked at you with a confused expression. "Both of us?" You nodded. "I got excepted into the program I wanted!" You smiled. "They only let like fifty people in a year, and I'm one of those firstly." You squealed. Mino could see the excitement rolling off of you. His smile widened as you told him what happened. He grabbed your hand from across the table and held it tightly. "Looks like things are looking up for us y/n." He murmured fondly. You blushed as you looked down at your intertwined hands. "Yeah. Hopefully things will only get better from here." You told him as you smiled.

You seemed to be smiling a lot lately. As the weekend passed both of you got busier. Mino preparing for his audition on Tuesday. While you got prepared for the program you got accepted into. The two of you hardly seen each other since the coffee shop, which was on Monday.

As Tuesday rolled around, you made sure to stay near your phone at all times, just in case Mino called. You were working on a new jacket idea when all of a sudden your phone went off. Someone was texting you. Hoping that it was Mino you sprang up out of your seat and rushed over to your phone. It was a text message from Mino.
"Meet me at the coffee shop in ten." You read. You bit your lip, you weren't sure if it was good news or bad news. So you quickly got dressed in some skinny jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. You grabbed your keys, locked your apartment, and headed out.

As you walked into the coffee shop you looked around. Eventually your eyes found Mino in a booth near the back of the coffee shop. You quickly walked over and slid into the booth. "So, how did it go?" You asked him. Mino looked up at you. "I got in. They weren't really supposed to tell me, but they said I was really good and that they would be happy to have me become a trainee under YG." He told you. You smiled brightly. "Mino! I'm so proud of you!" Mino smiled at you. "Thanks. Look I have to go, but I just wanted to tell you that I made it in." Mino told you as he stood up. You nodded in understanding. "Thank you for telling me, now go. You have a lot to do." You giggled. Mino smiled slightly, and waved at you as he left.

A couple days had passed, and you haven't heard from Mino. You were kind of getting worried. He would usually text you at least once a day, but he hasn't since he told you he got into YG. You sighed as you ran your hand through your hair. After a couple minutes, you decided that you were going to head to the YG building. You couldn't handle not talking to Mino, you needed to know what was wrong.

You grabbed your keys and headed towards your car. It would only take you about ten minutes to get to YG. You got into your car, and headed towards the building. As you pulled up to the building, you saw that there was no where to park. So you drove down the street to a parking lot, and parked there. You quickly got out of your car and headed towards the building.

As you were walking towards the building, you saw Mino walking out of the building with a couple other people. You smiled as you saw him. "Mino! Hey!" You called out. Mino looked over to see who called his name, and frowned when he saw who it was. "Hey, man. Who is this chick?" One of the guys he was with asked. Mino rolled his eyes. "Some girl that won't leave me alone. I would've thought she got the hint when I wouldn't answer her texts." Mino told them in annoyance.

You stood there frozen in shock. Never have you ever heard Mino talk about you like he was right now. "She'a getting so annoying man, she keeps texting and calling me. Even when I don't answer back, you'd think she'd get that I don't care." You heard Mino say. Tears started to form in your eyes. You walked up to Mino and slapped him. "You asshole." You mumbled. "I hope it was worth it. Never talk to me again." You told him as tears fell out of your eyes.

Mino held his cheek and looked at you in shock. You've never laid your hands on him in an aggressive way. "Y/N-" "No! Don't even think about apologizing. After everything we've been through, this is how you repay me? Go to hell." You said as you pushed him. You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. After you composed yourself you looked around, and saw that all three boys were staring at you in shock. You rolled your eyes. "Mino, do me a favour and delete my number from your phone." You said as you turned around, and started walking back to your car. You could hear someone in the distance calling your name, but you ignored it.

As you got back to your apartment, you couldn't help but think about what Mino said about you. Had he thought this way the whole time you were friends? Why didn't he say anything to you? When you walked into your apartment you collapsed to the floor. The more you thought about it the more upset you got causing the tears to start running down your cheeks once again.

It's funny how people that you thought cared about you can drop you like it's nothing when they have a better deal offer. So much for friendship. The worst part of it all though was that you were still in love with him.

You still loved Mino.

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