Mafia's Daughter~Daehyun Slight Angst/Fluff

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To say you were nervous about this blind date would be an understatement. You hadn't been on a date since you broke up with your ex-boyfriend six months ago. You weren't even really sure what to do on dates anymore.

All you knew about your blind date was that his name was Daehyun, and he was twenty three years old. So he was a couple years older than you, three years older to be exact. Your friend, and her boyfriend, Youngjae, had set up the blind date. Apparently Youngjae was really close to Daehyun, so your friend and him thought it would be a good idea to set the two of you up.

At first you weren't sure about meeting a guy you've never met before, but when you heard that he accepted, you eventually agreed to meet him as well. You were still unsure about meeting him though. You didn't want him to find out about what your family does. You're not exactly proud of what your family does.

You'd think being the daughter of a mafias leader would be great, but you hated this lifestyle. Your father was ruthless to everyone, and it scared you. Over the years you've grown to hate what he does. So if Daehyun found out that you were part of a mafia group, you were scared that he wouldn't want anything to do with you. That's what happened with your last relationship. You finally got the courage to tell him what your father does, and he immediately left. He said he didn't want to date the daughter of a mafia group.

Funny thing about your ex-boyfriend though was that he later joined Absolute Perfect, which was an enemy mafia group of your father. Your father and the leader of Absolute Perfect hated each other years ago. Your father told you that he was once friends with Jae the leader of Absolute Perfect, then they had a falling out, he never told you the reason why they had a falling out. Ever since then both groups hated each other.

You thought that since the leader of Absolute Perfect passed away, things would get better between both groups, but now his son has taken over, and things are still bad between both groups. Jae's son, had a grudge against your father, for what he did to his dad so things are still strained between both groups.

It was tiring being in the mafia, you just wanted to be happy and have a family of your own that would have nothing to do with what your father does. That's all you need wanted.

You and Daehyun had agreed to meet at a coffee shop near your house. So you finished getting ready before you headed out of your door to the coffee shop. You locked your door, and headed down the hallway. As you got outside you looked up at the night sky and smiled. It was a beautiful night out, so you decided that you would just walk to the coffee shop. It would take you about fifteen minutes to walk there. It wasn't very far from your apartment. 

After about fifteen minutes you arrived at the coffee shop. You walked in, and looked around. There weren't many people in the coffee shop. You quickly texted Daehyun telling him you were at the coffee shop. You quietly walked to a booth in the back of the shop, and sat down. Your phone buzzed. You quickly looked at your phone and smiled slightly when you saw that it was Daehyun that texted you telling you he was on his way.

As you were about to reply, a waitress came up and asked you what you would like. You ordered two coffees, and muffin for now. The waitress nodded and walked off to get your order.

After about five minutes the waitress came back with your order. Someone else also came up to your table. "Are you y/n?" They asked. You quickly looked up and nodded. As your eyes met with the boy, your eyes widened. He was so handsome, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. "Yeah I'm y/n, I'm guessing your Daehyun." You smiled at him.

He nodded and sat down. You played with your fingers in your lap. "I ordered you a coffee since I didn't know what you liked." You told him as you bit your lip. He smiled. "Thank you. Coffee is great." He told you as he grabbed his coffee cup. You blushed and smiled. "Okay. Sorry if I'm awkward or anything it's been awhile since I've been on a date." You told him as you stared down at your lap.

He chuckled softly. "Trust me it's okay. I haven't exactly been on many dates either." He told you. You smiled as you relaxed at his words. From then on your date was amazing. He was so kind and sweet. You guys found out that you had a lot of things in common.

"May I ask why you and your ex broke up?" He asked you softly. Your body froze at his question. "Oh, well he joined this group called Absolute Perfect after he found out about who I was." You mumbled.

Daehyun' eyes widened at the mention of his group's name. "He joined Absolute Perfect? What did he find out?" He asked more seriously. You bit your lip. "H-He, well I told him that my father was a leader of a mafia group called Red Angels, and he immediately ended things between us." You whispered out.

Daehyun's body froze. "Wait, you're the daughter of Paul, the leader of Red Angels?" He asked you in disbelief. You looked up from your lap and nodded. "Yeah, but I hate what he does. He's ruthless, it scares me how unemotional he is." You told him softly. "Wait, why are you so curious about this? Usually when people find out they stop talking to me." You asked him.

Daehyun bit his lip as his eyes narrowed at you. "Because I'm the leader of Absolute Perfect."

As you heard those words leave his mouth, your eyes widened. "Y-Your the leader? Oh my god. Oh my god, I shouldn't be here. If my father found out I was talking to the leader of Absolute Perfect he'd kill me, literally. I-I have to go." You rushed out. You frantically grabbed your stuff and stood up. "Thank you though Daehyun, I really did have a great time." You whispered out before you left the coffee shop.

As you walked out of the shop, you stopped to look at Daehyun through the window. You sighed. "Had a feeling it was to good to be true." You mumbled to yourself as you left.

Back at the coffee shop Daehyun sat there in shock. He wasn't expecting you to be the daughter of the leader of Red Angels. He stared at his coffee cup for a couple minutes in thought. He really did have a great time with you. Even though you guys had just met, he liked you. Spending those hours talking about anything and everything, he really enjoyed it. He sighed and stood up, paying before he left the coffee shop as well.

It had been a couple days since your blind date with Daehyun, and you couldn't get him out of your mind. You bit your lip as you stared at your phone contemplating on whether you should message him or not. You sighed as you laid back on your couch.

Just then you heard your doorbell ring. Confused you got up and walked towards your front door. "Who could be here? I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." You mumbled to yourself as you opened the door.

When you saw who was standing at the front door, you froze. It was Daehyun. "W-What are you doing here?" You stuttered out. "Wait, more importantly how did you find out where I live?" You asked. Daehyun smiled slightly.

"Well I am the leader of a mafia group, I can find out anything I need to know." He told you. You nodded slowly in realization causing Daehyun to chuckle. "I'm joking, I just asked Youngjae."

You smiled slightly at his joke. "Oh okay, uh do you want to come in?" You asked him as you opened the door wider. He nodded as he entered your apartment. "Sooo why are you here?" You asked him again.

Daehyun turned and looked at you. "I, Well I couldn't get you out of my head. No matter how much I tried." Your eyes widened. "M-Me too. I mean I couldn't get you out of my head either." You mumbled in embarrassment.

Daehyun chuckled and walked towards you cupping your cheek. "I don't care that your Paul's daughter. I had a great time on our date, and I keep finding myself wanting to go on more dates with you." He told you softly as he brought your face closer. "So y/n would you do me the honours of going on another date with me?" He asked you as he smiled at you.

You smiled back before leaning up, and kissing his lips softly. As you pulled back just enough that your lips were still touching,your smile widened. "I'd love to." You mumbled against his lips.

Kpop/Khh One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora