Unhappy Marriage Part Two

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You and Yongguk were planning your wedding.

It had been about six months since that night you saw him with another woman. You weren't sure if you wanted to go through with the wedding, but your mother kept hounding you to get married because she didn't want to miss your big day because she was getting to "old" now.

So you went through with the engagement, and now you two are planning your wedding that's happening in a week. You two were just finishing up on some things, some final touches if you would say.

After the meeting, you two headed back to the car in silence. Both of you haven't been talking to each other very much, and truth be told it sadden you. You loved this man, but you knew he didn't love you back.

As you pulled up to your mansion, that was way to big for just two people, two body guards came to the car. Did you forget to mention that Yongguk was part of the mafia? Yes? Well he is, and any normal fiancee would be terrified. You grew up in it though, so you were used to it.

You stepped out of the car and headed towards the house, not bothering to wait for Yongguk or Himchan your personal body guard.

You opened the front door and immediately belined it to your room.

You just wanted to be alone. You couldn't get the words that Yongguk had told the wedding planner when she asked if you two had any kids.

"Kids?" He laughed "No, No, No. We don't  have any, we don't plan on having any either."

The words he had said hit your heart like a knife. It hurt so much to hear him say that he didn't want to have kids with you.

You sighed and slipped out of your clothes to put some more comfortable ones on.

You laid down in bed rethinking everything. How were you going to marry a man who clearly didn't love you.

Yes you loved him more than anything, but there was only so much hurt you could handle.

You sighed and turned onto your side to stare out the window. 'I have to go through with this. His family and my family are expecting us to get married. I can't let them all down.' You thought as you bit your lip.

So here you were walking down the aisle towards Yongguk two months later.

The wedding ceremony went smoothly, and you were now at the after party celebrating with everyone.

Truth be told, you were happy to get out of the uncomfortable wedding dress you were previously in. You could finally breathe comfortably.

The party was being held in your mansion of a house. You were currently upstairs in the bedroom changing into some more comfortable but classy clothes.

You slipped into some black tights with a nice beige blouse. You were never much of a shirt girl. You preferred being comfortable.

As you were about to leave the room you ran into Yongguk. You smiled softly at him. He gave you a curt nod and a fake smile.

Your heart sank a little. 'You have to remember nothing will change just because you're married now.' You scolded yourself as you may your way around Yongguk.

As you were about to leave you felt a hand gently grab your wrist. You turned and looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Are you going to wear that downstairs?" He asked you softly. "We have some really important people down there, maybe future buyers, I want to impress them."

You scoffed and ripped your arm out of his hold. "Yes Yongguk, I'm going to wear this. I'm sorry you're so embarrassed of your wife." You told him as you walked out of the room.

You didn't know how your marriage was going to last at this point.

Somehow though, you guys had lasted two years. The first year you guys were married, you tried to make the marriage work as best as you could by asking him how his day was, or what he would like to have for dinner. You soon stopped after all he would give you were short answers, or just walk away from you completely.

Now all you guys talk about is work related things. Even then it's nothing to intimate. You would just tell him how things went with buyers and he would tell you how the shipments went. That would be the end of your conversations.

The two of you would head your seperate ways to each of your rooms.

As you laid in your bed, you heard a woman's voice enter Yongguk's room. You tightly closed your eyes and turned onto your side.

You sighed and opened the drawer of your side table and pulled out your earphones and plugged them into your phone.

You didn't want to hear what you knew was about to happen in his room. You quickly put them into your ears and turned on your music.

Putting the music on full blast you closed your eyes to try and stop the tears that were threatening to fall down your cheeks.

You curled into yourself to try and give yourself some comfort. Tonight was going to be another long night.

As you laid there for hours, seeing no end to what they were doing you decided that you didn't want to stay anymore.

You quickly got out of your bed and grabbed some shoes putting them on. You slammed your bedroom door hoping he heard.

As you made your way down the stairs you suddenly stopped. Himchan was sitting in the other room watching tv.

You sighed. If he saw you leave he would immediately follow you. You just wanted to be alone. You didn't want anyone around especially a body guard.

Himchan was a great friend to you an all but he was Yongguk's friend and colleage first.

You bit your lip as you very quietly made your way to the garage. Grabbing whatever keys that were on the hook, you made a break for it.

Running to the car you quickly got in just in time for Himchan to make it to the door.

His eyes widened as he saw you. "Y/N! What are you doing? You know you shouldn't go anywhere without someone with you!" He yelled.

You ignored what he said and turned the car on. Locking the doors in the process so he couldn't get in.

Yongguk must've heard all the commotion because he came running down the the garage in his silk robe eyes wide.

His eyes widened even more when he saw you. "Y/N? What are you doing? It's late. Come back inside it's not safe to leave by yourself."

You rolled your eyes as you smiled rudely at him. As you waved goodbye.

You backed out of the garage and drove down the driveway, with both guys still running after the car.

You knew you were going to be in trouble when you returned, but you just coudln't stay in that house anymore.

You didn't want to listen to your husband having sex with some other woman. It drove you crazy that he would never care about you the way you care for him.

You drove for hours. Just driving. You didn't care where you ended up as long as it was far away from him.

You pulled over to the road and cried. The tears just wouldn't stop. You lifted your head off the steering wheel and stared out the window at the stars.

More tears fell as you realized that your marriage with Yongguk was broken, and you weren't sure if you could fix it. You weren't sure if you wanted to fix it anymore.

Maybe you just wanted out. Out of this broken and unhappy marriage.

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