Weather~Namjin Fluff-Requested

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Jin sighed as he finished practicing the dance for their next comeback. He knew that he wasn't the best dancer in the world, but he practiced and practiced and he improved a lot since his debut. He grabbed his towel wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He sat down on the floor, taking a break for a couple minutes. He's been practicing since noon today and he was starting to get exhausted. The others have already called it a day and headed back to the dorms. Well everyone except Namjoon. He went into the studio to start writing some more songs and finishing up on the others.

Jin leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. He blindly reached out for his water bottle. When he didn't find it he opened his eyes. He looked around and sighed when he realized that he left his bottle back at the dorm when he went to get some lunch. Jin stood up and headed out the door. As he was walking down the hallway he heard sighs of frustration coming from the studio. He walked up to the door and knocked softly.

He didn't want to disturb Namjoon, but he for the last week he's been hearing noises of frustration coming from the studio and Jin was getting worried about him. When he heard a quiet "Come in." Jin entered the room. "Namjoon? Are you okay?" Jin asked him softly as he approached Namjoon.

Namjoon sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah. I guess. I mean have to finish writing these songs for the album, but nothing is coming to me. It's frustrating." Namjoon told Jin as he looked over at him. Namjoon had to admit that Jin was handsome. Everyone knew that Jin was handsome, but they didn't get to see what Namjoon got to. They didn't get to see Jin after dance practice where he was glistening with sweat making his skin sparkle even more. They didn't get to see Jin when he first wakes up where he's still half asleep so he tends to act like a little child and to Namjoon it's adorable. Even though Jin may be the oldest out of all of the members, sometimes Jin acted like the youngest and when he did it was so cute. Namjoon appreciated those moments the most. Where Jin let down his guard, and just acted like himself.

Jin walked up to Namjoon and started to massage his shoulders. "You shouldn't let this get you too stressed Joonie. Your health is the most important thing." Jin said as continued to massage Namjoon's shoulders. Trying to get some of the tension out of his body. Namjoon sighed in content as he felt the tension in his body slowly releasing. He loved when Jin gave him massages. Jin was the best at giving them. "I know Hyung, but I don't want to let the others down. So I have to keep trying. I can't stop." Namjoon said as he leaned into Jin's hands.

Jin sighed. "Okay. Get up." He ordered as he stepped back from the chair Namjoon was sitting in. Namjoon looked at him in confusion. "What?" "We're going to get something to eat. Get up." Jin told him as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon shook his head. "Hyundai, I can't leave right now. I have to finish these songs." Jin crossed his arms. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you we're leaving Namjoon."

Namjoon sighed in defeat. He knew arguing with Jin would get him no where. Jin always won in the end. Namjoon stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Okay. Lead the way." He said as he put his jacket on. Jin smiled in triumph. "Thank you for listening to me. Now lets go." He murmured as he headed towards the door. "I just have to stop in the practice room to get my coat." He told Namjoon as he walked back down the hallway. Jin quickly ran in and grabbed his coat. It wasn't freezing out but it was getting cool out, and the weather lately was unpredictable.

Jin quickly put his coat on and headed back towards where Namjoon was waiting. "Okay. Now let's go." He said as he grabbed Namjoon's hand. Pulling him out of the door. Namjoon smiled and tightened his grip on Jin's hand.

Jin lead them both to a small restaurant down the street that sold amazing food. Jin never really told anybody about this place. It was where he came to get away from everything, but he felt that Namjoon needed just that. To get away from everything for awhile. They ordered their food and began to talk as they waited. "You know I worry about you Joonie." Jin murmured as he looked across the table at him. Namjoon stared right back causing Jin to blush. "I worry about you too Hyung."

Jin smiled sheepishly, looking down in embarrassment. "There's nothing really to worry about. I'm doing okay." He told him as he scratched the back of his neck. Namjoon continued to stare at Jin. "You say that Hyung, but I know how hard you push yourself." Namjoon reached across the table and grabbed Jin's hand. He was about to say something else when their food arrived. Namjoon took his hand away and smiled at the waitress, thanking her.

Once they were done they put on both of their jackets and headed out towards the door. As they stepped out of the door, it started to rain. Jin squealed in surprise as a droplet of water hit his cheek. Namjoon chuckled. "Wait right there Hyung, I'll be right back." Namjoon told him as he ran off. Jin watched in confusion as Namjoon ran off, but he did as he was told and waited where he was. He waited for a couple minutes before Namjoon came back. Namjoon smiled and opened an umbrella. "I bought one down the street at a convenience store." Namjoon told him as he held it over both of their heads. Jin smiled. "Thank you." He murmured as he leaned up and kissed Namjoon's lips softly. "I can always count on you Joonie." He mumbled as he pulled away. Namjoon smiled. "I'll always be here for you hyung." Namjoon told Jim softly as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

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