Feelings~Yoonmin Fluff-Requested

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Jimin bit his lip as he paced back and forth in front of Yoongi and Jin's room. He knew Yoongi would be in here because he already checked every other place he thought that Yoongi would be. This was one of the places that Yoongi would always go when he was mad or upset about something.

Earlier today Namjoon and Yoongi were working on the songs for the new album. Now Jimin knew that Yoongi and Namjoon had some differences in opinions sometimes and that usually lead them to arguing. Today the got into an argument and it didn't end well. Yoongi stormed out of the studio leaving Namjoon yelling and cursing. Their arguments never usually ended this bad, but the stress of producing the new album was getting to the both of them. Jin sighed and entered the studio room so he could try and calm Namjoon down, so Jimin quickly left looking for Yoongi, and that's what lead him here in front of Yoongi's room.

Jimin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He could hear Yoongi throwing things around in the room. Jimin bit his lip and gently knocked on the door. It was now or never. Jimin stood there for a minute or so before a disheveled Yoongi opened the door. "Jimin? What are you doing here?" He asked him. Jimin stepped forward trying to get into the room. "I thought you could use some company hyung." He said as he pushed the door open.

Jimin stepped into the room and his eyes widened. Yoongi's side of the room was trashed. He looked back at Yoongi in surprise. "You and Namjoon hyung's arguments are never usually this bad. What happened?" Jimin asked as he walked over to Yoongi. Yoongi bit his lip and looked down. "Now that I think about it, it was a stupid fight. We were fine at the beginning, but we got to one of the middle tracks and we just kept clashing heads. We couldn't agree on anything about that song. We said some pretty bad things to each other, that I regret saying." Yoongi muttered as he walked over to his bed. He sat down and held his head in his hands. Jimin quietly walked over and sat down beside him. Jimin hesitated before he wrapped his arms around Yoongi.

Yoongi tensed for a second, surprised by the sudden touch, but he quickly melted into Jimin's arms. He held onto Jimin's shirt, and that's when he started to cry. The stress of everything being to much for Yoongi to handle.

Jimin held Yoongi close to him, trying to give him any sort of comfort he could give him. He knew that Yoongi has been under a lot of stress lately, he just never realized how much until now. "Shh hyung, it's okay. Namjoon hyung and you will make up soon. I'm sure he feels just as bad as you do. You guys will be okay. I promise." Jimin whispered into Yoongi's hair.

Jimin leaned back on the bed making both him and Yoongi lay back on the bed. He held Yoongi for awhile just letting him cry until he fell asleep. After a couple hours Yoongi woke back up. Jimin smiled down at him. "Feeling a little better hyung?" He asked him as he rubbed his back. Yoongi smiled and nodded "yeah, but I'll fell better once I apologize to Namjoon." He said as he sat up. Jimin sat up along with him. "Thank you Jimin, you're always there for me when I need someone." Yoongi said as he smiled shyly at him. Jimin smiled back "I'll always be here for you hyung, I care about you." He told him as he pulled Yoongi into a hug.

Yoongi froze before he hugged Jimin back nuzzling his head into Jimin's neck. Jimin smiled at how cute Yoongi was acting. He pulled back and looked at Yoongi. "Hyung, I have a confession to make. I really like you." Jimin didn't know where this confidence came from, but all he knew was that in this moment all he wanted to do was tell Yoongi how he's felt about him all these  years.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin surprise written all over his face. "You like me?" He asked him softly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jimin out of all the people he could choose liked him. Yoongi couldn't help but smile. "I really like you to Jiminie." He told him as he leaned into Jimin's chest. Snuggling him. He felt safe in Jimin's arms.

Jimin smiled brightly. He couldn't believe that Yoongi felt the same as him. To be honest he was expecting the complete opposite. He expected Yoongi to look at him as if he was crazy and then run right out of the room. He expected Yoongi to avoid him at all costs, not be snuggling into his chest all curled up being all adorable. Jimin smiled down at Yoongi. "I'm so glad that you feel the same way as well Hyung." He murmured. Jimin pulled Yoongi back so he could look into his eyes. Jimin bit his lip before he leaned in and kissed Yoongi. Yoongi's lips were nice. They weren't as soft as a girls lips, but they weren't as rough as he was expecting them to be. Yoongi's lips, Jimin decided, were perfect.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck kissing him back. Yoongi smiled into the kiss. He never expected that he would be kissing Jimin, but boy was he glad that he was. Yoongi deepened the kiss turning so that he was now on top of Jimin, straddling him.

Jimin's eyes opened widening in surprise. He didn't expect Yoongi to be this daring either, but he quite enjoyed it. Jimin sat up, and pushed his tongue into Yoongi's mouth. The kiss was getting pretty heated pretty fast. Jimin pulled away eventually, not wanting this to go to far. He wanted to do things right.
"Hyung, would you go out with me?" Jimin asked as he looked into his eyes. Yoongi smiled and answered with one word.

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