Us~Bang Chan

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You stared at the letter you had just written. Reading it over you let out a small laugh.

It was a letter to Chan explaining all of your feelings for him. You continued to stare at it for a couple more minutes before you grabbed the letter and shoved it into one of your drawers on your desk.

He was never going to see that letter. You just needed a way to Express yourself and writing a letter seemed like a good idea.

And it was until you realized that you writing this letter was all in vain.

Chan was your ex boyfriend, and he also had a new girlfriend.

You sighed as you stood up from your desk and walked out of your room to the kitchen.

As you were about to pour yourself some coffee to try and wake yourself up a bit, you felt your phone vibrate.

You pulled it out and saw that it was a text from Felix. Asking if you wanted to hang out at the dorm with him and the guys.

You bit your lip as you thought about it. You quickly typed back.

"Is Chan and his new girl going to be there?"

You waited about a minute before you got a reply.

"Nope coast is clear. They're going on a date. So you coming over? Everyone misses you."

You smiled at the last bit of the text.

"Sure. Just give me half an hour to get ready. I miss you guys too. Xoxo"

You quickly typed back.

You put your phone in your pocket and went straight to your room. Grabbing a towel and some clothes to change into you headed to the bathroom.

Quickly turning the water on you hopped into the shower. You were glad that Chan wasn't going to be there.

It's not like you guys ended on bad terms it's just awkward between the two of you now. It's like you guys were strangers.

Chan was the one that ended things between the two of you. Claiming that he just didn't have time for a relationship because he needed to focus on their debut.

And you understood completely. It hurt like hell that he was breaking things off, but you knew you had to let him go so he could become who he needed to be.

After a couple weeks after your breakup though you found out Chan was dating a trainee that was set to debut as well.

You were crushed. You remember it feeling like the whole world just stopped. Like you were frozen in place.

You still didn't hate him though, the exact opposite. You still loved him completely.

You sighed as you shook yourself out of your thoughts. Turning the water off you stepped out of the shower.

Quickly drying off you got dressed, did some light makeup and headed out to the boys dorm.

Excitement ran through you as you drove to the boys's dorm. You didn't realize how much you actually missed them.

Smiling you pulled up their driveway and turned your car off. As you were walking up to the front door Chan and his new girlfriend walked out.

Your smile slowly dropped. Chan looked over at you in surprise.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked you.

You froze. You weren't expecting him to say anything to you.

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