Happiness~Yongguk Angst

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To say your relationship with Yongguk was great would be an overstatement. Lately your relationship has been deteriorating.

In the beginning of your relationship everything was amazing, but isn't that how all relationships are in the beginning?

Yongguk was loving, kind, and interested in how your day has been, or how work was. He was just interested in you.

Now fast forward to the present, your relationship wasn't doing so well. Yongguk was still kind and caring to you, but he hardly showed any affection towards you, and he never asked you questions about how your day has been when you get home. Sometimes he doesn't even come home.

You were getting worried. You didn't want to lose Yongguk. He was the best thing that's happened to you. You loved him with your whole being.

You looked at the clock that was hung up on the wall and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant Yongguk probably wasn't coming home once again tonight.

You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and dialled Yongguk's number. After a couple rings a voice finally answered the call.

"Hello?" Your eyes widened. You weren't expecting a female's voice to answer his phone.

'Why was a female answering his phone? Where is he? What's happening?' All these thoughts ran through your head as you stared at your wall.

You finally snapped out of it and answered the girl. "Um, hello? Is Yongguk there?" You asked softly as your hand tightened around your phone.

"Oh, yes. He's laying down in bed right now. I can take a message for you though, what's your name?" The woman asked.

Your heart dropped. He was in someone else's bed. Not the bed the two of you shared, but some girl's bed. Tears formed in your eyes.

"Ah no it's okay. I'm no one important. I'll leave you guys to your business then, goodbye." You said as you hung up the phone.

'So that's where he goes when he doesn't come home. I guess our relationship really is done.' You thought as a couple tears fell down your cheeks.

You stood up and smiled walked to the bedroom Yongguk and you shared. As you stood in the doorway you looked around the room. So many memories flooded your mind as you looked around.

A sad smile came across your face. "As long as he's happy. He deserves to be happy." You said to yourself as you walked into the bedroom.

You grabbed your pillow and blanket off the bed, and walked into the living room. You didn't want to sleep in the bed. It didn't feel right to sleep there anymore. You set your pillow on the couch and laid down.

You covered yourself with the blanket and stared at the wall. You didn't know what to feel anymore. You just felt emotionless. You stared at the wall until sleep took over you.

You awoke to the sound of keys turning the lock. Your body stiffened. You did not want to see him right now. You pulled the covers over your face and tightly shut your eyes. Hoping he would get whatever he needed and go.

You bit your lip as you heard footsteps enter the apartment. "Y/N? Are you home?" The voice called out. His deep voice sent shivers down your spine, and tears to your eyes.

You stayed silent. You knew if your answered him your voice would break. So you stayed silent.

Footsteps came closer to you. You kept your eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep. A hand gently pulled the blanket off of your face.

"Why did she sleep out here?" You heard Yongguk ask as he continued to pull the blanket off of you. His hand gently came up to your shoulder and started to shake you. "Y/N? It's time to wake up." He said as he gently shook you awake.

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