Unhappy Marriage~Part 5 Yongguk

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Yongguk stared at you like you had grown two heads.

" You want a divorce? Why?" He asked you.

You scoffed crossing your arms. You stared directly at him, fed up with him.

" Oh I don't know Yongguk. Maybe cause you bring girls home all the time? Maybe because you're having an affair with some older woman right in front of me. Or it could just be the fact that you never loved me to begin with. I'm tired of being the only one trying in this marriage anymore." You told him as tears welled up in your eyes.

"I want out." You whispered softly.

Yongguk stared at you the whole time, letting you spill all of your emotions out in front of him.

He bit his lip. "I-Is this what you really want? Are you positive you want this?" He asked you softly as he stood up from the kitchen table.

You rolled your eyes. "Of course I don't want this, why would I ever want to get a divorce?"

Yongguk looked at you. "Then why?" He asked again.

You threw your hands up in the air in frustration. Was he not listening to what you just said? How was he not understanding why you gave him the divorce papers?

"I need this Guk." You sighed with defeat. "I don't want this divorce, but you were never happy in this marriage, and I can't pretend I'm fine anymore. I need this so I can start rebuilding my life."

Yongguk walked closer to you. He gently put his hand up so it was cupping your face. "You don't want this Y/N. I don't want this either. Please we can work something out." He pleaded softly.

You closed your eyes relishing in the moment. Yongguk hardly ever touched you, so when he did you made sure to cherish the moments.

After a minute you slowly stepped away from him. You looked up at him with watery eyes. You gave him a sad smile.

"I can't keep pretending Yongguk. We both can't keep pretending. I-I know it's not the time to be bringing this up. I know your still mourning the loss of your father, but I don't want to get hurt anymore Guk. I'm not going to let myself get hurt anymore."

You walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. You heard footsteps coming towards you.

"Gukkie baby, I forgot my wallet. So I came back to get it. Is Y/N gone? Maybe we could finish what we star-" she cut her sentence off as her eyes met yours.

You held your breath trying to calm yourself down. You looked over and saw the woman's wallet on the kicthen table.

You walked over to the table grabbing the wallet.

"Hey! You can't just steal someone else's things. What a rude girl." The older woman scoffed.

This sent you over the edge. You turned around and threw her wallet right at her. Which hit the woman in her chin.

"You're one to talk! Steal? Me? I think that's you, you bitch. I spent the majority of my life trying to get Yongguk to love me. Then you, you come in and take him just like that! I'm not the one stealing anything." You yelled at her.

The older woman rubbed at her jaw where the wallet hit her.

She stalked towards you on her four inch heels. She stopped right in front of you, and slapped you right across the face.

"You need to watch your mouth, you irrelevant little bitch." She hissed out.

You held your face as she yelled at you. The stinging in your cheek hurt so much, but you held your pain in. You didn't want to show weakness, especially in front of this woman.

You rolled your eyes at her statement. You stepped up to her, getting right in her face. You lifted up your hands and pushed her, hard.

She stumbled back on her heels, she lost her balance and fell on her butt causing you to smile.

It soon fell as you saw Yongguk come to the woman's aid.

"Somi? Are you okay? Do you need me to help you?" He asked frantically. You rolled your eyes, mostly to stop the tears from falling.

You grabbed the papers out of the envelop. You quickly looked around for a pen. Anything to write with. When you found one you signed your name on the documents.

You grabbed them and threw them at Yongguk. He looked up in surprise.

"I signed them. Now all I need is for you to sign them and everything is done. We'll be done." You told him.

You stared at the couple on the kicthen floor. You shook your head in disbelief. This was actually happening. You were leaving Yongguk.

Yongguk quickly stood up. He walked towards you papers tightly in his grip.

"Y/N please. I-I know I've done a lot of shitty stuff, but-but I can't lose you. I've already lost to many people in my life, I can't lose you too." He told you softly.

You smiled sadly at him. "I-I never wanted to be the wife that stood around and watched her marriage fall apart, because that was never who I was....but I guess that's exactly what I did. Or maybe you were never mine to begin with." You told him softly.

You looked over Yongguk's shoulder at the woman still on the ground. Then looked back at him. "I really do hope you find happiness in the future Guk. Please send the papers, signed, to my work. I'll get someone to look over everything and then I'll send them to a judge. I'll be out of your hair for good after that."

You stepped towards him. You gently grabbed his neck, and brought his lips down to meet yours. As you closed your eyes tears fell from your eyes.

You slowly pulled away and let out a sad laugh. "Goodbye Yongguk. I-I love you." You whispered softly.

You quickly turned around and made your way out of Yongguk's house. As you were leaving you could hear him calling out your name.

You ignored it and quickly ran to your car. You got in, and looked up.

There he was standing at his front door looking right at you. You quickly drove out of his driveway.

This was the last time you were ever going to see Bang Yongguk ever again. You were finally free from this unhappy marriage, but as you were driving away you felt more alone then you ever did before.

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