Being an Idol~Chanyeol Fluff

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Most people would think that being in an idol group is a great thing because everyone forms great relationships with each other. For you though, being in an idol group was the worst thing that happened to you.

You envied other idol groups because they were close to each other and they treated each other like family. Your group did anything but treat each other like family.

At first you thought it was because you were the youngest in the group that they treated you a little more harshly than the others. As the years went on though you realized it was because they just didn't like you. You had no idea why they didn't like you, you were always respectful and nice towards them.

Today your group had a comeback stage to perform. Other groups were also scheduled to perform their comeback stages. Sistar, Got7 and Exo were the other groups. You were excited to see the members of Exo again. You always admired Exo.

Your group was up next to perform your song. You waited backstage, and took a deep breath to try and calm your nerves. As your group's name got called  onto the stage your nerves got worse. You always got extremely nervous before a show.

Your group performed the song without any mistakes. You and the members all bowed to the staff before heading off stage. You sighed in relief as you got off stage. Your relief was soon washed away as the leader of your group came up to you.

She walked up to you and stood right in front of you. You looked up at her not backing down. "Yes?" You asked her. She glared at you, and pushed you with her finger. "Don't think I didn't notice your little mistake on stage." She snarled.

You looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean mistake? I did everything the same as everyone else. I didn't make a mistake." You told her as you looked her in the eye.

After years of being tormented by the members of your group, you were getting fed up with it.

Your leader glared harder at you. "Don't try and talk back to me. I lead this group, and what I say goes. So if I say you made a mistake, you made a mistake." She told you with a cold tone.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm sick and tired of everyone bashing on me for no reason." You breathed out.

All the members of your groups eyes widened. They weren't used to you sticking up for yourself. All of a sudden you felt a stinging sensation on your cheek. Your eyes widened. She hit you. "How dare you talk back to me." She snarled.

You were about to speak up when someone came over. "That's no way a leader should treat her members. You're one of the worst leaders I've ever come across." A male voice said. You looked over at the voice, and your eyes widened. It was Chanyeol from Exo.

Your leaders eyes also widened in surprise. "O-Oh Chanyeol oppa, I wasn't expecting anyone to be around." She said in an innocent tone, causing you to roll your eyes.

Chanyeol scoffed. "I've been watching you fight with y/n for the past ten minutes. I saw everything, so don't try and act innocent." He said.

Your leader looked down at the ground in embarrassment. You smiled slightly. No one had really stuck up for you before, so it was kind of nice. You looked over at Chanyeol and smiled at him in gratitude. Chanyeol smiled back at you.

You gently touched your cheek and winced in pain. It was definitely going to swell up, maybe even bruise. It was going to hurt a lot tomorrow. 'Was being in an idol group really worth all of this?' You thought to yourself. 'Yes I'm living my dream, but I'm also being tormented on a daily basis, by people who I'm suppose to care about.'

Kpop/Khh One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora