Missing You~Yongguk Angst

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It had been about a year and a half since you and Yongguk had broken up. Most people would think that you would've gotten over the break up and moved on, but that was anything but the case. You still deeply missed Yongguk. You two had dates for over two years, and all those memories that you made with him don't just vanish, no matter how much you want them to.

It was Yongguk who wanted to end things between the both of you. At first you refused to let things end, but after endless of fights and tears you agreed to let him go. Yongguk told you it was because he didn't want to be in a relationship anymore, and that the relationship was toxic. At first you were heartbroken to hear that he thought that the relationship was toxic, but the more you thought about it, the more his reason didn't make any sense because your relationship was anything but a toxic one.

You guys hardly fought, and you always made sure that if you guys did fight both of you would talk and work it out before the end of the day. You made sure that both of you never went to bed angry at each other. So his reason for ending things between you didn't make any sense to you, but you let him go because that's what you thought was the best for him.

Tonight your friends had made plans to take you out to have some fun, and to get your mind off of everything. To be honest you were looking forward to tonight. It had been a long time since you went out with your friends. After your break up you secluded yourself from everything and stayed in your apartment.

You had about an hour left before your friends showed up to take you out. You finished getting dressed, deciding on some black high waisted skinny jeans, a crop top with a flannel around your waist, and some high tops. You did your makeup and curled your hair. As you did one final check in the mirror you heard a knock on your front door.

You smiled slightly and quickly ran to your door. You opened the door, and saw that two of your friends were there waiting for you. You quickly grabbed your purse, and walked out. "You ready to have some fun tonight y/n?" Tori asked. You smiled at her, and nodded. They both laughed and grabbed your arms. "Well then, let's go!" They yelled as they dragged you down the hallway.

As you stepped out of the car, you frowned slightly. "A club? Why are we at a club?" You asked your friends. They all looked at you and laughed. "To have fun, silly!" Tori said as she grabbed your hand. "Now c'mon let's go."

You shook your head, and smiled as you let yourself be dragged into the club. The noise was the first thing that hit you when you entered the place. The next thing you noticed was the amount of people in the club, and that was a lot. You and your friends made your way through the crowd to a booth on the other side of the building.

As you sat down you let out a sigh of relief. "There's so many people here!" You yelled over the music. As your friends heard your remark they smiled. "You really don't get out much do you? Trust me, this is nothing!" Tori yelled over the music. Your eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" You asked. They all nodded at you.

As you were looking around the club, Tori suddenly sprang up. "Going to get drinks, you want anything?" She asked you. Your head snapped towards her. "Um I'll have a rum and coke!" You yelled over at her. Tori smiled and nodded. You watched as Tori went over the bar to order the drinks. As your eyes scanned over the club once again you noticed some familiar faces at another booth.

Your smile faltered. It was Yongguk, and the rest of B.A.P. What was he doing here? Why was he here? All of these thoughts ran through your head. As you continued to stare in the direction of Yongguk, your mood faltered more and more. He was smiling, and having fun.

As you watched him, you realized how much you actually missed him. Missed his smile, missed his voice, just missed him. Tears started to form in your eyes. He looked perfectly fine without you, while here you were crying over him once again. As you were about to get up and leave, Tori came back with the drinks.

You quickly wiped your eyes. As Tori set your drinks on the table you quickly grabbed it and downed it in one drink. Your throat burned. You looked around and everyone was staring at you with wide eyes. "I-I'm going to get another, be right back." You told them as you stood up.

You pushed your way through the crowd to the bar. "Can I get a rum and coke, and two shots of vodka? Please." You asked the bartender. He nodded and started to make your drinks. He set the two shots down, and started the rum and coke. Grabbing one of the shot glasses you quickly downed it. After you were done you quickly downed the other shot.

You just wanted to forget. You wanted to forget that Yongguk was just across the floor. You wanted to forget the smile on his face. You wanted to forget all the memories you made with him over those two years. You just wanted to forget, him.

The bartender handed you the rum and coke, and you quickly drank that one as well. You sat down at the bar and ordered another one.

After a couple shots and about four rum and cokes, you were drunk. You stood up and stumbled your way over to the booth your friends were in. "Hey guys, guess who's here!" You shouted. Your friends looked at you in concern. "Y/N I think you've had enough to drink. Why don't we head home?" They asked.

You shook your head and smiled at them. "Nah I'm just starting to have some fun! I need some more to drink. Yongguk is here, so I need more to drink so I can forget him." You yelled. Your friends eyes widened. "Yongguk is here?" They all asked you.

You nodded. "Yupp, over there." You told them as you pointed towards where Yongguk was sitting. They all looked over. You looked over as well, only to see Yongguk and the rest of B.A.P staring back at you.

You quickly put your hand down. Turning around you headed back towards the bar. "Shit. He definitely saw me." You mumbled to yourself as you stumbled your way back to the bar. You sat down at a stool and waved a bartender over. "Rum and coke please." The bartender nodded and started to make the drink. "Sorry sir, but I think she's had enough."

You froze. You'd recognize that deep velvety voice anywhere. You turned your head to see if you were right, and sure enough you were. It was Yongguk. You laughed harshly. "What are you doing here?" You snapped at him.

"Well, I was here to have some drinks with my band mates, but we got interrupted by a very loud drunk girl." He told you. As you heard his words, you shrunk in your seat. "Right. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you." You mumbled as you played with the flannel that was around your waist.

After a couple minutes of silence, you stood up. "I think it's time for me to go." You told him as you made your way to the door. Yongguk grabbed your wrist, stopping you. "You shouldn't be leaving alone." You turned to look at him. "Alone? I've been alone for a year and a half, I think one more night being alone will make a difference." You told him as you pulled your hand away.

As you looked up at him, you could see what seemed to be a look of hurt cross his face, but you being in the state you were in, you weren't exactly sure. "Goodbye Yongguk." You whispered as you made your way out of the door. You looked around and quickly hauled down a cab.

You got in, and told him your address. As you looked out the window, all of the memories between Yongguk and you came tumbling back into your mind. Tears formed in your eyes, and rolled down your cheeks as you remembered all of the memories you had with him.

You closed your eyes and leaned back against the seat. "Yongguk, I love you so much." You mumbled out. You opened your eyes and continued to stare out the window.

"I miss you."

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