4th of July Pt.2 [Krii7y]

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[Part 2]

Long: over 1000 words


John and Jaren arrived at Tyler's house around 4:30 am, Tyler of course knew they'd be there so early so he was up along with Kelly, Anthony and Marksman. 

"SMITTY! JOHN!" Tyler said hugging his two friends at the door and getting Anthony to help with the bags "why me?" Anthony said laughing and hugging his two friends.

"because if I know Smitty then I know he has like 20 bags for shoes only." Tyler laughed helping with bags as well.

"who's here?" John asked getting his one bag.

"Me, and Marksman, I think the rest of them will be here around noon." Anthony said following Tyler to put their bags down in the guest room they are sharing.

"go on rest you two we got a big day of fun ahead!"

"alright dad." Jaren said sarcastically getting on one of the beds in the room

"who do you think is the mom in the relationship?" John said snickering to himself.

"Mini, if he was here." Jaren and John laughed their asses off picturing Mini being a mother like guy.

John looked at his phone 4:55 am. He couldn't sleep for all he knew Jaren was already sleeping soundly, but his anxiety wasn't going to let him fall asleep with this perfect boy beside him. He was afraid to roll on his left side and see Jaren's face and make it awkward. He didn't want to say 'are you awake?" and then get no reply making it awkward or waking him up by accident, he just sat there checking his phone, it was on but he was so focused on thought he wasn't really looking at it. He knew everyone was asleep in the house, it was too quiet. John got up to get water for his un-easy stomach. 

He entered the kitchen and used his phone flash light to grab a glass and put water from the little fridge water mechanic. he leaned against the counter and drank slowly trying to ease the pain in his gut. He spotted Kino on the couch sleeping so he walked over and started petting the big dog. Sure he woke the dog up but Kino was happy being petted. 

He was so close to falling asleep when his phone buzzed on the couch and he went to see what that was all about. 

A text.

Smitty :P - Where did you go?

John almost dropped the glass in his hand, he quickly put the glass on the floor and grabbed his phone, his eyes must be lying, last thing he knew Jaren was sleeping, well, at least that's what he thought. 


Smitty :p - Where did you go?  a minuet ago

He decided to reply instead of going back to his room to talk.

John :D - I went for water. I thought you were asleep??

Smitty :P - Yea I was but I just like woke up ya know, and now I can't go back sleep weird right :/

John :D - do you want some water?

Smitty :P - oh if you don't mind

John :D - alright I'll be back soon, don't worry babe ;)

That last text made his stomach hurt again

Smitty :p- we gotta stay hydrated during our activities ;)

John almost spat out his water, the pain came back but this time like a stabbing sensation.

He calmed himself and grabbed another glass of water also refiling his own he said bye to Kino quietly and slowly walked back to the guest room.

"Here" he put the water on the nightstand beside Jaren's chosen bed.

"Thanks John" He sipped his water smiling while John sat on his bed. 

"what time is it?" Jaren asked trying to break the awkward silence that made John more anxious. 

John checked his phone 

"6:20 am"

wow, John rubbed his eyes not understanding where the time went, literally what felt like a few seconds ago he was stuck in his bed, but it seemed that it happened an hour ago. 

"Can I join you?" Jaren spoke quietly, it sounded like he was mumbling to himself but since it was dead silent it was heard word for word by John.

"sure" John fake smiled, his insides felt like they were going to explode as soon as Jaren sat beside him on the same bed. 

"are you okay? you look sick" Jaren said touching John's forehead noticing it wasn't the problem. John shuddered under his friend's touch.

"I guess the sleep is catching up with me" John lied. 

"Alright, let's give sleep another try" Jaren said lying down making John lie down as well. 

Jaren basically became the little spoon without even trying, it just naturally happened. Jaren really enjoyed cuddling but John felt so sick, butterflies in his stomach and he felt so nervous he could have a heart attack right then and there but he forced his eye lid to close and he just focused on the warmth of the other and slowly drifted to sleep.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP IT'S 9 AM EVAN AND SCOTTY ARE ALMOST HERE!" Tyler said knocking on the guest room door. 

Jaren opened his eyes and patted John's head trying to get him to wake up

"I'm coming in put your dicks away" Tyler said jokingly as he started to open the door, John woke up and fearing of being caught and throwing up his feelings he pushed Jaren off the bed onto the floor.

"John what the fuck!?" 

"oh.... I was joking...." Tyler said as he saw that John looked nervous and Jaren was on the ground rubbing his ass from the fall.

"well.... get ready.... sorry... fucking hell..." Tyler closed the door slowly and walked off. You could tell he was caught off guard with seeing them like that.

"Why did you push me?"

John was speechless, that actually happened, he thought it was a dream, he didn't think his friend actually fell asleep in his arms.


"so-sorry I was caught off guard and I guess it startled me.." John said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"its okay, just next time let them know babe" Jaren winked, making sure John knew it was suppose to be playful and a joke.

"alright sweetie" John winked back catching on the joke.

John felt his heart beating so fast it could jump out of his chest at any moment.


Dont worry don't worry fam I'm planing on part 3, and part 3 will be the final chapter :) 

thank you for support it means the world to me :) <3

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