Outlaws In Love[OhmToonz]

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Red Dead Redemption AU

you don't need to know anything about Red Dead, I just mention some character names and town names, it takes place in the same time era.

ALSO ALSO if their speech looks a bit off, I did it on purpose, I'm not stupid.

over 2000 words


Luke Patterson, ruthless Outlaw. He loved doing dirty jobs for money but he was also happy to help out his friends and people he knew, a neutral outlaw you'd say.

But not only was his favourite thing making money, it was also drinking.

Luke would often take his friend Lenny to the bar and down a couple, but it'd always end up in a drunken fist fight or passing out in the bar or throwing up outside, one way or another they'd always get trashed.

though it happened every time Luke was determined to not get out of hand tonight, it wasn't worth it today, since he had a big thing planned with Micah in the morning.

Him and Lenny hitched their horses outside the Valentine saloon and chatted right before entering, like usual it was some what busy, mostly men sitting down at tables playing poker or Texas holdem with alcohol in their veins. 

Lenny and Luke ordered a drink or two and sat down at the bar, talking, laughing, letting go of the troubles of their lives at the moment. Luke liked Lenny, though he was a bit of a fool sometimes, getting into trouble with the law and ending up in jail, Lenny was a good kid.

Luke watched Lenny wonder off after his fourth drink, Luke was also at four, or so he thought, he couldn't quite remember, actually he can't remember much, when they got here, what time it was, and where Lenny had went, Luke stood up, walking around looking for him.

"Lenny?" his voice hoarse from non stop burning from the alcohol down this throat, he coughed o fix it and it worked some what.

He wondered upstairs and noticed Lenny talking with some drunken lady, Luke laughed to himself, he went back down stairs to let Lenny enjoy this night with a lady. He'd most likely regret but Luke wasn't thinking right to stop him.

Luke felt trapped in the saloon all of a sudden so he went to the back for fresh air, he brought along his fifth cup? like he could remember with a drunk brain.

He knew this was going to end like all nights did, in a fight outside, of course he'd always win but he wanted to stop beating people over something stupid every time he came to a saloon. But his feet carried him outside.

as soon as he walked out those two doors he was greeted with the smell of cigar smoke, only but one person resting against the wall, inhaling the expensive taste of his demise.

"Haven't seen you around here before, you from Valentine?" The stranger asked exhaling, smoke filled the air, Luke watched the smoke rise then disappear into the night sky.

"Nah, I'm not from here but I heard the saloons' are mighty fine" Luke's voice was still rough but not too bad like earlier.

"well seeing that drink in your hand, I'm sure you agree"

Luke nodded

"I'm Ryan, Ryan Wrecker" Ryan put his free hand out to shake, Luke grabbed it and shook it.

"Luke Patterson"

"The Luke Patterson?"

"Ah, so I'm famous around these parts?"

"only because there's a $80 bounty on your ass"

Luke chuckled, causing Ryan to smile, then take another drag from the cigar in his left hand.

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