Catchy Headline [OhmToonz]

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This story is dedicated to @FandomCrossovers1  <3 <3 <3

this story takes place in the 1910's


"You're new aren't you?" Ryan asked sighing and throwing a thick cut of paper down onto his wooden desk, he rubbed his temple with his thumb and index fingers and shut his eyes closed tight, he heard the creaking of the chair on the other side of the desk and he assumed the other male was fidgeting in the spot; most likely from nerves or anxiety.

"Yeah, I am.... I thought it would make sense to make the title about what the article is about, so you know what you're-" Ryan smacked the top of the newspaper and newly hired Luke jumped in his weak chair, it make a little snap noise; Ryan made a mental note to buy a new one. 

"You do not catch attention but making a title as long as the whole fucking article Mr. Patterson!" Ryan said pulling a pen out of his desk drawer and scribbling out the printed title on the black and white newspaper. Luke watched as he tried to relax and calm his breathing, his tensed position made Ryan know he was scaring the fellow. "Patterson, do you fish?" Ryan asked placing the pen down on the wooden surface after making sure the title wasn't legible through the pen marks.

"Not often," Luke said as he sat up a little "My dad used to take me." he spoke softly not sure if his boss really needed to know that part but declared it anyways.

"Well then you and your dad," Ryan said pointing an accusing finger at Luke's chest, his brows furrowed. "should know that you cannot catch fish by telling them you're life story. You do however catch fish by using bait." He said putting his finger back into a fist and leaning back in his leather chair, he crossed one leg over the other and adjusted his glasses back to proper position on his face. Luke gulped silently.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a great liar." Luke said taking the ruined news print into his hands and squeezing it until his knuckles turned white, he was clearly frustrated. Ryan sighed and rubbed his face before pulling out a piece of paper and picking up the pen again, shaking it so the ink would work. 

"It's not lying Patterson, it's stretching the truth." Ryan wrote something on the paper and showed Luke. "See that? That's an event, lady cried out for help during brutal attack, okay? But you can't title it that! You can write something like," Ryan scribbled down stuff on the paper and showed Luke, who held it in his hands and read the different examples of catchy headlines.

"Lady almost killed, nobody helps?" Luke said out loud, he looked up at his boss who smirked and clapped. 

"You'll get it in no time, just practice on smaller events and topics, but never print another fucking paper without telling me your headline first Patterson." Ryan said putting his feet up on his desk and relaxing, Luke nodded and took both papers in hand and left the office.

Weeks went by and Luke's titles kept getting denied by Ryan, paper after paper, headline after headline; nothing was working. Luke sat down in Ryan's office, everyone was at home this time of night and the neon sign's from across the street lit up the office in a dull blue light.

"You're really bad at your job Patterson, how did you ever get hired here?" Ryan said taking his thick coat off, Luke sat in the new chair which didn't creak or snap when he sat on it, it wasn't very comfortable like Ryan's was but it was better than the older one. 

"That's not fair to say boss, you know my articles are good, you complimented me once." Luke said as he followed Ryan's lead and took his coat off and placed it on the back of the chair, the office's blue glow was inviting and hypnotizing. 

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